Anna is a kind and generous girl who was conceived to help her sister Kate, who has leukemia, live by donating her bone marrow. Kate has been battling cancer since age 3 but her mother Sara refuses to let her die. As Kate grows up she understands she will eventually die, so she creates a scrapbook of memories for her family. Sara is obsessed with saving Kate and does everything for her, even allowing Anna to be conceived, while Kate's father Brian tries to convince Sara that Kate will die no matter what.
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Sister's keeper
1. CollegeLa Salle High SchoolMa Fernada Gonzalez TerceroAdvanced English3属 E R.N 13 Teacher: Nora Guzman Class 2011-2012Gen: 48
2. charactersAnna: shes a kind, lovely, smart, generous, stronggirl, whowasprocreatedtohelphersistertolive. She has no problemwiththatcuzshelovehersister and brother, and herholefamily. She try tohelphersisterto be happyallthe time no matterwhat.
3. charactersKate:She has cancer (leukimia) sinceshewasabout 3 years, buthermomdontlether die. Sheisstrong and loveherfamilyforbeinggeneroustoher.Bysheisgrowing up sheunderstandsthatshelldie someday, so shemake a scrapbook toherfamilywithallhermemories
4. charactersSara: Kates, Jesses and Annasmom. Shejustlove Kate, shegiveseverithingtoher, evenAnnaslive, shelooseseverithingbecause of her. Buteverithingbecause of love.
5. charactersJesse: Kates and Annasbrother, he has problems and hesquiet, butlovehissisters. Brian: Kates, Jesses and Annas dad he note that Sara isobsessedaboutsaveherdaughter. And heplhertogetthe idea that no matterwhatshesgonna die.
8. MycommentI thinkthat Anna is so strong, also Kate and allfamily, I haveneverbeen in a situationlikethis but I know, that I wouldneverletmysisterorsomeone of myfamily die I cried and criedduringthemovie. I loveit!