Kaplan College increased library usage and passed accreditation visits. Bryman/Everest Institute passed accreditation visits, created a library system, and purchased educational materials. Ivy Tech Community College developed processes that supported program growth from 102 to 181 courses and increased faculty and students over three years. Miami University designed financial aid interview guidelines and procedures. Ohio State University wrote a monthly financial aid newsletter and received a grant award.
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Significant Achievements Degrees Competencies
1. Significant Achievements Kaplan College Bryman/Everest Institute Ivy Tech Community College (Community College of Indiana) Miami University Ohio State University
2. Kaplan College Increased library usage in collaboration with faculty and program chairs: circulation ranging from 75-125 per month, total student traffic averaging in a range from 300-325 per month, and online library usage ranging from 130-325 per month (total student population range 425-495). Passed ACCSC accreditation visit for Library/LRC for 5 year renewal, passed an internal audit, and passed two Ohio Board of Regents’ evaluations (Columbus and Dayton – June/July 2008) to meet Board of Regents standards to support academic programs and for students to qualify for Ohio Instructional Grant funding.
3. Bryman/Everest Institute Passed ACCSCT accreditation visit for 5 year renewal; passed two internal audits, and one external audit regarding Sarbanes-Oxley compliance for attendance and grades. Created initial library organizational system and catalogue. Purchased books, audio, and visual aids for students and instructional staff.
4. Ivy Tech Community College (Community College of Indiana) Developed comprehensive process for student files and documentation for start-up Associate degree program/division for Liberal Arts majors. Process supported program growth to over 200 students within three years. Led the creation and growth of a new Liberal Arts Division for a Community College site. Course offerings grew from 102 to 181, subject areas from 10 to 18, full-time faculty from three to five, and part-time faculty from 60 to 75, all within three years. Developed the first need and performance based scholarship for Vincennes University students enrolled at Community College of Indiana sites. It was immediately adopted for Spring semester 2003 (January, 2003) for all ten Community College sites. Increased net tuition revenue growth to support additional two full-time faculty - August, 2002 Increased Liberal Arts degree-seeking majors from 18 to over 150 within eight semesters of initial degree-program offerings (August 2000-January 2003) Started up, created, and blended administrative system for Community College in seven weeks (July 7-August 28, 2000)
5. Miami University Designed guidelines, procedures, and presentations for entrance/exit interview sessions for federal loan programs
6. Ohio State University Initiated and wrote monthly newsletter about financial aid programs and deadlines for the Student Financial Aid Department. Successful Grant Application - awarded $2500 for Graduate Student Government Publication as Treasurer of Council of Graduate Students
7. Academic Degrees Bachelor of Arts in Classics – John Carroll University Master of Education – Guidance & Counseling - The University of Toledo Master of Arts – History - Miami University Master of Library Science – Indiana University Master of Arts – Community Counseling - Ball State University