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Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / May 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 2
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / November 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 4 293
Sonography of scrotal trauma
Meka Srinivasa Rao, Kalyanpur Arjun
Department of Radiology and Imaging, Teleradiology Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Whitefield, Bangalore, India
Correspondence: Dr. Meka Srinivasa Rao, Flat No. 111, Prime Blue Forest Apts, Rajpalya, Hoody, Mahadevpura Post, Bangalore, India.
E‑mail: srinivas.meka@telradsol.com
The purpose of this article is to depict the spectrum of scrotal injuries in blunt trauma. Scrotal injuries are not very common and
are mostly due to blunt trauma from direct injury, sports injuries or motor vehicle accidents. To minimize complications and ensure
testicular salvage, rapid and accurate diagnosis is necessary. High‑resolution USG is the investigation of choice, as it is readily
available, accurate and has been seen to improve outcomes. An understanding of and familiarity with the sonographic appearance
of scrotal injuries on the part of the radiologist/sonographer is therefore of key importance.
Key words: Blunt testicular trauma; scrotal injuries; sonography
injuries, because of the anatomic location and mobility of
the scrotum.[1]
Direct trauma to the scrotum, typically
during a sporting injury or other similar mechanism is
the commonest form of scrotal injury followed by motor
vehicle collision and penetrating injuries. Scrotal trauma
patients present with acute pain, and accurate diagnosis is
necessary to minimize complications and prevent loss of the
testis.Athorough history and detailed physical examination
are essential for an accurate diagnosis. High‑resolution
USG with Doppler flow evaluation is the investigation of
choice for the evaluation of scrotal abnormalities.[2]
It is
noninvasive and can be used to quickly evaluate scrotal
contents, testicular integrity and blood flow.
Athorough knowledge of scrotal and testicular anatomy is
essential for evaluating testicular injuries.
The outermost layer of the scrotum is the scrotal skin,
which is rugose. The next layer is formed by a series
of fascia, which are contiguous with the fascia of the
abdominal wall, penis and perineum; the individual layers
are not appreciated on USG. The next layer is the tunica
vaginalis, which is composed of an outer (parietal) layer
and an inner (visceral) layer, a potential space where
fluid accumulates. The tunica albuginea is a tough, white,
fibrous, capsule‑like layer surrounding the seminiferous
tubules of the testis; this layer is well appreciated on USG
as an echogenic structure. The visceral layer of the tunica
vaginalis adheres to this layer.
The tunica albuginea extends inward posteriorly to form the
mediastinum testis, the point where the vessels and ducts
traverse the testicular capsule. The epididymis attaches
Scrotal injuries can be classified as extratesticular and
intratesticular types.
Extratesticular injuries
Scrotal wall/extratesticular hematoma
Scrotal wall abrasion or wall thickening is commonly
associated with blunt scrotal trauma. Hematomas are also
a common finding and may appear as focal thickening of
the scrotal wall or as fluid collections [Figure 1A and B]
within the scrotal wall.[2,3]
Hematomas appear echogenic
on USG when acute and evolve with age [Figure 2A‑C].
Extratesticular hematomas [Figure 3A‑C] are located in the
extratesticular soft tissues other than the scrotal wall, and
have an appearance similar to scrotal wall hematoma. These
are managed conservatively, unless very large.
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Rao and Arjun: Sonography of scrotal trauma
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / November 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 4
Hydroceles or hematoceles
Hydroceles may occur in up to 25% of patients with major
trauma [Figure 4A and B]. Rupture of the bulbous urethra
may result in extravasation of urine into the scrotum, which
may mimic a hydrocele.
