This document discusses information systems in business and management. It describes information systems at the operational, management, and strategic levels. It also summarizes key information systems like sales and marketing, manufacturing and production, human resources, finance and accounting. The document concludes with discussions on enterprise systems, supply chain management, customer relationship management, and knowledge management systems. It also lists some opportunities and challenges of implementing information systems.
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Sistem Informasi Manajemen - Loudon Ch.2
1. Chapter-2
Tugas Matakuliah MIS Pendidikan
F Adhi Permana NIM. 1008036188
Sri Sudarningrum NIM. 1008036226
Eliya Eka NIM. 1008036184
2. ï‚ž The
study of Information systems in business and
12.  Enterprise System (ERP – Enterprise Resource
Planning); sistem informasi terintegrasi dan
terkoordinasi dari beberapa divisi
ï‚ž Supply Chain Management; hubungan antar
perusahaan dan supplier agar dapat
mengoptimalisasikan planning, sourcing,
manufacturing & delivery
ï‚ž Customer Relationship Management
System(CRM); hubungan perusahaan dengan
customer untuk mengoptimalisasikan marketing
dan customer satisfaction
ï‚ž Knowledge Management; terkoordinasikannya
pengetahuan dan pengalaman sehingga dapat
tersedia dengan akses yang mudah.
13. ï‚ž Opportunities
- Higher prodcutivity
- Integrated information
- Accurate decision making
ï‚ž Challenges
- Building systems
- Employee training
- Cost of system and managing demand of