Humberto, a kind man living in Honduras, was always tired from trying to help starving people and make the world better. A friend told him about khash, a hearty Armenian soup made from cows' feet and stomach, which Humberto discovered was nutritious and inexpensive to make. He opened a tavern called "At Humberto's" where he served free khash to homeless and hungry people, helping them and giving them a place to socialize over the hearty meal.
8. Khash is one of the most festive
Armenian dishes eaten mostly in
the cold season.
Khash a substantial soup of
cows feet and stomach enjoyed
with plenty of garlic, all sorts of
pickled vegetables and vodka on
top of everything
Khash is only eaten in the
months with the letter 'r'
in it
9. 1. Take cows feet
2. Depilate, clean
3. Keep in cold water in order to get rid of bad smell
4. Boil in water all night long, until the water has become a
thick broth and the meat has separated from the bones.
No salt or spices are added during the boiling process.
11. FACT
Khash is very tasty and delicious!
Khash is a perfect solution for many starving people
Khash is not expensive: cows feet is the most cheap part of animal
After such a nutritious meal, it is impossible not to sleep
Dont you believe?
12. At Humbertos
Humberto opened a hospitable
tavern At Humbertos, where
he served Khash for everyone,
especially for all homeless and
starving people for free!
13. Khash is never eaten alone, it is always
a party dish.
It gathers people and make life easier, at
least for few hours.
It can be eaten everywhere in the world.
It is a lot of FUN! (check the toast)
14. Good Morning
It is declared when everybody is served the khash and had chance to
put salt, pepper and lavash bread into it. Also by that time the vodka
shot glasses are to be full.
For the Hosts
Literally translated "For the people who put khash (埆奸娵 佞婉娶娉婉侫妍
娟侫婉奸姆)". Everybody thanks the hosts and drinks.
For the Guests
Later at some point a toast for the guests is suggested. Literally it is
"For the people who eat the khash (埆奸娵 娶嫂娶娉婉侫妍 娟侫婉奸姆)".