Similar to hydroceles, hematoceles are complex collections
that separate the visceral and parietal layers of the tunica
echogenic and become more complex and more hypoechoic
with age. Subacute and chronic hematoceles may contain
fluid–fluid levels or low‑level internal echoes and septae.[4,5]
The presence of a large acute hematocele may result in
decreased blood flow to the testis due to extrinsic pressure
on the vessels and thus may mimic testicular torsion or
partial torsion.[6]
surgical exploration irrespective of any USG evidence of
tunica albuginea rupture. In children, hematoceles may
occur secondary to abdominal trauma.[7]
Epididymal injuries
Isolated epididymal injuries are not very common and these
are usually associated with testicular injuries. Contusion
or traumatic epididymitis appears as an enlarged and
heterogeneous epididymis [Figure 6A and B] on USG
with increased vascularity and sometimes associated
with hematocele.[8]
This mimics infectious epididymitis
on USG and the history of trauma differentiates traumatic
epididymitis from its infectious counterpart. Small
hematomas may also be demonstrated in traumatic
epididymitis [Figure 6C and D].
Intratesticular injuries
Intratesticular hematoma: Intratesticular hematomas are
usually focal and fairly well defined [Figure 7A and B]
and may be multiple [Figure 8A and B]. They are usually
hyperechoic in the acute phase or hypoechoic (as the
become infected, an increase in peripheral vascularity may
appears heterogeneous and normal testicular tissue may
barely be seen [Figure 10A‑E]. Doppler imaging helps in
may be treated conservatively with scrotal support, pain
medication and ice packs, unless very large, in which case
surgical exploration and debridement may be necessary.
Testicular fracture
This serious injury usually appears as a linear hypoechoic
band [Figure 11A and B] extending across the testicular
The contour remains smooth with the
shape of the testicle maintained. The tunica albuginea is
intact. An associated hematocele or testicular hematoma
may be seen. The fracture line may not be visible if filled
with isoechoic hematoma. Doppler imaging plays an
important role in determining vascular integrity.
Testicular fractures are treated conservatively if normal
flow is identified in the surrounding testicular parenchyma.
Figure 4 (A, B): Left (A) and Right (B) transverse images demonstrate
bilateral hydroceles (arrows) in a patient with blunt scrotal trauma
Figure 2 (A-C): Sagittal (A), Transverse (B) images demonstrate an
hyperechoic layer in the scrotal wall that represents scrotal wall hematoma
(straight arrows) with an associated hematocele (Curved arrow). Note
that the left testicle is itself intact. Sagittal (C) image of another patient
demonstrates similar findings of scrotal wall hematoma (arrow)
Figure 3 (A-C): A Transverse (A), Sagittal (B) images demonstrate
an ill-defined hyperechoic area that represents a hematoma (arrows)
posterior to the right testis suggestive of extratesticular hematoma.
Transverse (C) image of an extratesticular hematoma (arrows) in
another patient located posterior to the left testis. Scrotal wall thickening
is also noted
Figure 1 (A, B): Sagittal (A), Transverse (B) images in a patient with
history of scrotal trauma a week ago: Note anechoic collection in left
scrotal wall (arrow), representing an evolving hematoma
Rao and Arjun: Sonography of scrotal trauma
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / May 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 2
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / November 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 4 295
Figure 6 (A-D): Sagittal (A) and Transverse (B) images in a patient
with history of blunt scrotal trauma demonstrating heterogeneous and
thickened epididymis (arrows), representing traumatic epididymitis.
Sagittal (C) and Transverse (D) images of another patient with blunt
scrotal trauma demonstrating heterogeneous and thickened left
epididymis with a small hematoma (arrows). An associated hematocele
(curved arrow) is also noted
Figure 5 (A, B): Transverse images demonstrate scrotal wall thickening
(star) with hematocele in a patient with blunt scrotal trauma. Note fibrinous
septations (arrows). A homogeneous intact testicle is also noted
Figure 7 (A, B): Transverse images in a patient with blunt trauma to
the scrotum demonstrating heterogeneous area that represents an
intratesticular hematoma (arrows) in the left testis
Figure 8 (A, B): Transverse images demonstrating well-defined
heterogeneous areas that represent hematomas (arrows) in the left
testis, suggestive of intratesticular hematomas in patient with history
of blunt scrotal trauma
Figure 9 (A, B): Sagittal (A) demonstrating an intratesticular
heterogeneous hypoechoic area (arrow) and sagittal (B) Doppler image
with peripheral vascularity (arrow) in a patient with history of scrotal
trauma a week ago, representing a evolving hematoma (possibly infected)
If flow is absent, emergent exploration is indicated, as this
finding represents ischemia.
