際際滷Share now has a player specifically designed for infographics. Upload your infographics now and see them take off! Need advice on creating infographics? This presentation includes tips for producing stand-out infographics. Read more about the new 際際滷Share infographics player here: http://wp.me/p24NNG-2ay
This infographic was designed by Column Five: http://columnfivemedia.com/
No need to wonder how the best on 際際滷Share do it. The Masters of 際際滷Share provides storytelling, design, customization and promotion tips from 13 experts of the form. Learn what it takes to master this type of content marketing yourself.
This document provides tips to avoid common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality or unreadable visuals, having messy slides with poor spacing and alignment, and not properly preparing and practicing the presentation. The document encourages presenters to use fewer words per slide, high quality images and charts, consistent formatting, and to spend significant time crafting an engaging narrative and rehearsing their presentation. It emphasizes that an attractive design is not as important as being an effective storyteller.
10 Ways to Win at 際際滷Share SEO & Presentation OptimizationOneupweb
Thank you, 際際滷Share, for teaching us that PowerPoint presentations don't have to be a total bore. But in order to tap 際際滷Share's 60 million global users, you must optimize. Here are 10 quick tips to make your next presentation highly engaging, shareable and well worth the effort.
For more content marketing tips: http://www.oneupweb.com/blog/
This document provides tips for getting more engagement from content published on 際際滷Share. It recommends beginning with a clear content marketing strategy that identifies target audiences. Content should be optimized for 際際滷Share by using compelling visuals, headlines, and calls to action. Analytics and search engine optimization techniques can help increase views and shares. 際際滷Share features like lead generation and access settings help maximize results.
A Guide to 際際滷Share Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...際際滷Share
This document provides a summary of the analytics available through 際際滷Share for monitoring the performance of presentations. It outlines the key metrics that can be viewed such as total views, actions, and traffic sources over different time periods. The analytics help users identify topics and presentation styles that resonate best with audiences based on view and engagement numbers. They also allow users to calculate important metrics like view-to-contact conversion rates. Regular review of the analytics insights helps users improve future presentations and marketing strategies.
Each month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your 際際滷Shares, and share your expertise with the world!
Not sure what to share on 際際滷Share?
際際滷Shares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. Weve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
How to Make Awesome 際際滷Shares: Tips & Tricks際際滷Share
Turbocharge your online presence with 際際滷Share. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on 際際滷Share. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
際際滷Share is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on 際際滷Share, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
Bi 1: Lm quen v畛i ASP.NET - Gi叩o tr狸nh FPT - C坦 v鱈 d畛 k竪m theoMasterCode.vn
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 ASP.NET & c叩c kh叩i ni畛m c董 b畉n
畛ng d畛ng Web
C畉u tr炭c 畛ng d畛ng ASP.NET
Web Form
S畛 ki畛n
畛i t動畛ng Request/Response
M畛c ti棚u bi h畛c
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 ASP.NET & c叩c kh叩i ni畛m c董 b畉n
畛ng d畛ng Web
C畉u tr炭c 畛ng d畛ng ASP.NET
Web Form
S畛 ki畛n
畛i t動畛ng Request/Response
Computer_Network_Chapter08_ApplicationLaye.pdf is a presentation file to learn about application layer's computer network. Help you deeper understanding and lab easily. This presentation file be writen by Bui Minh Tuan (bmtuan@ctu.edu.vn) - a lecture in Can Tho University.
際際滷Share now has a player specifically designed for infographics. Upload your infographics now and see them take off! Need advice on creating infographics? This presentation includes tips for producing stand-out infographics. Read more about the new 際際滷Share infographics player here: http://wp.me/p24NNG-2ay
This infographic was designed by Column Five: http://columnfivemedia.com/
No need to wonder how the best on 際際滷Share do it. The Masters of 際際滷Share provides storytelling, design, customization and promotion tips from 13 experts of the form. Learn what it takes to master this type of content marketing yourself.
This document provides tips to avoid common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality or unreadable visuals, having messy slides with poor spacing and alignment, and not properly preparing and practicing the presentation. The document encourages presenters to use fewer words per slide, high quality images and charts, consistent formatting, and to spend significant time crafting an engaging narrative and rehearsing their presentation. It emphasizes that an attractive design is not as important as being an effective storyteller.
10 Ways to Win at 際際滷Share SEO & Presentation OptimizationOneupweb
Thank you, 際際滷Share, for teaching us that PowerPoint presentations don't have to be a total bore. But in order to tap 際際滷Share's 60 million global users, you must optimize. Here are 10 quick tips to make your next presentation highly engaging, shareable and well worth the effort.
For more content marketing tips: http://www.oneupweb.com/blog/
This document provides tips for getting more engagement from content published on 際際滷Share. It recommends beginning with a clear content marketing strategy that identifies target audiences. Content should be optimized for 際際滷Share by using compelling visuals, headlines, and calls to action. Analytics and search engine optimization techniques can help increase views and shares. 際際滷Share features like lead generation and access settings help maximize results.
