This document provides information about a sponsorship opportunity for a skating rink at Cabot Circus in Bristol, UK. It details that the rink receives over 500,000 visitors per week, with 73% from higher socioeconomic groups. The shopping center has over 140 stores and restaurants across 1.3 million square feet. Sponsorship packages provide branding in the rink and during marketing, as well as space for experiential activities. The highest package provides sole sponsorship rights.
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Skating Rink 2011
1. Fast Facts
Skating Rink
Sponsorship Visitors per week - 500,000+
Opportunity Visitors in ABC1 social grade - 73%
Number of shops & stores - 140
Average dwell time - 79 minutes
Car parking spaces - 2,500
Population in catchment - 3.6 million
Brand domination in the South West’s Average non-food spend - £80.78
Average party size - 1.6 people
largest retail and leisure destination
Anchor tenants include:
House of Fraser, New Look, Urban Outfitters,
Zara, Hollister Co, H&M, Harvey Nichols.
2. Ratecard Sponsorship Opportunity –
Cabot Circus Bristol -
Open to 2 concurrent sponsors over the 6 week Quakers Friars Skating Rink
Christmas period, or one sponsor for
brand domination. Winter 2011
Net Media
Ratecard Back by popular demand – the South West’s premier skating rink returns this
Christmas providing brands with an unrivalled opportunity to engage with
Branding on the inside of the skating rink £15,000
around half a million consumers a week as they relax and have fun at this iconic
Branded ‘wrap’ of the tree £5,000 venue. The skating rink will open under the media spotlight, simultaneously with
Bristol’s Christmas light switch on.
Promotional space for experiential use
Since opening in October 2008, Cabot Circus has elevated Bristol to the centre
(10m x 4m approx) £24,000 stage of shopping and entertainment. With over 140 shops and restaurants
covering over 1.3 million sq ft, this has become a true destination for the South
Presence on all marketing collateral for
West. With an audience of 73% ABC1 professionals, and an average dwell time
the skating rink including online £10,000
of 79 minutes, this opportunity provides unmissable exposure for brands.
Roaming sampling rights around the This unique package, with a contract deadline of 16 September, includes full
skating rink £18,000 immersive sponsorship rights, including ice rink branding, experiential and
sampling rights, amplification in press and online, PR and social
Total ratecard value £72,000 media coverage.
Discounted sponsor pack price £57,600
For full details please call the experiential sales team, on 020 7227 3700
Discounted domination pack price (Solus) £90,000 or email us at
Bristol ACORN Profile - Category
The top 3 Affluent ACORN Categories make up 68%
of the catchment profile.
Hard Pressed Wealthy Achievers
16% 23%
Moderate Urban
Means Prosperity
16% 16%
Comfortably Off 29%