Testicular rupture
In testicular rupture there is discontinuity of the echogenic
tunica albuginea with hemorrhage and extrusion of
testicular contents into the scrotal sac [Figure 12A‑E]. This
is an indication for emergency scrotal exploration to salvage
the testis.
In this type of injury, USG also demonstrates poorly defined
testicular margins and heterogeneous echotexture, with
areas of hemorrhage or infarction.[11‑13]
Associated findings
may include scrotal wall thickening and hematocele.
In a study by Buckley and McAninch, in their series of
65 patients with blunt scrotal trauma, based on USG
findings of a heterogeneous echotexture and contour
abnormality, they demonstrated a sensitivity of 100% and a
specificity of 93.5% in the diagnosis of testicular rupture.[13]
Kim et al. demonstrated that loss of definition of the tunica
albuginea is the only significant predictor for the diagnosis
of testicular rupture in patients with blunt scrotal trauma.[14]
Color Doppler imaging is essential and invaluable to assess
traumatic injuries to the testis.[15,16]
Tunica albuginea rupture
is almost always associated with a disruption of vascularity
to the testicular parenchyma due to close apposition of
the tunica vasculosa to the tunica albuginea. This may
result in loss of vascularity to a portion of or the entire
testis [Figure 13A‑C], depending on the grade of injury.
The avascular and lacerated portion of the ruptured testis
Rao and Arjun: Sonography of scrotal trauma
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / November 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 4
is usually debrided, and the viable portions are left behind.
Orchiectomy is performed if there is no or little vascularity.
USG in scrotal trauma reveals a wide spectrum of
morphology, ranging in severity from simple scrotal
wall edema to testicular rupture and infarction. As the
management is determined by the severity of the injury,
it is important for the sonologist to be well versed with
the appearance of each type of injury along this spectrum.
Accurate USG diagnosis is therefore the essence of
appropriate therapy in scrotal trauma.
1. Deurdulian C, Mittelstaedt CA, Chong WK, Fielding JR. US of
acute scrotal trauma: Optimal technique, imaging findings, and
management. Radiographics 2007;27:357‑69.
2. RaghebD,HigginsJLJr.Ultrasonographyofthescrotum:Technique,
anatomy, and pathologic entities. J Ultrasound Med 2002;21:171‑85.
3. Micallef M, Ahmad I, Ramesh N, Hurley M, McInerney D.
Ultrasound features of blunt testicular injury. Injury 2001;32:23‑6.
4. Bhatt S, Ghazale H, Dogra VS. Sonographic evaluation of scrotal
and penile trauma. Ultrasound Clin 2007;2:45‑56.
5. Haddad FS, Manne RK, Nathan MH. The pathological,
ultrasonographic and computerized tomographic characteristics
of chronic hematocele. J Urol 1988;139:594‑5.
6. Dogra VS, Bhatt S, Rubens DR. Sonographic evaluation of testicular
torsion. Ultrasound Clin 2006;1:55‑66.
7. Koumanidou C, Manopoulou E, Pantazis J, Dermentzoglou V,
Georgoulis P, Vakaki M, et al. Scrotal hematocele as an unusual
presentation of blunt abdominal trauma in three male infants.
J Clin Ultrasound 2000;28:190‑3.
8. Gordon LM, Stein SM, Ralls PW. Traumatic epididymitis:
Evaluation with color Doppler sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol
9. Jeffrey RB, Laing FC, Hricak H, McAninch JW. Sonography of
testicular trauma. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1983;141:993‑5.
10. Dogra VS, Gottlieb RH, Oka M, Rubens DJ. Sonography of the
scrotum. Radiology 2003;227:18‑36.
Figure 13 (A-C): Sagittal (A) lateral aspect of the right testis demonstrating
extruded testicular contents in a patient with blunt scrotal trauma.
Transverse (B) Grey-Scale and Doppler (C) images demonstrating
hypoechoic testis without color flow (arrow), indicating infarction. Also
noted are small focal hyperechoic areas (curved arrows) within the
infarcted testis representing (barely) viable portions of the right testis
Figure 12 (A-E): Transverse (A) image with history of blunt scrotal
trauma demonstrating left testicular rupture with extrusion of contents
(arrows). Transverse (B) image, Doppler demonstrating preserved
testicular vascularity. Large hematocele (curved arrow) is also noted.
