This document discusses urinary tract infections (UTIs) in children. It defines UTIs and describes their epidemiology and host risk factors. UTIs can occur anywhere from the urethra to the kidneys. Girls and uncircumcised boys are at higher risk. The document also describes symptoms of different types of UTIs and outlines current guidelines for evaluating, diagnosing, treating and following up on UTIs in children. Imaging and treatment depends on factors like age and symptoms. Providers should consider urine testing for febrile infants and properly obtain and culture urine samples.
El documento describe un proyecto de aula en matemáticas cuyo objetivo es mejorar el aprendizaje y cambiar la concepción negativa que tienen los estudiantes sobre esta área. El proyecto propone utilizar estrategias lúdicas y contextualizadas como salidas de campo y actividades interactivas para ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender mejor los números fraccionarios de una manera práctica y vivencial.
HANA is an in-memory database that allows for real-time processing of large quantities of data. It provides immediate results for analytics and transactions. HANA can power various SAP applications and includes tools for data management, security, and operations. SAP's roadmap is to use HANA as the primary data store for its Business Warehouse product and develop new applications that leverage HANA's capabilities. Dell offers HANA solutions using its PowerEdge servers with SAP software preinstalled along with consulting services.
Este documento presenta una evaluación de matemáticas para el grado séptimo que contiene 10 preguntas. La primera pregunta trata sobre las ganancias y pérdidas de la venta de frutas. Las preguntas del 2 al 8 se basan en un gráfico de temperaturas de un material sometido a procesos químicos durante 8 horas. Las últimas preguntas tratan sobre raíces y la suma de números negativos.
This document provides a summary of the global digital learning market opportunity report. It discusses key topics such as the size and growth of the global eLearning market, trends in mobile learning, social learning, and corporate MOOCs. The summary also highlights geographic differences, top growth drivers, and spending priorities within the learning and development industry. The global digital learning landscape is rapidly changing, driven by new technologies, workforce needs, and business goals requiring alignment of learning strategies.
This document discusses big data and its applications in various industries. It begins by defining big data and its key characteristics of volume, velocity, variety and veracity. It then discusses how big data can be used for log analytics, fraud detection, social media analysis, risk modeling and other applications. The document also outlines some of the major challenges faced in the banking and financial services industry, including increasing competition, regulatory pressures, security issues, and adapting to digital shifts. It concludes by noting how big data analytics can help eCommerce businesses make fact-based, quantitative decisions to gain competitive advantages and optimize goals.
Exadata and Database Machine Overview
The document provides an overview of Oracle's Exadata and Database Machine products. It discusses that Exadata delivers revolutionary performance that is 10-100x faster than traditional data warehouses. It then outlines the agenda and describes the Exadata architecture, features and performance capabilities. The Exadata storage servers work together in a grid configuration to deliver extreme performance for data warehousing, OLTP and consolidation workloads.
This document discusses urinary tract infections (UTIs) in children. It defines UTIs and describes their epidemiology and host risk factors. UTIs can occur anywhere from the urethra to the kidneys. Girls and uncircumcised boys are at higher risk. The document also describes symptoms of different types of UTIs and outlines current guidelines for evaluating, diagnosing, treating and following up on UTIs in children. Imaging and treatment depends on factors like age and symptoms. Providers should consider urine testing for febrile infants and properly obtain and culture urine samples.
El documento describe un proyecto de aula en matemáticas cuyo objetivo es mejorar el aprendizaje y cambiar la concepción negativa que tienen los estudiantes sobre esta área. El proyecto propone utilizar estrategias lúdicas y contextualizadas como salidas de campo y actividades interactivas para ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender mejor los números fraccionarios de una manera práctica y vivencial.
HANA is an in-memory database that allows for real-time processing of large quantities of data. It provides immediate results for analytics and transactions. HANA can power various SAP applications and includes tools for data management, security, and operations. SAP's roadmap is to use HANA as the primary data store for its Business Warehouse product and develop new applications that leverage HANA's capabilities. Dell offers HANA solutions using its PowerEdge servers with SAP software preinstalled along with consulting services.
Este documento presenta una evaluación de matemáticas para el grado séptimo que contiene 10 preguntas. La primera pregunta trata sobre las ganancias y pérdidas de la venta de frutas. Las preguntas del 2 al 8 se basan en un gráfico de temperaturas de un material sometido a procesos químicos durante 8 horas. Las últimas preguntas tratan sobre raíces y la suma de números negativos.
