2015年2月13日に開催されたIDC主催「Japan Storage Vision 2015」におけるクラウディアンの講演資料です。
Presentation materials of CLOUDIAN at "Japan Storage VIsion 2015" of IDC on Feb 13, 2015
クラウディアン、IOT/M2M本格普及にむけ、ビッグデータを「スマートデータ」として活用できるCLOUDIAN HyperStore 5.1をリリース ~ CLOUDIAN HyperStore 5.1ソフトウェアとアプライアンスをHadoopとHortonworks Data Platformが公式認定、ペタバイト規模の分析を可能に ~
Cloudian HyperStore Ushers in Era of Smart Data With Efficient, Scalable Storage for Internet of Things ~ With Hadoop and Hortonworks Data Platform Qualified on HyperStore 5.1 Software and Appliances, Customers Can Perform In-Place Data Analysis at Petabyte-Scale; Cloudian Becomes Hortonworks Certified Technology Partner ~
2015年2月13日に開催されたIDC主催「Japan Storage Vision 2015」におけるクラウディアンの講演資料です。
Presentation materials of CLOUDIAN at "Japan Storage VIsion 2015" of IDC on Feb 13, 2015
クラウディアン、IOT/M2M本格普及にむけ、ビッグデータを「スマートデータ」として活用できるCLOUDIAN HyperStore 5.1をリリース ~ CLOUDIAN HyperStore 5.1ソフトウェアとアプライアンスをHadoopとHortonworks Data Platformが公式認定、ペタバイト規模の分析を可能に ~
Cloudian HyperStore Ushers in Era of Smart Data With Efficient, Scalable Storage for Internet of Things ~ With Hadoop and Hortonworks Data Platform Qualified on HyperStore 5.1 Software and Appliances, Customers Can Perform In-Place Data Analysis at Petabyte-Scale; Cloudian Becomes Hortonworks Certified Technology Partner ~
Need For Speed- Using Flash Storage to optimise performance and reduce costs-...NetAppUK
Flash Storage technologies are opening up a wealth of new opportunities for improving the optimisation of applications, data and storage, as well as reducing costs. In this session, Peter Mason, NetApp Consulting Systems Engineer, shares his experiences and discusses the use and impact of different Flash technologies.
Object storage technologies have already changed the scale, economics and reliability of data storage in public cloud environments. Now these benefits are also available on-premises, within enterprise data centers.
This presentation is intended to discuss:
o The unique benefits of object storage
o Why enterprises are choosing on-premises object storage
o The most popular use cases among enterprise users
o How real companies are putting object storage to work
o What to look for in an on-premises object storage solution
This document provides an overview of "The Hawley Hamlet" from 2008-2013. It describes the development of the neighborhood garden over time, including the addition of bee-friendly plants, food crops, solar panels, and chicken coops. It discusses the goals of urban gardening to source food locally and emphasizes the importance of pollinators like bees for food supply. The document shares images documenting the garden's growth and locations within the neighborhood.
Get trust and confidence to manage your data in hybrid it environments japaneseVeritas Technologies LLC
The joint presentation session on Get trust and confidence to manage your data in hybrid-IT environments! with Mr Matsumoto, VP Fujitsu Cloud Service, Mr Takenoshita who is our end user, and Ryuta Takai, Director, Technology Sales of Veritas at Fujitsu Forum 2019 Tokyo on 17 May 2019.
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Red Hat Forum 2014 のIBMセッション資料です。