Transverse (C) image of same patient with left testicular rupture
demonstrating discontinuity of Tunica albuginea (arrow). Transverse
(D) and Sagittal (E) images of another patient with testicular rupture
demonstrating discontinuity of Tunica albuginea (arrow) and extrusion
of contents (curved arrow)
Figure 11 (A, B): Transverse images of the left testis demonstrate
a hypoechoic linear area (arrow) indicative of a testicular fracture in
a patient with history of kick to the scrotum. Tunica albuginea was
intact (not completely shown on images). Associated hematocele
(curved arrow) is also noted
Figure 10 (A-E): Sagittal (A) and transverse (B) images in a mentally
challenged patient with history of scrotal swelling demonstrating large
heterogeneous echogenic area in the right scrotal sac, from which the
testicle is not separately visualized, suggestive of testicular hematoma
(arrows). Image (C) on Doppler, note the low resistance flow in the
testicular tissue. computed tomography-Topogram (D) and axial
(E) images of the same patient with enlarged scrotum (arrow) and a
large hyperdense structure in the right scrotal sac consistent with a
testicular hematoma (curved arrow)
Rao and Arjun: Sonography of scrotal trauma
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / May 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 2
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / November 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 4 297
11. Blaivas M, Brannam L. Testicular ultrasound. Emerg Med Clin
North Am 2004;22:723‑48, ix.
12. Guichard G, El Ammari J, Del Coro C, Cellarier D, Loock PY,
Chabannes E, et al. Accuracy of ultrasonography in diagnosis
of testicular rupture after blunt scrotal trauma. Urology
13. Buckley JC, McAninch JW. Use of ultrasonography for the diagnosis
of testicular injuries in blunt scrotal trauma. J Urol 2006;175:175‑8.
14. Kim SH, Park S, Choi SH, Jeong WK, Choi JH. Significant
predictors for determination of testicular rupture on sonography:
Cite this article as: Rao MS, Arjun K. Sonography of scrotal trauma. Indian
J Radiol Imaging 2012;22:293-7.
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
A prospective study. J Ultrasound Med 2007;26:1649‑55.
15. Muttarak M, Thinyu S, Lojanapiwat B. Clinics in diagnostic
imaging (114). Rupture of the right testis. Singapore Med J
16. Gross M. Rupture of the testicle: The importance of early surgical
treatment. J Urol 1969;101:196‑7.
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  • 1. Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / May 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 2 Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / November 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 4 293 Sonography of scrotal trauma Meka Srinivasa Rao, Kalyanpur Arjun Department of Radiology and Imaging, Teleradiology Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Whitefield, Bangalore, India Correspondence: Dr. Meka Srinivasa Rao, Flat No. 111, Prime Blue Forest Apts, Rajpalya, Hoody, Mahadevpura Post, Bangalore, India. E‑mail: srinivas.meka@telradsol.com Abstract The purpose of this article is to depict the spectrum of scrotal injuries in blunt trauma. Scrotal injuries are not very common and are mostly due to blunt trauma from direct injury, sports injuries or motor vehicle accidents. To minimize complications and ensure testicular salvage, rapid and accurate diagnosis is necessary. High‑resolution USG is the investigation of choice, as it is readily available, accurate and has been seen to improve outcomes. An understanding of and familiarity with the sonographic appearance of scrotal injuries on the part of the radiologist/sonographer is therefore of key importance. Key words: Blunt testicular trauma; scrotal injuries; sonography Ultrasonography Introduction Scrotaltraumaaccountsforlessthan1%ofalltrauma‑related injuries, because of the anatomic location and mobility of the scrotum.[1] Direct trauma to the scrotum, typically during a sporting injury or other similar mechanism is the commonest form of scrotal injury followed by motor vehicle collision and penetrating injuries. Scrotal trauma patients present with acute pain, and accurate diagnosis is necessary to minimize complications and prevent loss of the testis.Athorough history and detailed physical examination are essential for an accurate diagnosis. High‑resolution USG with Doppler flow evaluation is the investigation of choice for the evaluation of scrotal abnormalities.