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(Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)
What is it good for¡­
What is Sass?
¡°Sass is a meta-language on top of CSS that's used to describe
the style of a document cleanly and structurally, with more
power than flat CSS allows. Sass both provides a simpler, more
elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are
useful for creating manageable style sheets.¡±
- from http://sass-lang.com/
¡°Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, Variables,
mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It¡¯s translated to well-
formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-
framework plugin.¡±
- from internet
a little history¡­..
? Sass was first given life by Hampton Catlin in 2006, later
supported by Natalie weizembaum and chris eppstein
? Sass started life in ruby community
? Sass supports two syntaxes
¨C Indentation syntax with file ext .sass
¨C Css compatible syntax with file ext .SCSS
? Sass is free to use, require no license.
Why use it?
? Modularize (@import)
? Variables for maintainability
? Mixins improves reusability
? Reduces redundant rules (keep it DRY)
? Scalable and Maintainable
Make writing style more fun¡­.
How do I install sass on my computer¡­
? On Mac
just run ¡°gem install sass¡±
? On Window
download and install ruby (http://rubyinstaller.org/)
on cmd prompt - run
¡°gem install sass¡±
Data Types support by sass
? SassScript supports Seven data types
// number
example 10, 40, 50px, 60%
example ¡°foo¡±, ¡°bar¡±, baz
example blue, #04a3f9, rgba(255,
0, 0, 0, 5)
example true or false
example null
$awesome-list: ¡°.bar¡± ¡°.foo¡±
//maps or hash
$alist: (error: red, warn: blue,
done: green)
Lets learn to read sass
? Variables
// sass syntax defining the variables
$red: #ff0b13
$blue-color: #091fff
color: $red
//scss syntax defining the variables
$red: #ff0b13;
$blue-color: #091fff;
p {
color: $red; }
Lets learn to read sass
?Nesting Rules
//sass syntax coloring the p
tag inside #id ¡°awesome¡±
$common-color: red
color: $common-color
color: blue
color: yellow
//scss syntax defining the
$common-color: red;
div#awesome {
p {
color: $common-color;
a {
color: blue;
color: yellow;
Lets learn to read sass
Module structure with @import
//sass syntax
// main.sass
@import navigation
@import morestyle
max-width: 1200px
margin: auto
// ¡°_morestyle.sass¡±
margin: auto
padding-top: 5px
//scss syntax
// main.scss
@import ¡°navigation¡±
@import ¡°morestyle¡±
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
max-width: 1200px;
margin: auto;
// ¡°_morestyle.scss¡±
margin: auto;
padding-top: 5px;
Lets learn to read sass
?chaining selectors
//sass syntax
$link-color: blue
color: yellow
color: $link-color
width: 100%
//scss syntax
$link-color: blue;
.content {
color: yellow;
&.main-container {
a {
color: $link-
container{ width: 100 }
Lets learn to read sass
@extend directive to extend existing rules
?//sass syntax
$box-color: yellow
width: 100px
height: 200px
background-color: $box-color
@extend .box
//scss syntax
$box-color: yellow
.box {
width: 100px;
height: 200px;
.container {
@extend .box
Lets learn to read sass
@extend directive with placeholder
?//sass syntax
$box-color: yellow
width: 100px
height: 200px
background-color: $box-color
@extend %box
//scss syntax
$box-color: yellow
%box {
width: 100px;
height: 200px;
.container {
@extend %box
Lets learn to read sass
?//sass syntax
@import compass
=bs($width,$height: $width)
width: $width
height: $height
+clearfix //compass mixin
//scss syntax
@import ¡°compass¡±;
@mixin bs($width,$height:
$width) {
width: $width
height: $height
@include bs(100px)
@include clearfix //compass
Lets learn to read sass
@function directive
?//sass syntax
@import compass
$color: green
// function shuld return
@function double($value)
@return $value*2
//scss syntax
@import ¡°compass¡±;
$color: green;
// function shuld return
@function double($value)
@return $value*2
.square {
Lets learn to read sass
Programmatic Logic (Math calculations with Sass)
?//sass syntax
width: 20% + 50%
height: 20px - 10px
top: (500/2)
width: 200px * 2
//scss syntax
.addition {
width: 20% + 50%; }
.sub {
height: 20px - 10px; }
.division {
top: (500/2); }
.mul {
width: 200px * 2; }
Lets learn to read sass
Programmatic Logic (control directive in sass)
?//sass syntax
$color-theme: orange
$color-brand: $color-theme
@if $color-theme == pink
$color-brand: pink
@else if $color-theme ==
$color-brand: #ff9900
background-color: $color-
//scss syntax
$color-theme: orange;
@if $color-theme == pink {
$color-brand: pink;
} @else if $color-theme ==
$color-brand: #ff9900;
.brand { background-color:
$color-brand }
Lets learn to read sass
Programmatic Logic (control directives in sass)
?//sass syntax
$color-theme: orange
$color-brand: $color-theme
@if $color-theme == pink
$color-brand: pink
@else if $color-theme ==
$color-brand: #ff9900
background-color: $color-
//scss syntax
$color-theme: orange;
@if $color-theme == pink {
$color-brand: pink;
} @else if $color-theme ==
$color-brand: #ff9900;
.brand { background-color:
$color-brand }
Lets learn to read sass
Programmatic Logic (@for loop in sass)
?//sass syntax
@for $i from 1 through 5
color: red
@for $i from 6 through 10
color: green
//scss syntax
@for $i from 1 through 5 {
.div_#{$i} {
color: red;
@for $i from 6 through 10 {
.div_#{$i} {
color: green;
Lets learn to read sass
Programmatic Logic (@each loop in sass)
?//sass syntax
$alist: ".odd" ".even"
@each $item in $alist
@if $item == '.odd'
color: green
color: red
//scss syntax
$alist: ".odd" ".even" ;
@each $item in $alist {
@if $item == '.odd' {
#{$item} {
color: green; }
} @else {
#{$item} {
color: red; }
Lets learn to read sass
Programmatic Logic (@debug directive)
?//sass syntax
@function result($val)
@debug $val
@return $val * 2
width: result(10px)
//scss syntax
@function result($val) {
@debug $val;
@return $val * 2;
.div {
width: result(10px);
how do you write sass
1. pick up a text editor (like atom or sublime¡­ or
anything you like)
2. choose syntax style you want to follow (sass or
3. code your style rules and save the file as (.sass
or .scss) like so.
