This document summarizes a Twitter discussion around the skills offered by media education and how to change perceptions of the subject. Participants discussed analytical, technical, and collaboration skills gained through media education. They also debated how to showcase students' skills to change views of governments, parents and the public by emphasizing critical thinking, world understanding and career opportunities in media fields.
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Skills what-skills
1. #mediaedchat
Skills? What skills? Trending Words
Skills? What skills? media, skills, @andywallis, rt,
@andywallis:, students,
@thecuriousgeek, change, topic,
tomorrow's, announced!,
Event Participants
2. Ugh missed #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 21:27 | GoGo_GadgetGirl
RT @andywallis: Join the fight to save creative subjects in schools! #baccforthefuture
04-Dec-12 21:21 | TallisVMA
RT @andywallis: Join the fight to save creative subjects in schools! #baccforthefuture
04-Dec-12 21:20 | islayian
Join the fight to save creative subjects in schools! #baccforthefuture #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 21:19 | andywallis
#mediaedchat skills, approaches as learning tools, staff expertise = yes, but gov pressure+new SLT making it
04-Dec-12 21:03 | TallisVMA
Really nice talking Media folk. @mr_m_ellis thanks for the reminder, see you tomorrow, back to some personal
statements now #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:56 | thecuriousgeek
@TallisVMA I have looked at your school before. It looks to me like Media has a good profile and is valued. Or
am I wrong #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:54 | thecuriousgeek
@TallisVMA great idea. How about Media based projects involving collaboration of departments #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:52 | thecuriousgeek
#mediaedchat @thecuriousgeek It's that impact our head is looking for. Not always sure subject is valued
04-Dec-12 20:52 | TallisVMA
@mr_m_ellis I thought I might get a reply from you #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:50 | thecuriousgeek
@smanfarr Agree. Seen 2 teachers do the same English lesson. 1 used Media the other didn't. Guess which 1
was unsatisfactory #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:48 | thecuriousgeek
@thecuriousgeek As you know, I do. The combining of Media as a subject and Media as the use of Technology
very important #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:48 | mr_m_ellis
#mediaedchat Analytical skills, technical skill, social skills, literacy, world understanding, critical thinking. So
important in all areas.
04-Dec-12 20:45 | KTSMedia1
Alas I have to dash, but everything will get recorded and blogged #mediaedchat. please continue discussing and
thank you all :)
04-Dec-12 20:45 | andywallis
@thecuriousgeek very few I would suspect #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:43 | andywallis
3. #mediaedchat a whole school CPD obligation, tech support staff/teachers go out 'on loan' for projects, do informal
skills swaps too
04-Dec-12 20:39 | TallisVMA
@thecuriousgeek but I agree about changing student perception #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:38 | andywallis
RT @thecuriousgeek @andywallis Why fight to change government perception? I am more interested in student
perception. AGREE #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:38 | mister_seal
@thecuriousgeek because the government is making many attempts to sideline it imo #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:38 | andywallis
RT @thecuriousgeek: @andywallis Why fight to change government perception? I am more interested in student
perception. #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:37 | mister_seal
@andywallis Why fight to change government perception? I am more interested in student perception.
04-Dec-12 20:36 | thecuriousgeek
@andywallis The fastest growing degree courses are media the degrees with the highest % straight into jobs are
media. #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:36 | thecuriousgeek
@mister_seal #mediaedchat am ex head of media with 2 ex chief examiners so it's embedded in our sow. Taking
it cross curric is vital #plcs
04-Dec-12 20:35 | smanfarr
Get together with your head and go see Alan November @globallearner This WILL win your
head over #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:33 | thecuriousgeek
@smanfarr good way to share practice and promote understanding #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:32 | MrsBirks
@smanfarr #mediaedchat great idea.need this for English teachers too.and RE/ philosophy. Media across the
04-Dec-12 20:31 | mister_seal
@thecuriousgeek agree. But will it not still be ridiculed by the press/government? How can we change that?
04-Dec-12 20:31 | andywallis
#mediaedchat most parents are very surprised at the skills it provides, but often only realise that during/after, not
before enrolment!
04-Dec-12 20:30 | andywallis
Every dept should be using media. Why not use PD days to showcase Media T&L strategies and Media Tools at
whole school level #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:29 | thecuriousgeek
#mediaedchat @andywallis critical analytical skills def need promoting to students pre enrol and parents and
wider community
04-Dec-12 20:28 | MrsBirks
4. Our students should leave us able to explain what media has give them - his would help get good message out
04-Dec-12 20:25 | mr_m_ellis
@andywallis #mediaedchat as it should be. Multi modality is at the heart of diverse T&L strategies I think.
