Six Sigma is a statistical approach to process improvement that aims to identify and remove defects. It was developed by Motorola in the 1970s to improve quality and reduce costs. Six Sigma seeks to reduce variation and errors in processes by using statistical methods and focuses on eliminating waste and increasing customer satisfaction. Major companies that have implemented Six Sigma include Motorola, GE, and Sony. The methodology aims for fast, measurable financial results within 4-8 months while ensuring the strategies become ingrained in the company culture over the long term. Some criticism argues it is merely an appraisal system and not a preventative approach, though proponents say appraisals are useful for tracking improvements. Success depends on proper use of tools and management support.
2. What is Six Sigma!!!
Six sigma is a business statistical Strategy.
Is to identifying defects and removing them
from the process of products to improve quality.
A defect is de鍖ned as any process output that
does not meet customer speci鍖cations.
Statistical measure to objectively evaluate
The Six sigma was founded by Motorola in the
Out of senior executive Art Sundry's criticism of
Motorolas bad quality.
They founded a connection between increases in
quality and decreases in costs of production.
Bill Smith, Father of six sigma introduce this
quality improvement Methodology to Motorola.
Quality management program developed by
Motorola in the 1980s.
Management philosophy focused on business
process improvements to:
Eliminate waste, rework, and mistakes
Increase customer satisfaction
Increase pro鍖tability and competitiveness
There is nothing new. It only proves defects and defectives
counts offer tangible, measurable results.
It is corrective action system rather than taking a preventive
and proactive approach to problems.
It is merely about appraisal system and that appraisal programs
arent useful. In realty, appraisals are great tools for identifying
and tracking improvements, which is critical to any project.
Critics have suggested that Six Sigma did not bring quality
improvement in all the organizations where it was implemented.
It depends on the tools and authorizations.