The document discusses strategies for creating effective email marketing campaigns. It emphasizes personalizing content for different customer segments and lifecycle stages using data. It also stresses the importance of testing multiple variables, formats and platforms to optimize engagement, relevance and conversion. Creative execution and conversational tone are highlighted as important to connecting with recipients.
16. a new breedofconnected customer@iamgfccompletely connected, multi-platform, multi-tasking, multi-touchpoint, just what I like, just the way I like it,
17. Click &KnowClick & SayClick & DoClick &Buy@iamgfcit starts with a click
53. Why use Data to Segment and Create Relevancy?relevance drives 60% of consumers who make immediate email purchasesJupiter Researchmarketers that leverage data from off line channels can generate 3x more revenue from their email programJupiter Researchrelevant emails drive 16x more revenue than traditional broadcast mailingsJupiter Researchalignment with consumer interests is the number one driver of email opens,Forrester Researchnon relevant mailings are the top reason why consumers opt out of email,Forrester ResearchTargeted emails generate on average over 4x the revenue of non targeted emailsForrester Research
55. easyJet - using data to drive dynamic contentChallenge:How to prove the case that targeting content and offers by segment can generate incremental gainProcess:Customer Trip Segmentation was built across all European markets and 32 million customers
56. A 12 week test in the German market (1 email every 2 weeks = 6 sends)
59. Control cell receives standard vanilla content over same periodFamily Summer HolidaysBusiness travellerseasyJet - product, image, copy and offer are all segment specific
60. Lapsed - Survey Summer holidayseasyJet - creates relevance using segment and status
64. 50.9% uplift in revenue per email delivered@iamgfcThe wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience,the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.Cicero
66. Layout - design for skimming, design for different formats (email/smartphone, iPad, etc.)Using Media Queries to deliver the correct format of emailfor your subscriberSmartphone 320pxTablet 768pxDesktop 1600pxThe Economist 4 pages
67. @iamgfcAll which is beautiful and noble is the result of reason and calculationCharles Baudelaire
68. Lights out Marketing Changing BehaviourRe-purchase triggerVIPLapsed Programme Weekly BAUBirthday EmailWebsite browsetriggerProduct lifecycleProduct reviewAbandon BasketBy overlaying a series of communications at moments of highest engagement, we can influence the lifecycleSocial AlertsWelcomeEducation /Nursery Programme
70. Target emails to the customer lifecycle stage and build anticipationQueue Less Pre-Booking ProgramSequence of 7 emails sent before arrival at the parks
71. Objective to cross-sell / pre-book activities during the customers stay at the parkUsing behaviour used to personalise the contentv1v2v3Segments used to tailor the Hero product
First of all thanks to Lexi & Simon for inviting me back to present this year.Did anyone see me present last year?For those of you who dont know I had the pleasure of working with eCircle last year and now head up eCRM at EHS 4D..A competing hashtagand there is prize for the tweeter who uses it the most during the session alongside my twitter handle Ok a few words of apology..I apologise for not looking or sounding or even acting Italian. For those of you who were expecting that...I give you..
B is for BrandOf course the Brand is important and no Marketer in his or her right mind would argue differently. Emotion stills plays an important role. Ask the Harley Davidson fan who has the Harley logo tattooed on themAnd the Brand has to be conveyed throughout the eCRM experience. In football there is a saying that it only takes a second to score a goal. It takes just as long to score an own goal!Ultimately the message is a combination of the Brand, The Purpose of the Communication, and the Attributes of the Channel being usedAnd lets not forget that Consumers dont think Channel, Multichannel. On or offlinethey think Brand
Photos taken from here: for diptych.
We live in a world where essentially many consumers are on e click and thirty seconds away from knowing anything, having their voice heard, doing and buying anythingAs Marketers we want to Engage this Connected Audience
so..let me set some markers about eCRM
A is for Ancient Greeks, Not often you read the words Ancient Greeks when in conversation about eCRM, in particular my old friend Aristotle .Of course the Ancient Greeks were great debaters and held their famous Symposia. Aristotle talked about the Art of Persuasion and he boiled success down to 3 factors
Using the right level of detail is important. Use too little and you can end up just creating caricatures of your audience that exaggerates certain characteristics that are misleading
Q is for Quiet...I want to be aloneAs with any conversation, there are periods when silence is golden. Do I really want a message from you every day trying to sell me another laptop when I only bought one last month? How often do you think I buy expensive pieces of IT as a consumer?We cant expect the consumer to want to constantly engage with us so we need to ensure that our eCRM takes into account the customer journey specific to the product and services we provide.
Photos taken from here: for diptych.