04-Dec-12 20:25 | smanfarr
@andywallis #mediaedchat flaunt kids' skills at every opportunity to anyone who'll listen!
04-Dec-12 20:25 | mister_seal
@andywallis #mediaedchat flaunt kids' skills at every opportunity to anyone who'll listen!
04-Dec-12 20:25 | gramscini
#mediaedchat sorry late to the party! Don't think we should underestimate technology/practical skills eg
Buckingham's points at mea conf
04-Dec-12 20:24 | MrsBirks
@smanfarr ability to read different texts: something that Scotland has embedded in their new curriculum for all
stages #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:23 | andywallis
@steviedm #mediaedchat colleagues/ parents always surprised by range and sophistication of skills Media
students demonstrate
04-Dec-12 20:22 | mister_seal
#mediaedchat skills of visual literacy and the ability to read different types of texts. Underpinned by a theoretical
04-Dec-12 20:22 | smanfarr
@mister_seal "daunting difficulty" - yes! But Gove & some of the public don't understand that. How can we
change that? #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:21 | andywallis
#mediaedchat Yes. Eg A2 film exam is a challenge - good essay writing skills and high level analytical thinking
needed. Gove should love it!
04-Dec-12 20:20 | steviedm
we focus our recruitment on skills (range, depth, contemporary-ness, and daunting difficulty!) #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:18 | mister_seal
@mr_m_ellis very pertinent point... does Media need to be rebranded? #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:18 | andywallis
@steviedm so therefore do the critical analytical skills need to be promoted? #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:16 | andywallis
@mr_m_ellis in that it's not just watching film and TV?! #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:14 | andywallis
RT @andrewwarnerkms: @andywallis #mediaedchat we live in a media-driven society so media savvy students
can negotiate their way around it more intelligently
04-Dec-12 20:14 | mr_m_ellis
5. @andywallis #mediaedchat we live in a media-driven society so media savvy students can negotiate their way
around it more intelligently
04-Dec-12 20:10 | andrewwarnerkms
@mr_m_ellis regarding the industry. Is that 1 of our main 'battles'? Convincing the media that it's worth being
educated about? #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:09 | andywallis
@andrewwarnerkms good point, how does it do that? #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:07 | andywallis
We must be cautious over skills such as team-work, organisation etc. Laudable skills but seen as ‘soft’ by Gove &
co. #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:07 | steviedm
@mister_seal @rbtmcm I think yu're absolutely right about project/people management #mediaedchat have seen
so many students develop
04-Dec-12 20:07 | andywallis
@andywallis project management. Sets us apart from so many other subjects and courses #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:06 | mister_seal
@andywallis Project and people management #mediaedchat (forgot hashtag)
04-Dec-12 20:06 | rbtmcm
RT @rbtmcm Project and people management. #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:05 | andywallis
#mediaedchat enhances the social capital (and therefore lifechances) that students have
04-Dec-12 20:05 | andrewwarnerkms
#mediaedchat I think the focus on in depth building of analytical skills is often the most under recognised by
non-subject specialists.
04-Dec-12 20:04 | steviedm
#mediaedchat Media Education offers understanding of how the media industry functions - invaluable when lives
are lived through media
04-Dec-12 20:04 | mr_m_ellis
So apart from analytical and practical skills, what does media education offer? #mediaedchat
04-Dec-12 20:01 | andywallis
RT @andywallis: #mediaedchat starting in 5 minutes... “what skills does Media Education offer and how can we
celebrate these skills to change perception?“
04-Dec-12 19:56 | TallisVMA
#mediaedchat starting in 5 minutes... “what skills does Media Education offer and how can we celebrate these
skills to change perception?“
04-Dec-12 19:55 | andywallis
RT @nizlamb: Tonight's #mediaedchat tonight 8-9pm
04-Dec-12 19:18 | andywallis
6. RT @andywallis: Topic for tomorrow's #mediaedchat announced! Any RTs much
03-Dec-12 19:07 | hgaldinoshea
RT @andywallis: Topic for tomorrow's #mediaedchat announced! Any RTs much
03-Dec-12 18:50 | rbtmcm
RT @andywallis: Topic for tomorrow's #mediaedchat announced! Any RTs much
03-Dec-12 18:14 | tombarrance
Topic for tomorrow's #mediaedchat announced! Any RTs much appreciated
03-Dec-12 18:04 | andywallis