In Portland, Smith Teamaker is known for its tea industry leadership under founder Steven Smith. After Smith's passing in March, the company is pushing forward with expansion plans, including building a flavor lab to educate the community on tea production. Creative director Tony Tellin explains how he got his start in the industry through a chance encounter and now leads flavor creation, drawing inspiration from various regions and other industries to develop new tea flavors like one designed to taste like ice cream.
This document summarizes John Korioth's experience transforming the culture at his bar, SIX, in Austin, Texas, after being inspired by Tony Hsieh and Zappos. He discusses how focusing on creating a great company culture led to improved employee retention, satisfaction, and ultimately better customer service and financial performance, even during an economic downturn. Key changes included prioritizing employees, getting their input, addressing issues they raised, and making meetings and communication more meaningful and enjoyable.
Corrie Chapman has been a highly effective and valuable asset to Bailey's Bar & Grille and Townsend Ridge Country Club for many years. Her leadership skills and can-do attitude have proven her to be a special employee. The owners recently asked her to return to assist with bookkeeping as the business has grown. Both the owners and staff are excited to have Corrie back at Bailey's again and feel any employer would be lucky to have such a dedicated, honest, and hardworking person on their team.
El documento es una invitacin dirigida a Cristian Castelo para la inauguracin del diplomado de la unidad educativa Isabel de Godn, resaltando su exitoso trabajo como director de la unidad educativa de Riobamba. Tambin incluye una tabla con informacin sobre 4 cursos realizados, incluyendo el nombre del curso, las fechas, la duracin y los datos del estudiante.
Crefovi's founding partner and ialci president, Annabelle Gauberti, explains what brands can do to protect themselves from misbehaviour of their brand ambassadors and endorsers.
This presentation is part of the law of luxury goods series seminar on how to market through celebrities and music bands - endorsement contracts, product placement and publicity rights.
Discurso del Sr. Ismael Plascencia Nu?ez durante la XIII Convencin Nacional ...Ismael Plascencia Nu?ez
El presidente de CONCAMIN, Ismael Plascencia Nu?ez, cree que la industria cinematogrfica en Mxico es fuerte y dinmica, por ello necesaria la creacin de incentivos fiscales para la distribucin y produccin de los productos, para poder combatir la piratera.
Isabelle Cossette is a music researcher and director of the Music Performance and Body Lab at McGill University. Her research focuses on respiratory mechanics during music performance, performance enhancement, biomechanics, and instrumental pedagogy. She has published extensively in scientific journals on topics related to breathing patterns during flute playing and uses optoelectronic plethysmography to study performer-instrument interaction and musicians' respiratory mechanics. Cossette also coordinates numerous research lectures and workshops to train students and establish appropriate methods for studying areas of performance.
Jenna Easton is a certified medical assistant with over four years of experience in the medical field. She has excellent communication and customer service skills. She is trained in medical assisting, providing patient care, using electronic health records, and has certifications in CPR and first aid. Jenna aims to meet patients' needs with dignity and respect while maintaining a professional manner.
This document provides instructions for formatting an essay using MLA style. It recommends using Times New Roman 12 point font, double spacing, and 1 inch margins on all sides. Videos are linked for setting these formatting options using Mac and PC. The header should include the author's last name and page number. The first page should also include the author's name, professor, class, date, and word count before the title, which is centered. Paragraphs are indented using the tab key.
Medidas de higiene y seguridad sanitaria en las avesLore Gutierrez
1. El documento proporciona recomendaciones para la prevencin y control de enfermedades en explotaciones avcolas, incluyendo la eleccin de una ubicacin aislada, desinfectar gallineros, separar especies de aves, y transportar huevos y polluelos en cajas limpias.
2. Tambin recomienda dividir instalaciones de incubacin en zonas, proporcionar ropa protectora al personal, y lavar huevos y manos antes de manipularlos para prevenir la transmisin de enfermedades.
3. Las
Daily agri report by epic research limited of 10 february 2017Epic Research
Epic Research is a leading financial advisory services provider. We offer daily report on different segment of market to enable traders gain a overview of market's performance .
H??ng d?n lu?t ch?i board game Betrayal at House on the HillBoard Game Vi?t
Th? lo?i: PHI?U L?U, KH?M PH?, KINH D?, H?P T?C, NH?P VAI, C?T TRUY?N
?? tu?i: 12+
S? Ng??i Ch?i: 3-6
Th?i gian ch?i: 60 pht
M? t? s? l??c: Trong board game Betrayal at the House on the Hill, ng??i ch?i s? t? x?y d?ng c?u chuy?n kinh d? ? m?i l?n ch?i. M?i ng??i ch?i s? nh?p vai vo 1 nh?n v?t v s? c 1 ng??i b m?t lm k? ph?n b?i. Khi k? ph?n b?i ?? l? di?n, nh?ng ng??i ch?i cn l?i ph?i h?p tc ?? ?nh b?i h?n tr??c khi qu mu?n !