A Guide to 際際滷Share Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...際際滷Share
This document provides a summary of the analytics available through 際際滷Share for monitoring the performance of presentations. It outlines the key metrics that can be viewed such as total views, actions, and traffic sources over different time periods. The analytics help users identify topics and presentation styles that resonate best with audiences based on view and engagement numbers. They also allow users to calculate important metrics like view-to-contact conversion rates. Regular review of the analytics insights helps users improve future presentations and marketing strategies.
Each month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your 際際滷Shares, and share your expertise with the world!
Not sure what to share on 際際滷Share?
際際滷Shares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. Weve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
How to Make Awesome 際際滷Shares: Tips & Tricks際際滷Share
Turbocharge your online presence with 際際滷Share. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on 際際滷Share. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
際際滷Share is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on 際際滷Share, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
Bi 1: Lm quen v畛i ASP.NET - Gi叩o tr狸nh FPT - C坦 v鱈 d畛 k竪m theoMasterCode.vn
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 ASP.NET & c叩c kh叩i ni畛m c董 b畉n
畛ng d畛ng Web
C畉u tr炭c 畛ng d畛ng ASP.NET
Web Form
S畛 ki畛n
畛i t動畛ng Request/Response
M畛c ti棚u bi h畛c
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 ASP.NET & c叩c kh叩i ni畛m c董 b畉n
畛ng d畛ng Web
C畉u tr炭c 畛ng d畛ng ASP.NET
Web Form
S畛 ki畛n
畛i t動畛ng Request/Response
Computer_Network_Chapter08_ApplicationLaye.pdf is a presentation file to learn about application layer's computer network. Help you deeper understanding and lab easily. This presentation file be writen by Bui Minh Tuan (bmtuan@ctu.edu.vn) - a lecture in Can Tho University.
4. Ki畉n tr炭c h動畛ng d畛ch v畛 Service-Oriented Architecture-SOA Publish Find Bind Service Consumer Service Provider Service Broker
5. Web Service Web Service l g狸 ? N畛n t畉ng c畛a web service Ki畉n tr炭c c畛a web service M担 h狸nh c畛a 畛ng d畛ng v畛i Web service
6. Web service l g狸 Internet Firewall Firewall Firewall Web Service Web Service Web Service Client L m畛t t畉p c叩c ph動董ng th畛c 動畛c g畛i th畛c hi畛n t畛 xa th担ng qua m畛t 畛a ch畛 URL 1 S畛 d畛ng 畛 t畉o c叩c 畛ng d畛ng ph但n t叩n 2
8. Ki畉n tr炭c c畛a Web Service Publish Find Bind Internet Web Service Provider UDDI (Web Service Broker) Web Service Consumer
9. Ki畉n tr炭c c畛a Web Service Any Client SOAP SOAP SOAP UDDI IIS Web Service
10. Web service provider IIS Y棚u c畉u H畛 tr畛 1 protocol listenner 1 C坦 c叩c c董 ch畉 b畉o m畉t 2 Cung c畉p 炭ng service m consumer y棚u c畉u 3 Web Server 1 Cung c畉p Web service 2
11. Web service consumer S畛 d畛ng Web service do WS Provider cung c畉p 畛 x但y d畛ng 畛ng d畛ng
12. Web service broker UDDI L m担i gi畛i gi畛a consumer v provider 1 T動董ng t叩c v畛i provider : 畛 l畉y c叩c th担ng tin v畛 web service 2 T動董ng t叩c v畛i consumer : cung c畉p cho consumer 畛a ch畛 c叩c Web service 3 S畛 d畛ng UDDI registries (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) 4
13. M担 h狸nh t動董ng t叩c gi畛a c叩c thnh ph畉n 4 2 1 5 Web service developer builds and deploys a pricing Web service 1 Web service developer registers and categorizes the Web service 2 Web service consumer queries UDDI for pricing services 3 Web service consumer determines the most appropriate pricing service 4 Web service developer builds a solution that directly consumes the Web service data 5 Pricing Web Service UDDI Services 3
14. N畛n t畉ng c畛a Web Service Web Service XML SOAP HTTP
15. HTTP Hyper text transfer protocol POST /TheStockExchange/Trading/GetStockPrice.asp HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 11 Symbol=MSFT HTTP Request HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 75 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <stock symbol="MSFT" Price="71.50" /> HTTP Response
16. XML Extend Markup Language S畛 d畛ng 畛 m担 t畉 Web service interface 1 SOAP Message l m畛t ti li畛u XML 2 S畛 d畛ng 畛 serialize c叩c 畛i t動畛ng thnh m畛t ti li畛u XML (System.Xml.Serialization) 3
17. SOAP(1) An envelope for handling extensibility and modularity An encoding mechanism for representing types within an envelope XML-Based protocol 3 Submitted to W3C 5 Protocol for message-based communication 2 SOAP HTTP + XML 4 SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol 1
