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THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2011                                                       LASALLE SILHOUETTE                                                      PAGE 5

Columbian students enjoy culture
and recreation on River Canard
     Twenty-five young     rented at the River          ucts including maple
male students hopped       Canard Canoe Co. on          syrup, candles, bird
into canoes and pad-       Malden Road. Busloads        houses     and     other
dled down          River   of     students     from     items.
Canard on Monday..         Nigeria, Korea, Mexico            Lapointe and his          Continuing the Olympic spirit, Bryan and Jean Hogan tryout the luge while
     The 10 and 11 year    and elsewhere who            teenaged        summer         visiting the Olympic display after riding the Peak2Peak at Whistler, B.C.
old boys from the          attend the Académie's        “river guides” (Marcel
Gimnasio los Aleazares     international studies        Delisle,          Amber
school in Medellin,        program have visited         Bellemore and, Megan
Columbia are spending      LaSalle to canoe on the      Brian) truck the canoes
the month of August at     river. A different group     to the water's edge and
Académie Ste. Cécile,      attends     every     two    help the students board
learning English and       weeks all summer and         after a water safety
experiencing a taste of    has for the past few         briefing.   Amber and
life in Canada.            years.                       Megan      follow    the
     The lively group of       When the schedule        canoes in kayaks.
students was accompa-      allows, the students              The experience of
nied by teachers John      disembark at the canoe       mixing with foreign stu-
Ortiz and Rene Cata?o      rental shop which is         dents has been a pleas-
of Columbia and Mme.       home to 60 chickens, a       ant one for the three
Amaya of the Académie.     few ducks and a trio of      LaSalle students.
Both men expressed         friendly turkeys.                 “I really respect
appreciation and grati-        “We've become a          those students a lot,”
tude “to the citizens”     tourist attraction,” says    said Megan. “They are
they have met who have     owner Ron Lapointe.          learning English in a
been so friendly and       “Some people come for        foreign country.”
kind to them. Catano       our fresh eggs and stay           And       everyone
noted how quiet the        to visit the chickens.”      enjoys the happy chaos
area     is   with   “no   His “Redneck” wooden         that follows the arrival
sounds”.                   hut features a selection     of the students.
     The canoes were       of Essex County prod-

                       Fall Cooking Classes
     Register Now! Call 519.734.8187
     6 week course begins first week in October
        Class size is limited - don’t be left out!

                                 Georgina Burns
    Email: info@georginaburns.ca                 Catering By:
    We’re Always Ready to
     Cater Your Party!

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            $ .99
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                                                 Haddock & Chips
                                                    $3.99       (2 pc. $6.39)
        DOWNTOWN                                            LASALLE
   468 UNIVERSITY AVE. W.           Take-Out            2010 FRONT ROAD
        519 253-4044                or Dine-In             519 978-1556

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Silhouette article page 5

  • 1. THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2011 LASALLE SILHOUETTE PAGE 5 Columbian students enjoy culture and recreation on River Canard Twenty-five young rented at the River ucts including maple male students hopped Canard Canoe Co. on syrup, candles, bird into canoes and pad- Malden Road. Busloads houses and other dled down River of students from items. Canard on Monday.. Nigeria, Korea, Mexico Lapointe and his Continuing the Olympic spirit, Bryan and Jean Hogan tryout the luge while The 10 and 11 year and elsewhere who teenaged summer visiting the Olympic display after riding the Peak2Peak at Whistler, B.C. old boys from the attend the Académie's “river guides” (Marcel Gimnasio los Aleazares international studies Delisle, Amber school in Medellin, program have visited Bellemore and, Megan Columbia are spending LaSalle to canoe on the Brian) truck the canoes the month of August at river. A different group to the water's edge and Académie Ste. Cécile, attends every two help the students board learning English and weeks all summer and after a water safety experiencing a taste of has for the past few briefing. Amber and life in Canada. years. Megan follow the The lively group of When the schedule canoes in kayaks. students was accompa- allows, the students The experience of nied by teachers John disembark at the canoe mixing with foreign stu- Ortiz and Rene Cata?o rental shop which is dents has been a pleas- of Columbia and Mme. home to 60 chickens, a ant one for the three Amaya of the Académie. few ducks and a trio of LaSalle students. Both men expressed friendly turkeys. “I really respect appreciation and grati- “We've become a those students a lot,” tude “to the citizens” tourist attraction,” says said Megan. “They are they have met who have owner Ron Lapointe. learning English in a been so friendly and “Some people come for foreign country.” kind to them. Catano our fresh eggs and stay And everyone noted how quiet the to visit the chickens.” enjoys the happy chaos area is with “no His “Redneck” wooden that follows the arrival sounds”. hut features a selection of the students. The canoes were of Essex County prod- Fall Cooking Classes Register Now! Call 519.734.8187 6 week course begins first week in October Class size is limited - don’t be left out! Georgina Burns Email: info@georginaburns.ca Catering By: We’re Always Ready to Cater Your Party! AUGUST SPECIAL! Your Halibut Specialists FISH & CHIPS Large Halibut & 5 Grilled Includes Fries & Shrimp $ .99 12 Coleslaw Summer Special Haddock & Chips $3.99 (2 pc. $6.39) DOWNTOWN LASALLE 468 UNIVERSITY AVE. W. Take-Out 2010 FRONT ROAD 519 253-4044 or Dine-In 519 978-1556