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TerronSims,II isthe SeniorPartnerand founderof DougPollard,LLC. He ison the Board
of Principalsforthe TrumanNational SecurityProject anda memberof the AmericanCouncil on
Germany.In 2014, GovernorTerry McAuliffe appointedTerrontoserve onthe VirginiaMilitaryAdvisory
Terronis a graduate of the UnitedStates MilitaryAcademyatWestPoint.While deployed inIraq(May
2003 - July2004), Terron establishedandmentoredthe government of BaghdadsTisaNissanDistrict,
where he servedasa liaisonofficertothe CPA and the UnitedNations,andwasthe Wasit Provinces
primarymilitaryliaisonofficer. Hisfinal Armyassignmentwassupervisinganddesigninga $29 Million
dollarreal-worldfightingvillage forthe JointReadiness TrainingCenter.
As a civilian, TerronhasworkedforArmyG3/5/7 CurrentOperationsCenter- taskingMACOMsto
supportMNC-I,MNF-I,SOCCENToperationsforitsHQ, Arabian Peninsula,the Hornof Africa,andSW
Asia,GTMO, JTFB, JTF-HOA,andvarious OCONUSand CONUSoperations.Terronalsoworkedforthe
Army ACSIM(AssistantChiefof Staff forInstallationManagement), where he developedand managed
the systemthat streamlinesthe Armysinstillationrequirementsbudgetvalidationprocess, andleda
teamthat developedDoDsSexual AssaultIncidentDatabase (DSAID).
In 2008 and 2012, Terron was Director,VirginiaVeterans and Military Families (VMF) forObama and
servedonthe defense andveteranspolicyteams,where he wrote the ServiceMemberLife Insurance
policy.Terron wasan official surrogate onnational securityandveteranandmilitaryfamilyissues.At
the 2008 DemocraticNational Convention,TerronwasfeaturedinStevenSpielbergsveterans tribute
In 2010, Terron wrote the DemocraticNational CommitteesVeteransandMilitaryFamiliescandidates
platform,whichisusedinfederal campaignsnationwide. And,in2013, didthe same forthe UKsLabour
Party,as well ascraftingits national securityplatform.
Terronis presidentof the NorthernVirginiaBlackDemocrats, Chairsthe DemocraticPartyof Virginias
VeteransandMilitaryFamiliesCaucus, isonVirginias8th
Congressional Districtsteering committee,and
isthe Vice ChairforRecruitmentforthe DNCs VeteransandMilitaryFamiliesCouncil.
Terronwas instrumental in SenTimKaine,Gov Terry McAuliffe,andCongressmanDonBeyers
campaigns,where he assistedinstandinguptheir Veteransand Military Familiesapparatus,servedas
an official surrogate, editedpolicy (VMF;National Security;Energy),organizedevents,andraisedfunds.
Upon Gov McAuliffesvictory,he appointedTerron asthe co-directorof the VeteranServices policy
transition team.
Terronhas publishedtwonovels, WithHonorIn Hand and Handsof Honor,andhas writtenhis third
novel, ForHandsto Honor, alongwith hisIraq memoirs, Baghdad Peace.He alsowritesarticles
surroundingveteransandmilitaryfamilyissuesandnational security.
Terronregularly tutorsand mentorsyoungpeople inArlingtonand isaneducationandcommunity

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Sims bio

  • 1. TerronSims,II isthe SeniorPartnerand founderof DougPollard,LLC. He ison the Board of Principalsforthe TrumanNational SecurityProject anda memberof the AmericanCouncil on Germany.In 2014, GovernorTerry McAuliffe appointedTerrontoserve onthe VirginiaMilitaryAdvisory Council. Terronis a graduate of the UnitedStates MilitaryAcademyatWestPoint.While deployed inIraq(May 2003 - July2004), Terron establishedandmentoredthe government of BaghdadsTisaNissanDistrict, where he servedasa liaisonofficertothe CPA and the UnitedNations,andwasthe Wasit Provinces primarymilitaryliaisonofficer. Hisfinal Armyassignmentwassupervisinganddesigninga $29 Million dollarreal-worldfightingvillage forthe JointReadiness TrainingCenter. As a civilian, TerronhasworkedforArmyG3/5/7 CurrentOperationsCenter- taskingMACOMsto supportMNC-I,MNF-I,SOCCENToperationsforitsHQ, Arabian Peninsula,the Hornof Africa,andSW Asia,GTMO, JTFB, JTF-HOA,andvarious OCONUSand CONUSoperations.Terronalsoworkedforthe Army ACSIM(AssistantChiefof Staff forInstallationManagement), where he developedand managed the systemthat streamlinesthe Armysinstillationrequirementsbudgetvalidationprocess, andleda teamthat developedDoDsSexual AssaultIncidentDatabase (DSAID). In 2008 and 2012, Terron was Director,VirginiaVeterans and Military Families (VMF) forObama and servedonthe defense andveteranspolicyteams,where he wrote the ServiceMemberLife Insurance policy.Terron wasan official surrogate onnational securityandveteranandmilitaryfamilyissues.At the 2008 DemocraticNational Convention,TerronwasfeaturedinStevenSpielbergsveterans tribute video,andagainin2012. In 2010, Terron wrote the DemocraticNational CommitteesVeteransandMilitaryFamiliescandidates platform,whichisusedinfederal campaignsnationwide. And,in2013, didthe same forthe UKsLabour Party,as well ascraftingits national securityplatform. Terronis presidentof the NorthernVirginiaBlackDemocrats, Chairsthe DemocraticPartyof Virginias VeteransandMilitaryFamiliesCaucus, isonVirginias8th Congressional Districtsteering committee,and isthe Vice ChairforRecruitmentforthe DNCs VeteransandMilitaryFamiliesCouncil. Terronwas instrumental in SenTimKaine,Gov Terry McAuliffe,andCongressmanDonBeyers campaigns,where he assistedinstandinguptheir Veteransand Military Familiesapparatus,servedas an official surrogate, editedpolicy (VMF;National Security;Energy),organizedevents,andraisedfunds. Upon Gov McAuliffesvictory,he appointedTerron asthe co-directorof the VeteranServices policy transition team. Terronhas publishedtwonovels, WithHonorIn Hand and Handsof Honor,andhas writtenhis third novel, ForHandsto Honor, alongwith hisIraq memoirs, Baghdad Peace.He alsowritesarticles surroundingveteransandmilitaryfamilyissuesandnational security. Terronregularly tutorsand mentorsyoungpeople inArlingtonand isaneducationandcommunity activistthroughoutnorthernVirginia.