The simple past is the verb tense that expresses actions that occurred in the past. The verb "to be" means "to be" or "to be" in English. In the simple past, "to be" expresses the past forms of "to be" and "to be", like "was", "were", etc. The simple past form of the verb "to be" is either "was" or "were" depending on the subject. Some examples given are "Ayrton Senna was a driver" and "Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo were artists."
2. Verb to be
( Simple Past)
O verbo to be significa ser ou estar.
No Simple Past o verbo to be
significar叩 o passado dos verbos ser e
(foi, era, estava,etc).
O verbo to be no Simple Past se
apresenta em was ou were.
3. Observe:
I (eu) was
You (voc棚) were
He (ele) was
She (ela) was
It (ele/ela) was
We (n坦s) were
You (voc棚s) were
They (eles/elas) were