[2] It is noninvasive and can be used to quickly evaluate scrotal contents, testicular integrity and blood flow. Athorough knowledge of scrotal and testicular anatomy is essential for evaluating testicular injuries. Anatomy The outermost layer of the scrotum is the scrotal skin, which is rugose. The next layer is formed by a series of fascia, which are contiguous with the fascia of the abdominal wall, penis and perineum; the individual layers are not appreciated on USG. The next layer is the tunica vaginalis, which is composed of an outer (parietal) layer and an inner (visceral) layer, a potential space where fluid accumulates. The tunica albuginea is a tough, white, fibrous, capsule‑like layer surrounding the seminiferous tubules of the testis; this layer is well appreciated on USG as an echogenic structure. The visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis adheres to this layer. The tunica albuginea extends inward posteriorly to form the mediastinum testis, the point where the vessels and ducts traverse the testicular capsule. The epididymis attaches posterolaterally. Scrotal injuries can be classified as extratesticular and intratesticular types. Extratesticular injuries Scrotal wall/extratesticular hematoma Scrotal wall abrasion or wall thickening is commonly associated with blunt scrotal trauma. Hematomas are also a common finding and may appear as focal thickening of the scrotal wall or as fluid collections [Figure 1A and B] within the scrotal wall.[2,3] Hematomas appear echogenic on USG when acute and evolve with age [Figure 2A‑C]. Extratesticular hematomas [Figure 3A‑C] are located in the extratesticular soft tissues other than the scrotal wall, and have an appearance similar to scrotal wall hematoma. These are managed conservatively, unless very large. Access this article online Quick Response Code: Website: www.ijri.org DOI: 10.4103/0971-3026.111482
  • 2. Rao and Arjun: Sonography of scrotal trauma Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / November 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 4 294 Hydroceles or hematoceles Hydroceles may occur in up to 25% of patients with major trauma [Figure 4A and B]. Rupture of the bulbous urethra may result in extravasation of urine into the scrotum, which may mimic a hydrocele. Similar to hydroceles, hematoceles are complex collections that separate the visceral and parietal layers of the tunica vaginalis[Figure5AandB].Likehematomas,theyareacutely echogenic and become more complex and more hypoechoic with age. Subacute and chronic hematoceles may contain fluid–fluid levels or low‑level internal echoes and septae.[4,5] The presence of a large acute hematocele may result in decreased blood flow to the testis due to extrinsic pressure on the vessels and thus may mimic testicular torsion or partial torsion.[6] Thepresenceofalargehematocelewarrants surgical exploration irrespective of any USG evidence of tunica albuginea rupture. In children, hematoceles may occur secondary to abdominal trauma.[7] Epididymal injuries Isolated epididymal injuries are not very common and these are usually associated with testicular injuries. Contusion or traumatic epididymitis appears as an enlarged and heterogeneous epididymis [Figure 6A and B] on USG with increased vascularity and sometimes associated with hematocele.[8] This mimics infectious epididymitis on USG and the history of trauma differentiates traumatic epididymitis from its infectious counterpart. Small hematomas may also be demonstrated in traumatic epididymitis [Figure 6C and D]. Intratesticular injuries a. Intratesticular hematoma: Intratesticular hematomas are usually focal and fairly well defined [Figure 7A and B] and may be multiple [Figure 8A and B]. They are usually hyperechoic in the acute phase or hypoechoic (as the hemorrhageevolves)andlackvascularity.[4] Whenhematomas become infected, an increase in peripheral vascularity may benoted[Figure9AandB].Alargeintratesticularhematoma appears heterogeneous and normal testicular tissue may barely be seen [Figure 10A‑E]. Doppler imaging helps in differentiatingfromtesticulartumors.Testicularhematomas may be treated conservatively with scrotal support, pain medication and ice packs, unless very large, in which case surgical exploration and debridement may be necessary. Testicular fracture This serious injury usually appears as a linear hypoechoic band [Figure 11A and B] extending across the testicular parenchyma.