1) The document discusses the process of slide preparation for electron microscopy. This includes cleaning, fixation, dehydration, infiltration, embedding, and sectioning of samples.
2) Key steps include fixation to preserve the sample using chemicals like glutaraldehyde or osmium tetroxide, dehydration using a graded ethanol series, and infiltration and embedding in epoxy resin.
3) The prepared blocks are then sectioned very thinly and viewed under the electron microscope. Other techniques mentioned include cryofixation, negative staining, and shadow casting. Proper sample preparation is important for high quality electron microscopy.
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slide preparation for electron microscope by hridoy Krishna Borah.pptx
2. Introduction
際際滷 preparation for electron
Other methods use for slide
Electron microscope are scientific instrument that use a beam of
energetic electron to examine objects on very fine scale.
An electron microscope can magnify between 1 and 50 million times
depending on which type you use!
4. History
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) was the first type of electron
microscope to be developed.
Developed by Max Knoll and Ernest Ruska in 1931.
Max knoll Ernest Ruska
5. 際際滷 preparation for electron microscope
Sample preparation is important for electron microscopy.There are
three main steps of sample preparation
6. Processing
Its includes cleaning, fixation,rinsing,post fixation, dehydration,
The proper cleaning of surface is very important.
0.1M cocodylic acid buffer( pH 7.3 )use as cleaner at normal room
temperature .
b) Fixation
This is done to preserve the sample and to prevent further the
deterioration. Eg-Gluteraldehyde fixation for Protein
7. c) Rinsing
The should be washed with a buffer to maintain the pH.
d)Post fixation
A secondary fixation is done to increase stability and contrast the fine
structure. Normally it is done with Osium tetroxide(OsO4)
8. e) Dehydration
The specimen can be dehydrated in grade series of ethanol.
f) Infiltration
Epoxy resin is use to infiltrate the cell .
9. Embedding
After the Processing the next Step is embedding .
This is done Using fold mold .
Next is Polymerizing step in which the resin is allowed to set overnight
at a temperature of 60 degree at in a oven.
10. Sectioning
The specimen must be cut into very thin section for electron
microscopy so that the electron are semi-transparent to electron.
11. Other methods of slide preparation
1.Crytofixation- Like Chemical fixative ,its stop the Metabolic process
and preserve the biological structure.
2.Negative staining the main purpose of it to surround or embed the
biological object in a suitable electron dense material.
3.Shadow casting The grid containing the specimen are placed in
sealed chamber which is evacuated by vaccum pump.