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         be-     WAJJ?           cr^.I L a.l"'t        <-rp<.r* 4w tb d,o fh,3 .
                                                          I      a.l

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The permanent beta: the same community, the ever-changing product - How To We...
The permanent beta: the same community, the ever-changing product - How To We...The permanent beta: the same community, the ever-changing product - How To We...
The permanent beta: the same community, the ever-changing product - How To We...
Frankenstein intro and research project intro
Frankenstein intro and research project introFrankenstein intro and research project intro
Frankenstein intro and research project intro
"Como Conscientizar o Elo Mais Fraco?""Como Conscientizar o Elo Mais Fraco?"
"Como Conscientizar o Elo Mais Fraco?"
Luiz Felipe Ferreira

skin biomechanic

  • 1. t d-. * oye{ }-U_ nq}nr. cln$ts drtr6nin$ d 5&n^es, of--<.xpe.clm*lg -*;5vd16d . rt^ *1;-*d*lr{'rine-- }).*. cnnsll}v*we- popnr+ica c$ .- -S-L-)r.- .. I,n ord e,r +T d.o-s3n 6,1, sr{ie& oF .. . . ,exfsdnt*nE lt, do- +hi:-, yu .,*t) tD PoPtr64=- ,-,,,sr.-.1ollgtit.l!iv.e. la,w cr frr-ori b.rSp4 on 30.r.- ,}as l-.dy* , t!*-- |irr,9 , . thc- 'cond;*xt's bo, ,. a.ry.*-Jat*rs+xj ln, r'"&lio<1 r onJ per,hags +t- bS}qy,lf_. ir. swe p-X.!frn,!ra1l3 e).F 4"11 er.,r,- ., -:" [i;i; ;.-**d# iu.o tt& cDns]-'tvfNe etv.'*.-Er^ -xr'rt** , -'s*'b,:eo..4+r! gian519n .51-.rar^ (o^.I 9|reru , ra+- olsg . I *;iA*-, -,-- It*s"- rQ,Lelt-hn a c** b+ss)- -e-n. pStgtg}to n , s* Ja c rFr"'-i nor,'.'B) , - 5 e - q ' ld ! } [ . F . g . f t . q o . - 4 . h { . r t h a ; F + ,.-rf r:n--e^e,{"!+ tsraa},on 15 * ' cpns+'Jtfire eqbvr}!'n ----i|s*lf -'- It' 'aos nqt 9i.." 3o' *{+ SF ss9.. elar' ., ng,ta.},b6 )ire.otg, b,-,t tl-s dg-)rciiv' &oel ' You "oul) a" <o=nr!if,r|,rE f$at 7s o Elra'rn %6u.,.|')'-^ fl>-1po?+-.. srlnf )$ qn aF tto tor rn . Srra*r)cn or. frv-a} n'" - f = T(tr) c &;fivr --> < La.$GFS,rn g ha)n 9tu9 Y.*:p m;^J_ to-t n-ot a, _ rnq+e-''?s _ hg r 4 5tf4,v-, 8"a45 (.rr"s,,|, !tn: ' t6o?o*- cr -@ne*i|,.Aive. etvqh-D^ rr""4 _. $Uu Loos;dr,r ( ar,,on3 o te,c th,xas ) (qn t4 'L lsofrop;r- | O TF fiisv{- ^"a'fnJ - *ra n su n r 3.,g lltkupL, oc Cotop*atyan3or cf E (t f+ f l-& '54esg 'f 5 < {.v",c-f,u o ! n sftut^ AillD
