This document outlines the course "ORGANIZATION THEORY & MANAGEMENT" for the 2015/2016 Magister Akuntansi program. It lists 3 key textbooks on organizational theory and design. It also includes a course schedule with 14 meetings covering topics like organizational strategy, external factors, managing processes, leadership, and an integrated case study. Meetings will involve student presentations and discussions of concepts and case studies. The course will be taught by 3 professors - Dr. Dwi Ratmawati, Dr. Praptini Yulianti, and Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina.
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1. TEORI ORGANISASI & MANAJEMEN PS Magister Akuntansi 2015/2016
A. Buku-buku
1. Daft, Richard L, 2013, Understanding Theory & Design of Organizations, 11th.edt. South-
2. Jones, Gareth R, 2010, Organizational Theory,Design & Change. 6th.edt. Pearson.
3. Robbins, Stephen P.& TA Judge, 2011. Organizational Behavior, 14th.edt. Pearson
B. Penunjang:
Rencana Kuliah
Pertemuan Topik Dosen
1 Intro./Orgnz.and Orgz.Theory DR/PY/TS
2 Organizational Strategy&Structure DR/PY/TS
3 Ext.Factors&Design:Relationshipbetweenorganizations DR/PY/TS
4 Ext.Factors&Design:Global OrganizationDesign DR/PY/TS
5 Ext.Factors&Design:The Impactof Environment DR/PY/TS
6 Managing Organizational Process:Orgz.ConflictandPolitics DR/PY/TS
7 Integrated Case study DR/PY/TS
8 Managing Organizational Process:OrganizationalDecision
9 Managing Organizational Process:Corporate Cultrureand
10 Managing Organizational Process:OrganizationalInnovation DR/PY/TS
11 Orgz. Size andLife Cycle DR/PY/TS
12 UnderstandingWorkTeamand Communication DR/PY/TS
13 Leadership DR/PY/TS
14 Review/integratedcase study
2. Aturan perkuliahan:Mhsw presentasi konsepsambil diskusi utk dipahami, dilanjutkandengan
membahas case study yg ada di buku (akhir chapter) atau dari jurnal / tempat kerja.
Dosen Pengampumatakuliah:
DR : Dr. Dwi Ratmawati,M.Com.
PY : Dr. Praptini Yulianti,Msi.
TS : Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina,Msi.