This is from a very long time ago.
Shared as part of this post:
3. Modeling this off of teams Ive worked on and
how we adopted new tools (admittedly all
tech, which is not great)
Ideally Id spend a good amount of time
learning about this qualitatively (phone chats,
time with support, user research)
Youve watched The Office
4. Excited about life with slack, first to register
Will put in extra effort to help adoption
Open to trying new things, next to sign up
Positive, but wont make exceptional effort
Why Nots
Risk-averse, let others dive in first
Neutral at best, need to feel motivation
6. At least 10 total messages exchanged
by 3+ unique users in 24 hours
KPI would be % of teams with at
least four invitees to reach that in a
Assumption! Ideally Id take todays retained teams, go back in
time, ask what typically happens in the first 24h (or, in what frame of
time do we see 10, 20, 30 messages written?)
What is a meaningful convo?
7. Champion invites at least four people (given)
Champion writes in a public channel
Two Why Nots write in a public channel
Exchange ten messages within 24h
What are the funnel steps?
9. No one to say anything to yet/empty
room/blank canvas
Expect adoption to just happen
because everyone sees what they do
Why wouldnt champion write in a
public channel?
10. Not in a public channel by default
Why wouldnt the champion write
in a public channel? (cont)
End of current
onboarding leaves
me in DM with
11. Nothing [interesting] to respond to
Not in a public channel by default
Why wouldnt two Why Nots write
in a public channel?
12. Conversation not catching
momentum, not feeling the real-time
Why wouldnt two Why Nots write
in a public channel?
Subject could be
more human
Could use a clear
call to action
Ideally highlights real
people talking
13. Conversation not catching
momentum, not feeling the real-time
Conversation not interesting or
Why wouldnt three users reach 10
14. Unsure why slack is necessary
Need external credibility/social proof
Need to see teammates using it
Dont know how to use it
Champion fears the Blank Canvas
These may well apply to Laters, but
assuming theyre not relevant to Why Nots
Non Hypotheses
16. May improve if:
Let Champion in on what we know about
successful adoption
Help Champion use their energies to more
directly evangelize to Why Nots
Hypothesis: Champion expects
team to magically adopt slack
17. May improve if:
Direct the end of onboarding to #general
Hypothesis: New users start in DM
thread instead of public channel
18. May improve if:
Provide Champion examples of easy yet
meaningful conversation starters (that
make sense even if no one arrived yet)
Hypothesis: Initial conversation not
interesting enough to catch
Hypothesis: Champion has no one
to write to
19. May improve if:
Use email to more assertively highlight the
early action on slack
Put stronger emphasis on enabling desktop
Put more emphasis on downloading the
desktop/mobile clients
Hypothesis: Conversation not
catching momentum
21. = if this works, itll be impactful
= low cost to try (or at least test)
= likely to work
Would definitely want to pulse the
different people on the team for any
historical knowledge on all three fronts
What makes an experiment worth
22. Let Champion in on what we know about
successful adoption
Help Champion use their energies to more directly
evangelize to Why Nots
Direct the end of onboarding to #general
Provide Champion examples of easy yet
meaningful conversation starters (that make sense
even if no one arrived yet)
Use email to more assertively highlight the early
action on slack
Put stronger emphasis on enabling desktop
Put more emphasis on downloading the desktop/
mobile clients
Rating each experiment
Probably the most assumptions on one slide in this presentation
23. Winners
1. Provide Champion examples of easy yet
meaningful conversation starters (that make
sense even if no one arrived yet)
2. Use email to more assertively highlight the
early action on slack
3. Put stronger emphasis on enabling desktop
25. 1. Give conversation starters
We want the first conversation a team has on slack to be
meaningful and involved.
We want to encourage people to talk about topics that: 1) are
relevant to all types of teams, 2) dont quickly expire, 3) can
discuss before everyone gets on slack, 4) anyone on the team
can contribute
Tada! Slack itself is a great initial topic that fits all those.
A side benefit would be encouraging knowledge sharing of slack.
27. That would only show to users when fewer than three
messages have been written in the channel
1. Give conversation starters
Once people have started talking, revert back to the
standard channel meta text and CTAs:
28. What to measure
I would measure success against our KPI: what %
of teams who see this get to 10 msg/3 ppl/24 hours
Id also want to measure the intermediate steps in
the funnel to see if that suggests why this worked or
didnt, and next steps.
Id also keep an eye on other established KPIs to
make sure it didnt hurt, say, invites or integrations.