  • 2. f- 9trann ral<-, oF 3,>^nplj q 6.,^.tro n oF S*arv', ( * o *( spn") , $,! 3 Euhsr tc b.1 acf- vi*r b n, - " n )5 Lg= :!'(o.'r-,3 9!4)o. cv'*.' d*p>}l--<g., rrqlt:.'al 3 or,<lq**a) /*: tU It >t'w>e ;s cJu.f^As.* on tL- ltrstoe'{ . o-l-, s-Jvarrn ( 'Fh'e vrovtJ noqn,lds-* ;t-t{"I!,, as hg5}.a5'3 irr c lo<nJl^q T ,r.,lotd,nq Lun4) | )- + n ., ' ', - . I u rnlncl +htt iL *^ 7Lh9T lc rn'+{"'ar )ry1 M .- i3 N oT o&f4i.Ar-! on r14,h P4+h , if . ,l 9tR"*f^j gt$gtr) FuXatront. F* Np-T ehe-w -htsr"*+g , _ ' a" e-l^sl+ rna*.n)ar ( nr" streftrN Rpi". Oeeg$0gNl$) - o]L. 5-1'.,,,v, hP,)o11. t'rr.,* hr,'"e- 3.il-e,*A *k^+ d4P*J - In- tl"D- !+s.e-, *l+. <'^c*ru po.q.g- N-()-T*. . -m$-l*cl h^.-_ + sf'?rf4 gg4g {wr.,*pl o-o.}. fyfA'l 6,he-w h5o-;B r on. tLc, tftfr-e ^a*.I< $3"J "t*+a-"axg @- .l.u L...:'t- +t a-bpg*- e-6vct-rb.n, wE lioLD.''lo'J m moDeL fFg TEsu,E Fl g. o( N aN- Lf N DN ,. An exporcnt;r^ {rr-s*o^ so$Yi: &ftrr df4-sfi:he.S t-[*- hohc'-lc, a! m43 se{r h>sv<-g .*xrl , .b4 -gev- <9.,t1 |-{v7a-*" aap5f1'ly|.r..- g$rerr''ur,5 oF- a1- . , - ,J..,Ifursnl - F-rc', , A, trma5 r n4d |o d,*r't2 whri:h 5 Ve,t.ns- p I lov E,, I Vve r Er', aod % o.|.914- ;4 t-e. ( j U*-p. ZD), LarlSl-iJvf'4c..%, "r,t, si,arns fi. . -+ '{ov eqll" pfipa*-- .a cong}i lv},v<., srtrw}tn 5ri*how* of{ -da3o* s |"qr.l JJ-;l!. F9rr9 (-utt g6.J',,"* brt- , t.or,d +t acbna*ls)</z* Tov "*) tha.t- +l-o./r-.ould deg.',g'oi,t*'r*rAJ*+,fo b<, .hJ 9ou c,log' noJ_ 1n inclvJ.:- fVQ.s-L )q,',J
  • 3. f ou ; !o asevy*L that di$rrnnD fs hrrnpEfocaa ^& <) ".,J +f+ f'l4prAl ls vry'Tzrya @ 6,v"19 , $ru +k- con<z,p;--of r.cr4 Jo consfl.-r ps<.,vloel.r"5|.2, , W h"r* +hJ yn{grnr B 1ltqt 1 whilc- qq- pX-g:,"log,zo $!9ve- ii . no| ,:..q,l!y a l a ,g |;c (t,*, + l*4- . 3 9l' ' c' t1 r a' !e d' Yr &.o {rrr s t&5s ) .,- w{--, crn CHraoS E ta t*gf i3 a it at_ 466*,? r, sin 4. +I+{9- wgaV cllE{ful4k-. sl-reas ov^ s$ar}n . cak--. oF fhl3 i3 . fecLronatc, bp4n"5o- |VAU ;"r<A In vMo probaU3 dp^'f nro^n3 TH-tT rn"qr'' , O @4 t f{^e<lly , 1n4- ["c,r. h qlra-ch c" h OttY- sv64r.