Originally presented at Content Convergence & Integration 2008.
Wikis, with their free-flowing unstructured approach to knowledge management are catching on like wildfire within organizations. However, there are pitfalls to avoid before rolling them out within your company. This presentation outlines the six key factors to consider before launching one of these applications. Using examples based on real-life success stories using <a href="http://www.thoughtfarmer.com/">ThoughtFarmer</a>, Darren will provide recommendations that will help you achieve success regardless of the wiki platform you choose.
13. The Green Place Green is no longer the domain of a few crusaders on the fringes of society; it has matured into an established reality. We feel that it is the responsibility of each human and every organization to advance the cause of sustainability, playing a key role through behaviours and decision making. In light of this, we are formally declaring our support for and commitment to initiatives that have as their goal to reduce the impact Kermit.jpg
48. Launch: Make it an event Bring donuts www.flickr.com/photos/morgantepsic/281890763/
49. Six steps to Wiki success Pilot with the right group Designate a Wiki Gardener Start with a basic structure Migrate existing content Training and support Promote and launch