This document outlines a negotiation course that teaches a four-stage process: 1) prepare a strategy, 2) negotiate using key tactics like understanding power and psychological tools, 3) close with a contract, and 4) perform and evaluate. Stage 2 focuses on getting to know the other side, understanding your relative power by considering your Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), and using psychological tactics while avoiding traps.
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1. Game Plan
Course Overview
Introduction to the University of Michigan
The Four-Stage Negotiation Process:
1.0 Prepare: Plan Your Negotiation Strategy
2.0 Negotiate: Use Key Tactics for Success
3.0 Close: Create a Contract
4.0 Perform and Evaluate: Finish the End Game
Apply Your Negotiation Skills: The House on Elm Street Negotiation
2. 2.0 Negotiate: Use Key Tactics for Success
2.1 Get to know the other side
2.2 Understand your power
2.3 Use psychological toolsand avoid traps
3. 2.1 Get to know the other side
2.2 Understand your power
2.3 Use psychological toolsand avoid traps
2.0 Negotiate: Use Key Tactics for Success
= Power
How powerful are they? (Find their BATNA)
Weaken their power (their BATNA)
Improve your power (your BATNA)