Denilson Barbosa completed the IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional Reports Fundamentals (v10.2) SPVC (J2258) training program on June 29, 2013. The certificate confirms he successfully finished the IBM Cognos Report Studio training via the IBM Learner Portal.
The document provides instructions for traditional Irish dances including the Ballaà Luimnigh and SaighdiúirÃ. It lists dance steps like sidestepping left and right, clapping to music, dancing on the spot, and going in circles. It also gives commands for military-style movements including turning, raising and lowering hands, folding arms, and running slowly or quickly forwards and backwards. The instructions are meant to direct dancers in traditional Irish dances through calls for specific movements.
Nancy Jane McGlothen is a payroll specialist and human resources assistant currently employed by a nonprofit and county government. She has extensive experience in clerical work, payroll, customer service, accounting, and student support systems. She recently graduated from Clark State Community College with honors and is now pursuing a bachelor's degree in human relations and communications from Franklin University. She is skilled in Microsoft Office, payroll and accounting software, and has affiliations with several professional organizations.
Minneapolis has invested over $1.67 billion to develop its light-rail system over the past decade in an effort to become a world-class city with strong public transportation like New York and Chicago. The light-rail lines have exceeded ridership projections, with the Green Line already nearing 2030 predictions within its first eight months. This high ridership demonstrates public support for the light-rail system and justification for the large investments, as the modern and interconnected system brings the Twin Cities together as one metropolitan area and moves the city closer to being considered among America's greats.
Poblogoslaw, Panie Boże, nas,
pobłogosław ten posiłek i tych,
dzięki którym go spożywamy,
i naucz nas dzielić się chlebem
i radością z innymi.
Dziękujemy Ci, Panie, za te dary,
które z Twojej dobroci spożyliśmy.
Przez Chrystusa, Pana naszego.
Duchu Święty, który oświecasz
serca i umysły nasze,
dodaj nam ochoty i zdolności,
aby ta nauka
była dla nas pożytkiem doczesnym
i wiecznym.
Przez Chrystusa, Pana naszego.