Xem thm s?n ph?m board game Betrayal at House on the Hill t?i ??y:
Jenna Easton is a certified medical assistant with over four years of experience in the medical field. She has excellent communication and customer service skills. She is trained in medical assisting, providing patient care, using electronic health records, and has certifications in CPR and first aid. Jenna aims to meet patients' needs with dignity and respect while maintaining a professional manner.
This document provides instructions for formatting an essay using MLA style. It recommends using Times New Roman 12 point font, double spacing, and 1 inch margins on all sides. Videos are linked for setting these formatting options using Mac and PC. The header should include the author's last name and page number. The first page should also include the author's name, professor, class, date, and word count before the title, which is centered. Paragraphs are indented using the tab key.
Medidas de higiene y seguridad sanitaria en las avesLore Gutierrez
1. El documento proporciona recomendaciones para la prevencin y control de enfermedades en explotaciones avcolas, incluyendo la eleccin de una ubicacin aislada, desinfectar gallineros, separar especies de aves, y transportar huevos y polluelos en cajas limpias.
2. Tambin recomienda dividir instalaciones de incubacin en zonas, proporcionar ropa protectora al personal, y lavar huevos y manos antes de manipularlos para prevenir la transmisin de enfermedades.
3. Las
Daily agri report by epic research limited of 10 february 2017Epic Research
Epic Research is a leading financial advisory services provider. We offer daily report on different segment of market to enable traders gain a overview of market's performance .
H??ng d?n lu?t ch?i board game Betrayal at House on the HillBoard Game Vi?t
Th? lo?i: PHI?U L?U, KH?M PH?, KINH D?, H?P T?C, NH?P VAI, C?T TRUY?N
?? tu?i: 12+
S? Ng??i Ch?i: 3-6
Th?i gian ch?i: 60 pht
M? t? s? l??c: Trong board game Betrayal at the House on the Hill, ng??i ch?i s? t? x?y d?ng c?u chuy?n kinh d? ? m?i l?n ch?i. M?i ng??i ch?i s? nh?p vai vo 1 nh?n v?t v s? c 1 ng??i b m?t lm k? ph?n b?i. Khi k? ph?n b?i ?? l? di?n, nh?ng ng??i ch?i cn l?i ph?i h?p tc ?? ?nh b?i h?n tr??c khi qu mu?n !
Xem thm s?n ph?m board game Betrayal at House on the Hill t?i ??y:
H??ng d?n lu?t ch?i board game Betrayal at House on the HillBoard Game Vi?t
1. I
n Portland, Smith Teamaker is a name eponymous
with the tea industry. Steven Smith, the companys
founder and tea visionary (who also launched Tazo and
Stash teas) passed of complications from liver cancer this
March. In his honor, Smith Teamaker is pushing forward to
build a flavor lab and expand its impressive tea program. The goal
is to pull back the curtain and let the community in on the complex
process, from sourcing ingredients to the finished product in the
cup. In preparation, creative director and head teamaker Tony
Tellin explains how to make tea taste like ice cream and why
they're not interested in what the competitions making.
funny story of being in the right
place. I grew up in Iowa, but after
vacationing in Portland, I sold
everything I owned and moved
there. Right after, I was biking down
to a temp agency and bumped into
Tazo tea. The workers were sitting
out on the dock on a beautiful day
having lunch. I chatted with them
and they said they were expanding
and needed help. I started the next
day in the warehouse.
Within a few months, I moved
into blending. Steve [Smith] would
write a recipe and I'd blend it out
for him to taste. That moved into
putting up blends for myself to
taste and then, eventually, into
making the decisions.
After about four years, my role
swiveled into sourcing and buying,
which required a lot of education.
I spent two weeks in Colombo,
two in Jakarta, two in Calcutta.
Then, I visited China, Japan,
Northern Africa... We spend a lot
of time trying to become experts
on every region.
|| Sometimes we'll find teas in
our inventory to support new
flavors or we will go out and find
something we know exists but
don't have. For the first Maker's
Series with Tyler Malek from Salt
& Straw [a Portland ice cream
shop], the inspiration was to make
a cup of tea taste like ice cream.
We built the flavor around a milk
oolong, with Marcona almonds for
that fatty liquor; white jasmine for
floral, vanilla-like notes; a bit of sea
salt. It sold out immediately.
AWAY? || It sounds weird, but
not much has changed. He was,
of course, part of the process.
I've been working with him for
18 years, and his cohorts here
have been with him at Stash
or Tazo forever, some in the
industry since the 1970s. We have
a very engaged, self-managing
leadership team.
We do what we like and not
necessarily what others are doing.
We look at distillers and brewers
and candy makers and chefs to
see what they're doing. It generally
feels less reactionary that way.
IN KEGS? || The Strawberry
Honeybrush Sparkling Iced Tea
is something we're really proud
of. Stumptown and Rogue have
been having fun with those.
We're working on a few new
collaborations so expect to see
more of us around Portland in the
near future.
Q&A with
Tony Tellin
S I P N O R T H W E S T. C O M8 8