[9‑11] The contour remains smooth with the shape of the testicle maintained. The tunica albuginea is intact. An associated hematocele or testicular hematoma may be seen. The fracture line may not be visible if filled with isoechoic hematoma. Doppler imaging plays an important role in determining vascular integrity. Testicular fractures are treated conservatively if normal flow is identified in the surrounding testicular parenchyma. Figure 4 (A, B): Left (A) and Right (B) transverse images demonstrate bilateral hydroceles (arrows) in a patient with blunt scrotal trauma B A Figure 2 (A-C): Sagittal (A), Transverse (B) images demonstrate an hyperechoic layer in the scrotal wall that represents scrotal wall hematoma (straight arrows) with an associated hematocele (Curved arrow). Note that the left testicle is itself intact. Sagittal (C) image of another patient demonstrates similar findings of scrotal wall hematoma (arrow) C B A Figure 3 (A-C): A Transverse (A), Sagittal (B) images demonstrate an ill-defined hyperechoic area that represents a hematoma (arrows) posterior to the right testis suggestive of extratesticular hematoma. Transverse (C) image of an extratesticular hematoma (arrows) in another patient located posterior to the left testis. Scrotal wall thickening is also noted C B A Figure 1 (A, B): Sagittal (A), Transverse (B) images in a patient with history of scrotal trauma a week ago: Note anechoic collection in left scrotal wall (arrow), representing an evolving hematoma B A
  • 3. Rao and Arjun: Sonography of scrotal trauma Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / May 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 2 Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / November 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 4 295 Figure 6 (A-D): Sagittal (A) and Transverse (B) images in a patient with history of blunt scrotal trauma demonstrating heterogeneous and thickened epididymis (arrows), representing traumatic epididymitis. Sagittal (C) and Transverse (D) images of another patient with blunt scrotal trauma demonstrating heterogeneous and thickened left epididymis with a small hematoma (arrows). An associated hematocele (curved arrow) is also noted D C B A A Figure 5 (A, B): Transverse images demonstrate scrotal wall thickening (star) with hematocele in a patient with blunt scrotal trauma. Note fibrinous septations (arrows). A homogeneous intact testicle is also noted B A Figure 7 (A, B): Transverse images in a patient with blunt trauma to the scrotum demonstrating heterogeneous area that represents an intratesticular hematoma (arrows) in the left testis B A Figure 8 (A, B): Transverse images demonstrating well-defined heterogeneous areas that represent hematomas (arrows) in the left testis, suggestive of intratesticular hematomas in patient with history of blunt scrotal trauma B A Figure 9 (A, B): Sagittal (A) demonstrating an intratesticular heterogeneous hypoechoic area (arrow) and sagittal (B) Doppler image with peripheral vascularity (arrow) in a patient with history of scrotal trauma a week ago, representing a evolving hematoma (possibly infected) B A If flow is absent, emergent exploration is indicated, as this finding represents ischemia. Testicular rupture In testicular rupture there is discontinuity of the echogenic tunica albuginea with hemorrhage and extrusion of testicular contents into the scrotal sac [Figure 12A‑E]. This is an indication for emergency scrotal exploration to salvage the testis. In this type of injury, USG also demonstrates poorly defined testicular margins and heterogeneous echotexture, with areas of hemorrhage or infarction.[11‑13] Associated findings may include scrotal wall thickening and hematocele. In a study by Buckley and McAninch, in their series of 65 patients with blunt scrotal trauma, based on USG findings of a heterogeneous echotexture and contour abnormality, they demonstrated a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 93.5% in the diagnosis of testicular rupture.[13] Kim et al. demonstrated that loss of definition of the tunica albuginea is the only significant predictor for the diagnosis of testicular rupture in patients with blunt scrotal trauma.[14] Color Doppler imaging is essential and invaluable to assess traumatic injuries to the testis.[15,16] Tunica albuginea rupture is almost always associated with a disruption of vascularity to the testicular parenchyma due to close apposition of the tunica vasculosa to the tunica albuginea. This may result in loss of vascularity to a portion of or the entire testis [Figure 13A‑C], depending on the grade of injury. The avascular and lacerated portion of the ruptured testis
