35. David B. Gleason from Chicago, IL - The Pentagon
We decided we needed
to buy innovation
45. Skytenester skal vurderast p奪 linje med andre
N奪r skytenester gir den mest hensiktsmessige
og kostnadseffektive l淡ysinga, og det ikkje ligg
f淡re spesielle hindringar for 奪 ta i bruk slike
tenester b淡r ein velje 奪 bruke skytenester.
46. Skytenester skal vurderast p奪 linje med andre
N奪r skytenester gir den mest hensiktsmessige
og kostnadseffektive l淡ysinga, og det ikkje ligg
f淡re spesielle hindringar for 奪 ta i bruk slike
tenester b淡r ein velje 奪 bruke skytenester.
Den valde l淡ysinga m奪 tilfredsstille verksemda
sine krav til informasjonstryggleik
#5: As Yegge's recalls that one day Jeff Bezos issued a mandate, sometime back around 2002 (give or take a year):
All teams will henceforth expose their data and functionality through service interfaces.
Teams must communicate with each other through these interfaces.
There will be no other form of inter-process communication allowed: no direct linking, no direct reads of another teams data store, no shared-memory model, no back-doors whatsoever. The only communication allowed is via service interface calls over the network.
It doesnt matter what technology they use.
All service interfaces, without exception, must be designed from the ground up to be externalizable. That is to say, the team must plan and design to be able to expose the interface to developers in the outside world. No exceptions.
#6: The mandate closed with:
Anyone who doesnt do this will be fired. Thank you; have a nice day!
#18: RFI markedsunders淡kelse, sp淡r leverand淡rindustrien om produkter og tjenester
P奪f淡lgende RFP - anskaffelse
Forst奪 skattyters oppf淡rsel bedre
Bedre tjenester for sluttbrukere
Detektere og iverksette tiltak ved avvikende oppf淡rsel
Bruke kunnskap i kjernen av forretningsprosessene
Analyse av store datamengder
Prediksjon og scoring
Dynamiske data fortl淡pende oppdatering
The future vision and strategy of the Norwegian Tax Administration (NTA) emphasizes the need for abetter understanding of taxpayer behaviour. This is to ensure effective resource utilization both within thetax administration, and in our interaction with the tax payers. Application of this knowledge in ourproduction processes will lead to better services for the taxpayer and enable NTA to detect and actquickly on non-compliant behaviour.The intention behind this RFI is to get the suppliers and service providers' perspective on the futuredirection of analytics related to NTA's challenges and needs. Equally important, we also seek a betterunderstanding of the products and services available to include a more efficient and pervasive use ofanalytics and knowledge in core business processes. We foresee that this could be achieved by usingscoring and predictive models etc. in a common decision engine that supports our core productionsystems. Responses to this RFI should present both relevant product/service offerings and examples ofactual use in relevant organizations and problem domains.The project "Operasjonalisering av risikobasert tiln脱rming" (Operationalizing a risk based approach) isone of the first major initiatives that addresses how to expand the use of a risk and knowledge basedapproach within the organisation. The objective of the project is to develop the operational concept andto plan for implementing the next steps. Intended start of implementation is during the second half of2016.
#20: Vi har levert svar p奪 RFIen i samarbeid med Google
Google Cloud Platform managed services
BigQuery for analyse
Prediction API for scoring og prediction
Cloud Storage for lagring av semistrukturert data
BigTable,Cloud SQL
#22: Dataflow, PubSub Batch Computing, Streaming and ETL
Andreas Heim klokka 13.15!