4 .then comes the compilation¡­..
how to compile sass
? on cmd prompt type ¡°sass <filename>.sass¡± the
output will create new css file with
¡°<filename>.css¡± (please follow step above to
install sass on your mac or pc)
? on cmd prompt type ¡°compass <filename>.scss¡±
the output will create new css file with
how to compile sass
? as a option you can use ¡°compass watch¡± to
continuously watch for file changes and compile
them into css
So what next¡­.
awesome you have learn about sass¡­ next steps
? learn more complex topics (using compass)
? pick up a random css file re-code it into sass
? read awesome blogs from frontend
developers who works on sass and
? take same online course (if you can afford it)
¨C www.codeschool.com
¨C www.teamtreehouse.com (i like this
Thank you
Lets go out there and write some sass¡­

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Simple introduction Sass

  • 1. Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) What is it good for¡­
  • 2. What is Sass? ¡°Sass is a meta-language on top of CSS that's used to describe the style of a document cleanly and structurally, with more power than flat CSS allows. Sass both provides a simpler, more elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are useful for creating manageable style sheets.¡± - from http://sass-lang.com/ ¡°Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, Variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It¡¯s translated to well- formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web- framework plugin.¡± - from internet
  • 3. a little history¡­.. ? Sass was first given life by Hampton Catlin in 2006, later supported by Natalie weizembaum and chris eppstein ? Sass started life in ruby community ? Sass supports two syntaxes ¨C Indentation syntax with file ext .sass ¨C Css compatible syntax with file ext .SCSS ? Sass is free to use, require no license.
  • 4. Why use it? ? Modularize (@import) ? Variables for maintainability ? Mixins improves reusability ? Reduces redundant rules (keep it DRY) ? Scalable and Maintainable Make writing style more fun¡­.
  • 5. How do I install sass on my computer¡­ ? On Mac just run ¡°gem install sass¡± ? On Window download and install ruby (http://rubyinstaller.org/) on cmd prompt - run ¡°gem install sass¡±
  • 6. Data Types support by sass ? SassScript supports Seven data types // number example 10, 40, 50px, 60% //string example ¡°foo¡±, ¡°bar¡±, baz //colors example blue, #04a3f9, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0, 5) //booleans example true or false //Null example null //list example $awesome-list: ¡°.bar¡± ¡°.foo¡± ¡°.odd¡± //maps or hash example $alist: (error: red, warn: blue, done: green)
  • 7. Lets learn to read sass ? Variables // sass syntax defining the variables $red: #ff0b13 $blue-color: #091fff p color: $red //scss syntax defining the variables $red: #ff0b13; $blue-color: #091fff; p { color: $red; }
  • 8. Lets learn to read sass ?Nesting Rules //sass syntax coloring the p tag inside #id ¡°awesome¡± $common-color: red div#awesome p color: $common-color a color: blue &:hover color: yellow //scss syntax defining the variables $common-color: red; div#awesome { p { color: $common-color; a { color: blue; &:hover{ color: yellow; } } } }
  • 9. Lets learn to read sass Module structure with @import //sass syntax // main.sass @import navigation @import morestyle body max-width: 1200px margin: auto // ¡°_morestyle.sass¡± div margin: auto padding-top: 5px //scss syntax // main.scss @import ¡°navigation¡± @import ¡°morestyle¡± *{ box-sizing: border-box; } body { max-width: 1200px; margin: auto; } // ¡°_morestyle.scss¡± div{ margin: auto; padding-top: 5px; }
  • 10. Lets learn to read sass ?chaining selectors //sass syntax $link-color: blue .content color: yellow &.main-container a color: $link-color .main-container, .mobile-container width: 100% //scss syntax $link-color: blue; .content { color: yellow; &.main-container { a { color: $link- color;} } } .main-container,.mobile- container{ width: 100 }
  • 11. Lets learn to read sass @extend directive to extend existing rules ?//sass syntax $box-color: yellow .box width: 100px height: 200px background-color: $box-color .container @extend .box //scss syntax $box-color: yellow .box { width: 100px; height: 200px; } .container { @extend .box }
