The document introduces USBProxy, an open source USB man-in-the-middle tool. It discusses how USB functions as a computer network and the need for a MITM tool to investigate device vulnerabilities. USBProxy works by creating reader and writer threads to relay data between a host and device in both directions, but has limitations around speed and simulating complex devices. Other solutions like the Beagle USB480 analyzer or "Bad USB" attacks on NetHunter were also mentioned.
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MitM on USB -- Introduction of USBProxy --
1. MitM on USB
Introduction of USBProxy
2014定10埖31晩 及22指仝ネットワ`クパケットをiむ氏■々
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 1
2. Self Introduction
¢ An engineer of a software company in Aizuwakamatsu
(until next Feb., and will not update)
¢ I'm looking for a next job very hard.
¢ I will found an independent researcher ^KA-LAB ̄
(It's the second choice if no one employ me).
¢ I have no released open source software.
¢ I have two projects on github as follows.
C USBProxy is forked from dominicgs/USBProxy
C kalas is a BLAS on GPGPU for Huge Matrix
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 2
3. Is USB a computer network?
USB is a computer network
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 3
4. Is USB a computer network?
USB is a tree structure
network in physical.
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 4
5. Is USB a computer network
USB is one by one
connections from the host
to each device in logical.
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6. How to communicate on USB?
Device to Host
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7. How to communicate on USB?
Host to Device
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 7
8. Where is the host computer?
Now a days, increasing
such connections.
Are there
host computers?
☆Vector Graphics has copyright of
this navigation icon.
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 8
9. Which devices are the host?
☆Vector Graphics has copyright of
this navigation icon.
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 9
10. We have an important problem.
How do we investigate vulnerabilities
of such devices without any laptop?
¢ Hack devices such cameras, printers,
navigators, smartphones and so on.
?It's usually very difficult.
¢ Electrical tap on the USB cable.
?Next slides.
¢ Develop a USB Man in the Middle device.
?Main theme for this presentation.
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 10
11. Electrical tapping on USB
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 11
12. Electrical tapping on USB
It's very easy, but it has some big problems.
¢ Conflicting signals
¢ Not enough electric power on signal lines
¢ Very weak against electrical noises
¢ Not running on USB2.0 by that specification
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 12
13. dominicgs/USBProxy
¢ The device must have two USB ports.
C One is for connecting a host.
C Another is for connecting a device.
¢ Software relaying
¢ Connectable USB2.0
¢ Sniffable / Filterable / Injectable
¢ Very cheap, BeagleBone Black is about $60.0
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 13
15. How to relay?
¢ USBProxy makes 6 kinds of threads runninng.
C Reader for Input EP,
C Reader for output EP,
C Writer for Input EP,
C Writer for Output EP,
C Injection,
C Filter
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 15
17. Relay from device to host
¢ Reader for Input EP always requests data to
the Endpoint on the device.
¢ Reader for Input EP send data to Writer for
Input EP when it got data.
¢ Writer for Input EP sends data to the host.
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 17
18. Relay from host to device
¢ Reader for Output EP always wait a request
and data from the host.
¢ Reader for Output EP send data to Writer for
Output EP when it got data.
¢ Writer for Output EP sends data to the Endpoint
on the device.
That's it. Very rough.
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 18
19. Notification!
¢ USBProxy does not simulate the USB line.
¢ It just simulates endpoints on only one device.
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 19
20. We have problems yet
¢ We want to simulate more devices.
¢ In many cases, it fail to simulate a device.
¢ It can't handle some complex devices yet.
¢ Linux lose endpoints on a device sometimes.
¢ It can't notice reset signal from a device.
¢ Very slow.
C Original speed is 30.7MB/s,
C USBProxy relay speed is 1,9MB/s.
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 20
21. Other solutions
¢ If you want to just snif on USB, you can use
USB protocol analizer such the Beagle USB480
¢ If you are interesting in deep side, maybe you
will fall in darkness.
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 21
22. Beagle USB480 Power
¢ Easy to use
¢ Very fast, 29.8MB/s
¢ Cheap, just $2250.0
¢ Another device is
enable USB3.0,
just $3600.0
2014/10/31 (c) 2014 22
23. Do you want to fall in darkness?
¢ Kali Linux NetHunter "Bad USB" MITM Attack
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