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Issues and challenges in integrating ICT in
  teaching and learning in our Malaysian
      Lecturer : En. Azmi bin Ibrahim
  Nur Hayati binti Yusoff
  Norfarrahdilah Amir
Problem statement

ICT application have become an important part of teaching and learning. The Ministry
of education has invested a huge effort in terms of funding and training to equip
teachers and students with ICT skills. In your opinions what are the issue and
challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning in our Malaysian schools.
Facts                      Ideas                 Learning                    Actions
ICT application are        Students can access     Not all students had     Teachers should
important part of           enormous amounts of      the opportunities being   understand their
teaching and learning.      information quickly.     exposed to the ICT.       students ability and try
                                                                               to help the students to
                            Students can interact   Teacher should have      learn ICT.
The Ministry of            with peers and experts   skills in teaching the
Education has invest        outside the classroom.   students using the ICT Teachers need to learn
huge effort in terms of                              with particular        and be given adequate
funding and training to     To make teaching and    application.           skills to use ICT
equip teachers and          learning become                                 equipment in an
students with ICT skills.   creative and                                    efficient and effective
                            interesting.             The appropriate rooms manner.
                                                     or buildings available
                                                     for ICT are needed.    Government should
                                                                            provide enough ICT
 Students can access enormous amounts of information quickly.

     Save time to find information

     Not necessary to buy the reference book, can find information
      through online.

   Students can interact with peers and experts outside the classroom.

     Student can share the information through social medium

 To make teaching and learning become creative and interesting.

     Increase student understanding by using ICT.
Learning Issue
   Not all students had the opportunities being exposed to the ICT.

       There are students from poor background family.

   Teacher should have skills in teaching the students using the ICT with particular

       Teachers need to continuously upgrade their skills.

   The appropriate rooms or buildings available for ICT are needed.

       Student can practices using the technology well
 Teachers should understand their students ability and try to help the students to
  learn ICT.
     Help students to gain confident in learning ICT.

 Teachers need to learn and be given adequate skills to use ICT equipment in an
  efficient and effective manner.
     Teacher can use the technology intensively in the class

 Government should provide enough ICT facilities.
    To give comfortable environment for student to learn ICT
Thank you

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際際滷 presentation 1

  • 1. PBL PRESENTATION Issues and challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning in our Malaysian schools Lecturer : En. Azmi bin Ibrahim
  • 2. GROUP MEMBERS Nur Hayati binti Yusoff Norfarrahdilah Amir
  • 3. Problem statement ICT application have become an important part of teaching and learning. The Ministry of education has invested a huge effort in terms of funding and training to equip teachers and students with ICT skills. In your opinions what are the issue and challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning in our Malaysian schools.
  • 4. Facts Ideas Learning Actions Issues ICT application are Students can access Not all students had Teachers should important part of enormous amounts of the opportunities being understand their teaching and learning. information quickly. exposed to the ICT. students ability and try to help the students to Students can interact Teacher should have learn ICT. The Ministry of with peers and experts skills in teaching the Education has invest outside the classroom. students using the ICT Teachers need to learn huge effort in terms of with particular and be given adequate funding and training to To make teaching and application. skills to use ICT equip teachers and learning become equipment in an students with ICT skills. creative and efficient and effective interesting. The appropriate rooms manner. or buildings available for ICT are needed. Government should provide enough ICT facilities.
  • 5. ..Idea.. Students can access enormous amounts of information quickly. Save time to find information Not necessary to buy the reference book, can find information through online. Students can interact with peers and experts outside the classroom. Student can share the information through social medium (fb,skype,twitter) To make teaching and learning become creative and interesting. Increase student understanding by using ICT.
  • 6. Learning Issue Not all students had the opportunities being exposed to the ICT. There are students from poor background family. Teacher should have skills in teaching the students using the ICT with particular application. Teachers need to continuously upgrade their skills. The appropriate rooms or buildings available for ICT are needed. Student can practices using the technology well
  • 7. ...Actions.. Teachers should understand their students ability and try to help the students to learn ICT. Help students to gain confident in learning ICT. Teachers need to learn and be given adequate skills to use ICT equipment in an efficient and effective manner. Teacher can use the technology intensively in the class Government should provide enough ICT facilities. To give comfortable environment for student to learn ICT