The document discusses skill-based syllabus in language teaching. It defines skills as specific ways of using language that combine structural and functional ability. A skill-based syllabus groups language competencies like grammar, vocabulary and discourse into generalized behaviors like listening for main ideas or writing paragraphs. The primary purpose is to teach skills useful for language use. Examples include guessing vocabulary from context and reading for the main idea. Skill-based syllabus is most useful when learners need to master specific language uses.
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2. The term skill in language teaching is
used as a specific way of using language that
combines structural and functional ability but
exists independently of specific settings or
situations. In the other hand, skill is the ability
that people must be able to competent
enough in language, rather independently of
the situation or context in which the language
use can occur.
3. Reading skills
skimming and scanning
Writing skills
writing specific topic sentences or writing
memos, reports
Speaking skills
giving instructions
personal information
asking for emergency help over the telephone
Listening skills
getting specific information
listening to foreign radio for news
talking orders in a restaurant
4. The ability to use language in
specific ways is partially dependent
on general language ability, but
partly based on experience and the
need for specific skills. Efficiency and
relevance of instruction are major
strengths of skill-based syllabus.
5. In skill-based syllabus, the content of the language teaching involves a collection
of particular skills that may play a role in using language
The primary purpose of skill-based instruction is to teach the specific language skill
In skill-based syllabus, the
that may be useful or necessary in using language. Skills are things that people
must be able to do to be competent in a language. Unlike situational syllabi where
content of the language
functions are grouped together into specific language use settings, skill-based
syllabi group linguistic competencies (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and
discourse) together into generalized types of behavior, such as listening to spoken
teaching involves a collection
language for the main idea, writing well-formed paragraphs, specific purpose
writing, and so forth.
of particular skills that may
play a role in using language.
6. In skill-based syllabus, the content of the language teaching involves a collection
of particular skills that may play a role in using language
The primary purpose of skill-based instruction is to teach the specific language skill
that may be useful or necessary in using language. Skills are things that people
must be able to do to be competent in a language. Unlike situational syllabi where
The primary purpose of skill-
functions are grouped together into specific language use settings, skill-based
syllabi group linguistic competencies (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and
based instruction is to teach the
discourse) together into generalized types of behavior, such as listening to spoken
language for the main idea, writing well-formed paragraphs, specific purpose
specific language skill that may be
writing, and so forth.
useful or necessary in using
There are some examples of the way to apply skill-based syllabus
such as:
Guessing vocabulary from context scanning or non prose material
Reading for the main idea Using affixes as clues to meaning
Inference More scanning of non prose material
Summarizing readings More work on affixes
Dictionary work Restatement of informational content
More inference work More affix work
More statement More inference
Analysis of paragraph structure Critical reading skill
Using context clues Using expectations
8. Competences That Must Be Had By The Students
Students will be able to identify common food items from each
food group
Students will be able to read name and price label
Students will be able to identify coins by name and amount
Students will be able to give correct change
Students will be able to identify family members by name and
Students will be able to write name, address, telephone number,
and age in appropriate place form.
9. 1. Skill-based content is most useful when learners need to
master specific types of language uses.
2. It is possible to predict at least what material that students really need.
2. It is possible to predict at least what material that students
really need.
3. Relevance on student-felt needs or wants .
10. Under the right circumstance, the skill based syllabi has
few drawbacks. Up till now, there is a theoretical question about
this kind of syllabus. That is about the whether the degree to which
ability to perform specific in language is dependent overall
language proficiency or not.
Besides that, there are different opinions about this
syllabus related to the relationship between skill instruction ad
general language proficiency. One side believes that skill based
syllabus will be helpful because someone learns language
specifically. But other side said that this syllabus will limit some
ones general language proficiency.
11. Social and philosophical question also rise about the social
values that are contained in many skill instructional based
program. Skill based instruction that is too limited in scope can
program students for particular kinds of behavior (e.g. obedience
in a work setting) or isolated them from achievements and
ambition that the competencies do not prepare them for (e.g.
education rather than entry-level employment).
Skill-based instruction is most appropriate when learners need
specific skills, and especially when these skills are well-defined and
the learners have little need for global language ability.
Skill-based instruction is probably more appropriate for adults that
for children, for whom emphasis on concrete content is more
Skill-based instruction is not appropriate, in large amount, at least,
for general purpose or beginning level language programs in which
the need of the learners are broad or yet to be defined. In such case,
focusing on narrow skill-based applications will take instructional
time away from content that is more likely to address their need for
overall language proficiency.