* Phufio csnS*.*1v*t, 9snl ;rar,ely I k & on .+Ld { pnA:-r^ 4.elry.. o-. *a')" (4*4t , 3*nr-r faryu *tl ' -.. L<{ o 6&t'n o!"14), : t,Ek ho^l ft'c.,L'lrrf *@?aiu -? = ' q,El* + .lu (E,J'E; ) ^l - a bt* !t / p^^r-xnt ;n |l-,,r agrrltlTr:v, t! - .;[a,rl -^rt+ntr s i:, } silo,uLDF*x0Lrur{ evaeo*g lt)w } Putsl f - -Tp tN0 fkF6e, P$ncnEreRSL *t-p"tlr S;+trl.g- ..f ,in r^ts gr+h most f+sgl:'eUs), + n.oi._ nng e.bn-6*,-tv|,)fs. t$QN-hNgA.(e, frV-r$cn il, .... &.t.6v,trv*,* <r nAir,torvi o9- )^ Je{'6t r qncl Upnr-Ll .: ttt o Q? :a 1 ,zr ' 3tr .a t' efi.ni 8* n V^ L"^n.' - l- ,. -) I >hu.,L) *r^.Pla,u ho* L Fl.l C^*h! .She:,s -*!J s ,.--?4 pL-,-- 5 B *r' Piu["- t4vLhots s+'.'ss, ? E i,
  • 4. og s ho,tJ e xptr,,r^, )'g* to G*l',,5 5 r.vs Sq. W"t tf a- * yu plo poseJ 6 "l*x eroty f'n*'fia n .Exf ea;-.-^t <-- , tl-c= .,...r,,E hprs-iont- t qxf'rlq,9,l;, lu g_og*_r(_ o biarp. s{n^u +e4+ W!@ S"" woJ" JS * ot rnofur, _, r t el--, tq gvll ^ >Vot^-n'a oQ gLtu ln L 7c1.^arl,r,,tdr- Jbcrrtiu.wg t rr.466ve'-<|ra:)n ' ^nA n F-v3l t n-e*d te jcfi>- Q pe&-rea'rcx- gr', t'?t4-Ji,rl 9+AP ,-'o. , th{ls- aq . 5l" an ?"*lt* r 59r- wanl* tb'tt t* bx-.g9Jlg--tq"'{tn 1orr.1,*fo:,ruJ". . t [^ lo* .-*ro,* ) ,*o b& tk :.lr,*g t . -:lY-qu N"1", ie cho!5a' wha#' 5o'r qnq- rr:*a!'vn'^9-'orVl wlr*f hlh.+ y3o drt. rfl44.s!/rr-3 $ti.u b.e G.rr"Lo*'-o5 - f3 1..'r.!l^ a*i. G.tt*. , .,,.'rl <n<r",L^tw'g Eha#J- , +51'4,,", . shey), .)^),l+f-o t.!- f:l.lQb'-- eilp:on'grrtc " *h4f <>! -- ou fir, (ml ri,a . frf uxqmfb , {k4} B tv Scxl gl+n- x 'tl-q- ra^r"t5s: oF.s!4lr^3 - Pl"t 'l' fl+(r5-vl!- ;$* X, i o -X,u -ar,'ccr.$u-ni Ff '""nrvrple'1 eotg}Mr t"nL - fO* O'aO p O 15 Sorr wca]1f *e - vo-r5*-:-.5-.t'e+ia ' l-,^' O-.Q3- ,-t'^g9v."qvrBlra [oth ]Lt Kr o"d X* d1ryl**nJ X- >Jqi"s o,o2 lo,o,q lo_.gct xi o,0 3 >^5 O,O6 O,o" O.IL o. 1 5
  • 5. - P.e.r.,5- f.oc et4rh aF t!e*. ,.9kar)n5 r-|..rs n 6 corrJ Pend)ng . , - Trt-p- TlL tt4t S{tu w4vlcl corl"'ra1", l*ofc- ilv"} flrG , exp.,I.,."^1.^ d,rLjn 3 loozr'n'3 fuc intoar-+t"l l*"crr5. he<e.u*. i* ;: t* Cl^3 -SLt^i'vt wl-'+tp'c 11x' -s-h'r.ss 7hano6* .ifn er grVea(r qJ y"f!''" - F.ldt'rrt", drrrp,hEn i)c,lr/ " +),^u5h165 sy,"w D. & l ortho3ar''* Jt **'!'ur 4 aO, rtn{+c&cts., |.or-l lrcuLo ha., L.q)(rtl !'