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Simplifying builds with Gradle Saager Mhatre
simplifying   builds with   gradle ^ script
simplifying   build scripts with   gradle
build  script
source artifacts
source artifacts
source artifacts code configuration
source artifacts code configuration
source artifacts code configuration classes generated code
more  expressiveness less  ceremony
simplify   ?
simplify   ? http://www.stickyminds.com/s.asp?F=S11633_MAGAZINE_2
simplify   ? http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy
simplify   ? http://blip.tv/clojure/stuart-halloway-simplicity-ain-t-easy-4842694
enough  talk lets  build  something
conditional  execution
static  analysis
execution  profiling
insanity  ensues
Finally,  sometimes, simplicity  grows out of adversity http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Simplicity-Architect
talk  is cheap, lets   see  some code https://github.com/dexterous/crave2gradle
for  more gradle  goodness http://mrhaki.blogspot.com/search/label/Gradle%3AGoodness
a  community that  keeps on giving https://github.com/search?type=Repositories&language=&q=gradle+plugin
 maven  has me in its evil  clutches! https://github.com/jbaruch/maven2gradle
gradleware http://gradleware.com

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Simplifying build scripts with Gradle

Editor's Notes

  1. November 2006
  2. The simple compile was replaced by a Makefile -which was replaced by an Ant build.xml -which was replaced by many build.xml files -which were generated by an XSLT transform -which was replaced by Maven And Maven brought forth a Plague of Apache Commons, and there was a flood of all the Libraries of the Internet as a judgement upon the people.
  3. The same story happens over and over 1.We observe a pattern 2.We create abstractions and generalisations 3.We turn the abstractions into a framework 4.The framework becomes a Golden Hammer 5.People start to subvert the framework 6.Finally, sometimes, simplicity grows out of adversity
  4. The simple compile was replaced by a Makefile -which was replaced by an Ant build.xml -which was replaced by many build.xml files -which were generated by an XSLT transform -which was replaced by Maven And Maven brought forth a Plague of Apache Commons, and there was a flood of all the Libraries of the Internet as a judgement upon the people. The same story happens over and over 1.We observe a pattern 2.We create abstractions and generalisations 3.We turn the abstractions into a framework 4.The framework becomes a Golden Hammer 5.People start to subvert the framework 6.Finally, sometimes, simplicity grows out of adversity
  5. The simple compile was replaced by a Makefile -which was replaced by an Ant build.xml -which was replaced by many build.xml files -which were generated by an XSLT transform -which was replaced by Maven And Maven brought forth a Plague of Apache Commons, and there was a flood of all the Libraries of the Internet as a judgement upon the people. The same story happens over and over 1.We observe a pattern 2.We create abstractions and generalisations 3.We turn the abstractions into a framework 4.The framework becomes a Golden Hammer 5.People start to subvert the framework 6.Finally, sometimes, simplicity grows out of adversity
  6. The simple compile was replaced by a Makefile -which was replaced by an Ant build.xml -which was replaced by many build.xml files -which were generated by an XSLT transform -which was replaced by Maven And Maven brought forth a Plague of Apache Commons, and there was a flood of all the Libraries of the Internet as a judgement upon the people. The same story happens over and over 1.We observe a pattern 2.We create abstractions and generalisations 3.We turn the abstractions into a framework 4.The framework becomes a Golden Hammer 5.People start to subvert the framework 6.Finally, sometimes, simplicity grows out of adversity
  7. The simple compile was replaced by a Makefile -which was replaced by an Ant build.xml -which was replaced by many build.xml files -which were generated by an XSLT transform -which was replaced by Maven And Maven brought forth a Plague of Apache Commons, and there was a flood of all the Libraries of the Internet as a judgement upon the people. The same story happens over and over 1.We observe a pattern 2.We create abstractions and generalisations 3.We turn the abstractions into a framework 4.The framework becomes a Golden Hammer 5.People start to subvert the framework 6.Finally, sometimes, simplicity grows out of adversity