1. Give conversation starters
29. What success looks like
1. Give conversation starters
Before () After
4+ invites sent / week 1,000 1,000
1 person writes publicly 50% 50%
2 more people write publicly 50% 50%
Exchange 10 msgs in 24h 25% 50%
6.25% (63 teams) 12.5% (125 teams)
If successful, we could activate 62 more teams per week
Id expect the same number of unique people to exchange messages,
but that the # messages exchanged within 24h will increase:
30. 2. Use email to highlight early action
When a team first adopts slack, not everyone is online at the
same time. This likely makes it hard to reach the aha moment
of real-time conversation with your team.
This test would amplify use of email to create a sense of action
happening on slack, and encourage people to visit slack more in
the first 24h and participate.
31. 2. Use email to highlight early action
Quick sufficient test
Focus email copy on whos talking + include a
natural call to action
Simplest version: Dont show chats, just indicate
that people are talking (to amplify significance)
(Extra variant to test afterwards: Include all chats
and interactions in the email across channels)
32. Tatiana and Jim are talking on Slack
in the #general channel
See what theyre saying
Your team is collaborating on Slack - a great way for busy teams to
make life simpler, more pleasant, and more productive.
Too many emails? Eek.
Good thing theres plenty of ways to stay posted:
Turn o鍖 emails and turn on desktop noti鍖cations
Download the desktop app or mobile app
Just turn the emails o鍖, thanks
33. 2. Use email to highlight early action
Who gets this email, and how often?
First 24h: Send when there has been at least one person talking,
and at least two hours have gone by since last email
After 24h: dial back to every 12 hours
Sent to all invited team members, including those not registered
If already registered, button directs to that channel
If not yet registered, button first takes to register
Dont send if theyve downloaded a client or enabled desktop
34. 2. Use email to highlight early action
What to measure
I would measure success against our
KPI: what % of teams who get this email
pattern get to 10 msg/3 ppl/24 hours
Id also want to measure open and click
through rates to see if that suggests why
this worked or didnt, and next steps.
35. What success looks like
2. Use email to highlight early action
Before () After
4+ invites sent / week 1,000 1,000
1 person writes publicly 50% 50%
2 more people write publicly 50% 70%
Exchange 10 msgs in 24h 25% 50%
6.25% (63 teams) 17.5% (175 teams)
If successful, we could activate an extra 112 teams/week
Id expect this to increase both the rate of additional teammates
messaging on slack, as well as the total messages they exchange
36. 3. Emphasize desktop notifications
Quick sufficient test
Right now its not an emphasized action. What might happen if we
communicated its a priority?
Create an inline step that is 100% focused on encouraging user to
enable desktop notifications
Simple first experiment: put this step after the username is created,
but before entering slack. Good copy and personality is key to not
spammy feel.
37. 3. Emphasize desktop notifications
Slack is 3,924X better* with noti鍖cations
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. May contain nuts.
OK that might be an overstatement. But you can make sure you
never miss a personal message, shoutout, or important Ritual
Co鍖ee announcement by letting us to notify you instantly.
Feeling unsure? We hear you. You can always control how many
you receive, or turn them o鍖 entirely at any time.
Give noti鍖cations a shot
38. 3. Emphasize desktop notifications
We really recommend enabling noti鍖cations, but no worries, we
wont take it personally if not. Remember:
Noti鍖cations make Slack super awesome
You can always turn these o鍖 later
Theres a do not disturb mode anytime you want quiet would like to
send you desktop
Wed be honored if you enabled noti鍖cations
39. 3. Emphasize desktop notifications
What to measure
I would measure success against our KPI: what % of teams
who get this inline step that get to 10 msg/3 ppl/24 hours
Id also want to monitor how many people enable
notifications compared to before to understand the story,
regardless of what happened with the KPI
Id want to monitor the rate of conversion from
registration to entering the slack app to better understand
what we might try as next steps
40. 3. Emphasize desktop notifications
What success looks like
Id expect this to not significantly affect the first few people, but to
definitely increase the number of messages exchanged
Before () After
4+ invites sent / week 1,000 1,000
1 person writes publicly 50% 50%
2 more people write publicly 50% 50%
Exchange 10 msgs in 24h 25% 70%
6.25% (63 teams) 17.5% (175 teams)
If successful, we could activate an extra 112 teams/week
41. These are assertive tests, and theres definitely many
more ideas like these
Theres a fine line between good growth and
spamminess. And its not a dichotomy - its solved by
being human and respectful.
Id want to find the balance together with the rest of the
product team for how assertive tests can be while
everyone feeling comfortable with what ships to users.
Thats it. Phew.
Off my chest