  • 12. Lets learn to read sass @extend directive with placeholder ?//sass syntax $box-color: yellow %box width: 100px height: 200px background-color: $box-color .container @extend %box //scss syntax $box-color: yellow %box { width: 100px; height: 200px; } .container { @extend %box }
  • 13. Lets learn to read sass @mixins ?//sass syntax @import compass =bs($width,$height: $width) width: $width height: $height .square +bs(100px) +clearfix //compass mixin //scss syntax @import ¡°compass¡±; @mixin bs($width,$height: $width) { width: $width height: $height } .square{ @include bs(100px) @include clearfix //compass mixin }
  • 14. Lets learn to read sass @function directive ?//sass syntax @import compass $color: green // function shuld return @function double($value) @return $value*2 .square width:double(100px) background-color: shade($color,60%) //scss syntax @import ¡°compass¡±; $color: green; // function shuld return @function double($value) @return $value*2 .square { width:double(100px) background-color: shade($color,60%); }
  • 15. Lets learn to read sass Programmatic Logic (Math calculations with Sass) ?//sass syntax .addition width: 20% + 50% .sub height: 20px - 10px .division top: (500/2) .mul width: 200px * 2 //scss syntax .addition { width: 20% + 50%; } .sub { height: 20px - 10px; } .division { top: (500/2); } .mul { width: 200px * 2; }
  • 16. Lets learn to read sass Programmatic Logic (control directive in sass) ?//sass syntax $color-theme: orange $color-brand: $color-theme @if $color-theme == pink $color-brand: pink @else if $color-theme == orange $color-brand: #ff9900 .brand background-color: $color- brand //scss syntax $color-theme: orange; @if $color-theme == pink { $color-brand: pink; } @else if $color-theme == orange { $color-brand: #ff9900; } .brand { background-color: $color-brand }
  • 17. Lets learn to read sass Programmatic Logic (control directives in sass) ?//sass syntax $color-theme: orange $color-brand: $color-theme @if $color-theme == pink $color-brand: pink @else if $color-theme == orange $color-brand: #ff9900 .brand background-color: $color- brand //scss syntax $color-theme: orange; @if $color-theme == pink { $color-brand: pink; } @else if $color-theme == orange { $color-brand: #ff9900; } .brand { background-color: $color-brand }
  • 18. Lets learn to read sass Programmatic Logic (@for loop in sass) ?//sass syntax @for $i from 1 through 5 .div_#{$i} color: red @for $i from 6 through 10 .div_#{$i} color: green //scss syntax @for $i from 1 through 5 { .div_#{$i} { color: red; } } @for $i from 6 through 10 { .div_#{$i} { color: green; } }
  • 19. Lets learn to read sass Programmatic Logic (@each loop in sass) ?//sass syntax $alist: ".odd" ".even" @each $item in $alist @if $item == '.odd' #{$item} color: green @else #{$item} color: red //scss syntax $alist: ".odd" ".even" ; @each $item in $alist { @if $item == '.odd' { #{$item} { color: green; } } @else { #{$item} { color: red; } } }
  • 20. Lets learn to read sass Programmatic Logic (@debug directive) ?//sass syntax @function result($val) @debug $val @return $val * 2 .div width: result(10px) //scss syntax @function result($val) { @debug $val; @return $val * 2; } .div { width: result(10px); }
  • 21. how do you write sass 1. pick up a text editor (like atom or sublime¡­ or anything you like) 2. choose syntax style you want to follow (sass or scss) 3. code your style rules and save the file as (.sass or .scss) like so. 4 .then comes the compilation¡­..
  • 22. how to compile sass ? on cmd prompt type ¡°sass <filename>.sass¡± the output will create new css file with ¡°<filename>.css¡± (please follow step above to install sass on your mac or pc) alternatively ? on cmd prompt type ¡°compass <filename>.scss¡± the output will create new css file with ¡°<filename>.css¡±
  • 23. how to compile sass ? as a option you can use ¡°compass watch¡± to continuously watch for file changes and compile them into css
  • 24. So what next¡­. awesome you have learn about sass¡­ next steps ? learn more complex topics (using compass) ? pick up a random css file re-code it into sass ? read awesome blogs from frontend developers who works on sass and coffeescript ? take same online course (if you can afford it) ¨C www.codeschool.com ¨C www.teamtreehouse.com (i like this better)
  • 26. Lets go out there and write some sass¡­