This document provides a summary of the global digital learning market opportunity report. It discusses key topics such as the size and growth of the global eLearning market, trends in mobile learning, social learning, and corporate MOOCs. The summary also highlights geographic differences, top growth drivers, and spending priorities within the learning and development industry. The global digital learning landscape is rapidly changing, driven by new technologies, workforce needs, and business goals requiring alignment of learning strategies.
This document discusses big data and its applications in various industries. It begins by defining big data and its key characteristics of volume, velocity, variety and veracity. It then discusses how big data can be used for log analytics, fraud detection, social media analysis, risk modeling and other applications. The document also outlines some of the major challenges faced in the banking and financial services industry, including increasing competition, regulatory pressures, security issues, and adapting to digital shifts. It concludes by noting how big data analytics can help eCommerce businesses make fact-based, quantitative decisions to gain competitive advantages and optimize goals.
Exadata and Database Machine Overview
The document provides an overview of Oracle's Exadata and Database Machine products. It discusses that Exadata delivers revolutionary performance that is 10-100x faster than traditional data warehouses. It then outlines the agenda and describes the Exadata architecture, features and performance capabilities. The Exadata storage servers work together in a grid configuration to deliver extreme performance for data warehousing, OLTP and consolidation workloads.
The Construction and Practice of Apache Pegasus in Offline and Online Scenari...acelyc1112009
A presentation in Apache Pegasus meetup in 2022 from Wei Wang.
Apache Pegasus is a horizontally scalable, strongly consistent and high-performance key-value store.
Know more about Pegasus,
How does Apache Pegasusused in SensorsDataacelyc1112009
A presentation in COSCon (China Open Source Conference) 2023 from Guohao Li.
Apache Pegasus is a horizontally scalable, strongly consistent and high-performance key-value store.
Know more about Pegasus,
2. Single Client Access Name (SCAN) 客户端使用 SCAN 来连接集群中数据库服务 如果集群发生变化,无需修改客户端的连接 跨越多个实例提供一个服务的负载均衡 在实例间提供 failover 失败切换 SCAN Back Office Front Office LOB Free
3. SCAN 对网络的要求 两种方式 : 在自有 DNS 中定义 SCAN 使用 Grid Naming Service (GNS) 并且在集群配置中创建 SCAN 注 : 在测试环境中,若没有 DNS ,可以通过在 /etc/hosts (将 SCAN 域名解析为一个 IP )中配置来测试 SCAN IN A IN A IN A
#4: 1. ?????? Define the SCAN in your corporate DNS (Domain Name Service) Use the Grid Naming Service (GNS) and the SCAN will be created during cluster configuration
#5: During install we will create a scan listener for each ip address defined to the SCAN name entered on the screen. Best Practice recommendation is 3, if you use GNS, you will get three However we will define one for each of the ip’s defined to the SCAN entered! NOTE: in a 2 node cluster, you will have 2 SCAN on one node ! Or 3 if the other node is down. Static IP allocation. Needs to be configured in DNS. Dhcp for scan vips => Requires GNS. Scan Listeners ae dispersed on the cluster IE they will try to be on different nodes NET will handle multiple ip addresses returned. Databases register with the SCAN. (Remote_listener) CRS resources are modelled for each scan listener ora.scan<n>.vip where n=1,2,3 ora.scan<n>.lsnr where n=1,2,3 1 ONLINE ONLINE stbpo38 1 ONLINE ONLINE stbpo37 1 ONLINE ONLINE stbpo36
#6: If you want both scan registration and other nodes listener registration use TNSNAMES like (address_list= (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=scan-vip1)(port=1521)) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=scan-vip2)(port=1521)) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=scan-vip3)(port=1521)) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=node1-vip)(port=1521)) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=node2-vip)(port=1521)))
#7: ./srvctl status scan_listener SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is enabled SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is running on node stbpo39 SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN2 is enabled SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN2 is running on node stbpo40 SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN3 is enabled SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN3 is running on node stbpo41
#10: Failover is on by default. Load Balance must be set. 5.2.56 TCP.CONNECT_TIMEOUT Purpose Use the TCP.CONNECT_TIMEOUT parameter to specify the time, in seconds, for a client to establish a TCP connection to the database server. If a TCP connection to the database host is not established in the time specified, the connect attempt is terminated. The client receives an ORA-12170 : TNS:Connect timeout occurred error. Without this parameter, a client connection request to the database server can block for the default duration of the TCP connect timeout (approximately 8 minutes on Linux) when the database server host system is unreachable. This parameter only applies to TCP connections ( PROTOCOL=tcp in the TNS connect address).
#11: This will have the instance register with the cman server as well as the SCAN listeners. You need all the scan VIPs registered so when you put them in a TNSNAMES, you must list the 3 VIPS in 3 address lines.