Barbour, M. K. (2013, October). State of the Nation: K-12 online learning in Canada. A presentation to the 4th Annual DE Academy 2013 Conference, Humboldt, SK.
The Canadian government has significantly cut education funding since 2008 while tuition fees continue to rise, resulting in $28 billion in student debt. The current OSAP system bases funding on parental income without considering whether students are financially supported by parents or parental debt levels. It also lacks accountability as students can use funds for non-school purposes without consequence. A redesigned OSAP system is needed that determines funding based on actual parental contributions, considers a variety of family financial factors, and provides constant oversight to ensure money is properly used.
This document summarizes the agenda and discussions at a CELCIS Education Forum meeting. The agenda included presentations on working with children in a developmentally informed way, out of authority placements, and updates on CELCIS's education work. Forum members discussed challenges with out of authority placements and how systems, organizations, and individuals need to change approaches. CELCIS will analyze feedback and identify next steps to improve support for children in out of authority placements. The forum also discussed using new Scottish Attainment Challenge Funding to supplement supports for looked after children.