* l 'iF,, r -. 'l't- fh3 Er. r oro NoT o k'h^ i^r-luJ...,rr- + 1;_,. ga"va. , g4,{ wi f;x orua- 5}raih r'r-, +hc-x,-dir t arF a. conslan| qln.A V"r.+,,.gh"M r- -, *Lr- Xo-A;r(an vr1!z ryfra ) s.,d na | l0r:dtuo'lexFotr*ltl3 vfi o!:-. - $ h , : t ir. , . (s e -e 9oh{fo}44, . V ,o:sc*V -y , , q , X u in l^bL*) , I -l sh."xs ."e- r "ol")Akl b"1 Lt,t.l N :-J Lo',ra..",ly- -_ L t,gt.t . I L', ;^tr* r;r i( i - r) .r 4 b l* or ee- :l C*'fs- 5 h*55 ii *l*"|qtr ) T, = t) tr-,,u*.)( . T;, e,hho"gh )or co"i arg a|gala !o ePnnpu|t P;ol^ -Prt"^of+ S#9 ,
  • 6. f 5lv4r: t. ,t$- =--IF " m3, 419+itutV<-- %ni.hn- a tu mnav-a-! e-xF<-r'rrc".'b. ^nd .fio -z&ft {b tt lte- oe_FGv.<r.t One- @) L wrrlht- bz- *U f{ ,;,"rJ."d svl^ Av'r axpnm<arl- ?.. tr> QrPa6rz* tk ft llo-iP, ') 1t-t -vP t Jt- U^) fq.,qnih-un 3 fk4l- I rn"/91 ta-'.l-c cr^ ngL q,!}q-r{f. t! rv4s. - eM,nJ hhr?z. m1 o{fi*d,-a1ior,^ { Cu us tb3 &lt-'{4s -..-:1 L <.r'[-4- r-r.4.c5l0rt.- [<tgts lv arr3el t a,-n<l calt Vw W of - a,a3. ^.r 5!,,4rr.g -.{-f ^ ydz.4 qF gr<ts:4,ryrR +|le! q{t1^& vgt- fo l*r ro gl=^f t pccrr.r*-rc, 6, tn U1) cP'r'J)1*tu))v s' v -)fyu- ca<9. t rll I t,'rL4- L --L (e , F-r) o t '" t r ] - -l | t- L I Lr"tr '-n1l _) 1-u dt_ ca- @!4 T f-- ;f'> I + t-"t) 'u*rnuo, ( tbj 1t -tr | ,U = - Ja nL :J Lb,b? A- (r rL"^ c^u " 3- u) I [,]-r)
  • 7. f --.' ao{-lcr- &rl i! rDr*t4 tht3 lov <2.,) ^ -fpe->"e"., ra,,kahr9 +P t" f,cJ* t,a*,>l t%!, c-l;p if , .n'J sro*,(.rz- bi-ax,?l f-"at cr]- cr ci,ft"{qf *fqL Wfw"^ , I "of TA,3 i5 et<-t,*elj tL*"'^3 +L y..'r,r{lntnI usnv.ni: +|"!rt .f p-"d ln ++ {ral- expa'imrvr} ,, 9o il Awqr'$.r-s h-ow +U4* n^,r+ri49 6z,lr"^+- v"Arr 942,( 9*+:' d:*- { a -"Tl U o (*r*$) ( ar.grrie*-r* <^) ang.a *h^*a1<-) r I- ,^,"t gnry. t'o ho h^d on lxpe'nira'n'tS {o' 3A& 5l-a+r qs t{" l^6srr- Nl A$("6*A rrA <-,lctfs ;1.. d11 d,.are^;|, Yn-t s}r.r,rtrl h"te- hrm cbr- tc cXPl^'t" how +r aVolaV cnn 'off -4,o60* {'crvt i^ l"- at". & *,b,^fe- +!^rr G. I'n,9l-ance*| f. t1* aralSgB - Prbbkf^ uor c"u!tr <-^,,v*te, {Le sharl^ I+o-9or {o-r ''*nr,* ^n r5)-ot^r d4& cqnhtn it. v-slLA */oiV:rttrt , bvF be- WAJJ? cr^.I L a.l"'t <-rp<.r* 4w tb d,o fh,3 . I a.l