  • 4. Rao and Arjun: Sonography of scrotal trauma Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / November 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 4 296 is usually debrided, and the viable portions are left behind. Orchiectomy is performed if there is no or little vascularity. Summary USG in scrotal trauma reveals a wide spectrum of morphology, ranging in severity from simple scrotal wall edema to testicular rupture and infarction. As the management is determined by the severity of the injury, it is important for the sonologist to be well versed with the appearance of each type of injury along this spectrum. Accurate USG diagnosis is therefore the essence of appropriate therapy in scrotal trauma. References 1. Deurdulian C, Mittelstaedt CA, Chong WK, Fielding JR. US of acute scrotal trauma: Optimal technique, imaging findings, and management. Radiographics 2007;27:357‑69. 2. RaghebD,HigginsJLJr.Ultrasonographyofthescrotum:Technique, anatomy, and pathologic entities. J Ultrasound Med 2002;21:171‑85. 3. Micallef M, Ahmad I, Ramesh N, Hurley M, McInerney D. Ultrasound features of blunt testicular injury. Injury 2001;32:23‑6. 4. Bhatt S, Ghazale H, Dogra VS. Sonographic evaluation of scrotal and penile trauma. Ultrasound Clin 2007;2:45‑56. 5. Haddad FS, Manne RK, Nathan MH. The pathological, ultrasonographic and computerized tomographic characteristics of chronic hematocele. J Urol 1988;139:594‑5. 6. Dogra VS, Bhatt S, Rubens DR. Sonographic evaluation of testicular torsion. Ultrasound Clin 2006;1:55‑66. 7. Koumanidou C, Manopoulou E, Pantazis J, Dermentzoglou V, Georgoulis P, Vakaki M, et al. Scrotal hematocele as an unusual presentation of blunt abdominal trauma in three male infants. J Clin Ultrasound 2000;28:190‑3. 8. Gordon LM, Stein SM, Ralls PW. Traumatic epididymitis: Evaluation with color Doppler sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1996;166:1323‑5. 9. Jeffrey RB, Laing FC, Hricak H, McAninch JW. Sonography of testicular trauma. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1983;141:993‑5. 10. Dogra VS, Gottlieb RH, Oka M, Rubens DJ. Sonography of the scrotum. Radiology 2003;227:18‑36. Figure 13 (A-C): Sagittal (A) lateral aspect of the right testis demonstrating extruded testicular contents in a patient with blunt scrotal trauma. Transverse (B) Grey-Scale and Doppler (C) images demonstrating hypoechoic testis without color flow (arrow), indicating infarction. Also noted are small focal hyperechoic areas (curved arrows) within the infarcted testis representing (barely) viable portions of the right testis C B A Figure 12 (A-E): Transverse (A) image with history of blunt scrotal trauma demonstrating left testicular rupture with extrusion of contents (arrows). Transverse (B) image, Doppler demonstrating preserved testicular vascularity. Large hematocele (curved arrow) is also noted. Transverse (C) image of same patient with left testicular rupture demonstrating discontinuity of Tunica albuginea (arrow). Transverse (D) and Sagittal (E) images of another patient with testicular rupture demonstrating discontinuity of Tunica albuginea (arrow) and extrusion of contents (curved arrow) D C B A E Figure 11 (A, B): Transverse images of the left testis demonstrate a hypoechoic linear area (arrow) indicative of a testicular fracture in a patient with history of kick to the scrotum. Tunica albuginea was intact (not completely shown on images). Associated hematocele (curved arrow) is also noted B A Figure 10 (A-E): Sagittal (A) and transverse (B) images in a mentally challenged patient with history of scrotal swelling demonstrating large heterogeneous echogenic area in the right scrotal sac, from which the testicle is not separately visualized, suggestive of testicular hematoma (arrows). Image (C) on Doppler, note the low resistance flow in the testicular tissue. computed tomography-Topogram (D) and axial (E) images of the same patient with enlarged scrotum (arrow) and a large hyperdense structure in the right scrotal sac consistent with a testicular hematoma (curved arrow) D C B A E
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