Time banks – where everyone benefits and brings benefits, all work is created equal, and time is money! Members exchange their time for the time of others. Participants develop skills, gain valuable contacts and build self-confidence.
Gabriele Donati, co-founder and managing partner of www.TIMEREPUBLIK.com an international time bank, charts the reasons for and the results of the venture.
Seminar date: Thursday, November 21, 2013.
Henry George School of Social Science
121 East 30th Street (between Park and Lexington Avenues), New York, NY 10016 www.henrygeorgeschool.org
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Time Banks – where everyone benefits and brings benefits.
1. Time Banks – Providing Opportunity, Building Community
Time banks – where everyone benefits and brings benefits, all work is created equal, and time is money! Members
exchange their time for the time of others. Participants develop skills, gain valuable contacts and build self-confidence.
Gabriele Donati, co-founder and managing partner of www.TIMEREPUBLIK.com an international time bank, charts the
reasons for and the results of the venture.
Seminar date: Thursday, November 21, 2013.
Henry George School of Social Science
121 East 30th Street (between Park and Lexington Avenues), New York, NY 10016
4. Josiah Warren 1798 -1874
Equitable Commerce 1846
“The results of about twenty-five years of investigations and experiments, with a view to a great
and radical, yet peaceful change in the character
of society, by one who felt a deep and absorbing
interest, and took an active part in the experiments of Communities at New Harmony, during
the two years of 1825 and 1826”
5. Josiah Warren 1798 -1874
Sample labor for labor note for the Cincinnati Time Store. Scanned from Equitable Commerce 1846 by Josiah Warren
6. Edgar S. Cahn
TimeBanks USA www.timebanks.org
“An organization who’s mission is to nurture and
expand a TimeBanking movement that promotes
equality and builds caring community economies
through inclusive exchanges of time and talents.”
1992 Time Dollars: The New Currency that Enables Americans to Turn Their Hidden Resource
- Time - into Personal Security & Community
7. What are the limitations of existing Time Banks?
1. A strictly Regional Phenomenon
2. Trust amongst members is based mostly on a Friend & Relative level
3. Most of its transactions happen offline
4. They mostly target a 40 and up (Volunteer-Based) Audience
8. What are the limitations of existing Time Banks?
Hour Exchange Portland - Video
9. How can we make Time Banks more popular?
1. Making them Global
10. How can we make Time Banks more popular?
2. Trust based on Feedbacks and Awards
11. How can we make Time Banks more popular?
3. Online Presence with a powerful and Easy-to-Use Platform
12. How can we make Time Banks more popular?
4. Rebranding the term Volunteering to make it more attractive for the
younger generation Here you are not volunteering your time to a small circle of
people but you are offering your talents on a global scale and get rewarded!