This document introduces some key concepts related to design including:
- Design is the process of planning and making something artistically or skillfully, which starts with inspiration and ideas.
- An idea is a thought, plan, or suggestion, and the design process involves conceptualizing an idea to address a problem, researching the problem, developing the design, implementing it, evaluating it, and presenting it professionally.
- The design process for a product involves conceptualization, research, design development, implementation, evaluation, and presentation. Concept refers to an abstract idea derived from specific examples.
3. 1. What is`design ? design [d肘za肘n] vb 1. to work out the structure or form of (something), as by making a sketch, outline, pattern, or plans 2. to plan and make (something) artistically or skilfully 3. (tr) to form or conceive in the mind; invent 4. (tr) to intend, as for a specific purpose; plan n 1. (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Art Terms) a plan, sketch, or preliminary drawing 2. (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Art Terms) the arrangement or pattern of elements or features of an artistic or decorative work the design of the desk is Chippendale 3. (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Art Terms) a finished artistic or decorative creation 4. (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Art Terms) the art of designing 5. a plan, scheme, or project 6. an end aimed at or planned for; intention; purpose
4. Designs starts with inspiration , the very beginning of an idea . What is` inspiration ? inspiration - arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity What is` idea ? Synonyms: idea, thought, notion, concept, conception
5. idea noun 1. plan , scheme , proposal , design , theory , strategy , method , solution , suggestion , recommendation , It's a good idea to keep a stock of tins in the cupboard. 2. notion , thought , view , understanding , teaching , opinion , belief , conclusion , hypothesis , impression , conviction , judgment , interpretation , sentiment , doctrine , conception , viewpoint Some of his ideas about democracy are entirely his own. 3. understanding , thought , view , sense , opinion , concept , impression , judgment , perception , conception , abstraction , estimation By the end of the week you will have a clearer idea of the system. 4. intention , aim , purpose , object , end , plan , reason , goal , design , objective , motive The idea is to help lower-income families to buy their homes. (source :
6. Design Stages/Process of a product: 1. conceptualization phase: create a concept : a problem statement? 2. Research : all aspects of the problem 3. Design development: design to be built 4. Implementation : construct 5. Evaluation : evaluate the final product 6. Presentation ; in a professional and informative way
7. What is ` concept ? concept n concept [konsept] an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances His design was a new concept in town-planning. concept noun idea , view , image , theory , impression , notion , conception , hypothesis , abstraction , conceptualization (source :
8. Samples of designed products : Guess , what is the design concept and/or ideas?