19. SOAP(3) - Message Structure SOAP Message SOAP Envelope SOAP Header SOAP Body Message Name & Data Headers Headers XML-encoded SOAP message name & data <Body> contains SOAP message name Individual headers <Header> encloses headers <Envelope> encloses payload Protocol binding headers The complete SOAP message
20. SOAP(4) - Example of a SOAP Request POST /StockQuote HTTP/1.1 Host: www.stockquoteserver.com Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8" Content-Length: nnnn SOAPAction: "Some-URI <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP-ENV: encodingStyle = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <m:GetLastTradePrice xmlns:m="Some-URI"> <symbol>DIS</symbol> </m:GetLastTradePrice> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
21. SOAP(5) - Example of a SOAP Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8" Content-Length: nnnn <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV= "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP-ENV: encodingStyle= "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <m:GetLastTradePriceResponse xmlns:m="Some-URI"> <Price>34.5</Price> </m:GetLastTradePriceResponse> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
22. L畉p tr狸nh Web service b畉ng VS.NET 2003 Web service programming - provider side 1 Web service programming - consumer side 2
23. L畉p tr狸nh Web service (1) System System.Data System.Web System.Web.Webservices System.Xml File *.asmx File global.asax File web.config Th動 m畛c Bin Lo畉i Project : ASP.NET Web Service 1 C叩c name space th動畛ng d湛ng 2 C叩c thnh ph畉n 3
24. L畉p tr狸nh Web service (2) Th棚m ch畛 th畛 [Web Method] Khai b叩o Web service method 4 [WebMethod] public int Sum(int a, int b) { return a + b; } V鱈 d畛
25. L畉p tr狸nh Web service (3) BufferResponse CacheDuration Description EnableSession TransactionOption C叩c thu畛c t鱈nh c畛a [WebMethod] 5
26. L畉p tr狸nh Web service (3) [ WebMethod ( BufferResponse=false )] public Transactions GetTransactionHistory() { //implementation code } [ WebMethod ( Description=This method using for converting .. )] public double ConvertTemperature(double dFahrenheit) { return ((dFahrenheit - 32) * 5) / 9; } V鱈 d畛
27. L畉p tr狸nh Web service (4) D湛ng 畛 x叩c 畛nh c畉u tr炭c ti li畛u XML mong mu畛n 畛 bi畛u di畛n 畛i t動畛ng c畛a m畛t l畛p Namespace : System.Xml.Serialization XmlElement XmlAttribute XmlRoot XML Serialization 5 XmlArrayItem XmlArray
28. L畉p tr狸nh Web service (5) [ XmlRoot ("account")] public class Acct { [ XmlElement ("description")] public string Description; [ XmlElement ("number")] public string Number; [ XmlElement ("type")] public string Type; [ XmlElement ("balance")] public decimal Balance; [ XmlAttribute ("status")] public string Status; } V鱈 d畛 1 <account status=123> <description>Hello</description> <number>10 </number> <type>C</type> <account>
29. L畉p tr狸nh Web service (6) [return: XmlArray (" AccountList ")] [return: XmlArrayItem (" Account ")] public Acct[] GetAllAccounts() <AccountList> <account> <account> <account> . </account> <AccountList> V鱈 d畛 2
30. L畉p tr狸nh Web service (7) [return: XmlArrayItem (ElementName="savingsAcct", Type=typeof(SavingsAcct))] [return: XmlArrayItem (ElementName="creditCardAcct", Type=typeof(CreditCardAcct))] [WebMethod] public Acct[] GetAllAccounts() { ... <AccountList> <SavingAcct> </SavingActt> <CreditCardAcct> </CreditCardActt> </AccountList> V鱈 d畛 3
31. L畉p tr狸nh Web service (8) Input and output parameter (in, ref,) Variable length parameter list ( homogeneous, heterogeneous ) Simple data types Ki畛u d畛 li畛u trong web service method 6 Classes and structures Array, Collections DataSets Complex data type
32. L畉p tr狸nh Web service provider side(9) Ph畉i khai b叩o t動畛ng minh t畉t c畉 c叩c ki畛u d畛 li畛u c坦 th畛 c坦 trong m畉ng S畛 d畛ng : XmlInclude Name space System.Xml.Serialization Tr動畛ng h畛p l動u 箪 N畉u tham s畛 web service method l 1 m畉ng c叩c 畛i t動畛ng c坦 ki畛u kh担ng r探 rng
33. L畉p tr狸nh Web service provider side(10) V鱈 d畛 public class Acct { public string Description; public string Number; public string Type; public decimal Balance; public string Status; } public class SavingsAcct : Acct { public decimal MinimumBalance; } public class CreditCardAcct : Acct { public int PayPeriod; } [ WebMethod ] [ XmlInclude (typeof(CreditCardAcct))] [ XmlInclude (typeof(SavingsAcct))] [return: XmlArray ("AccountList")] [return: XmlArrayItem ("Account")] public Acct [] GetAllAccounts () { SavingsAcct a = new SavingsAcct(); CreditCardAcct cc = new CreditCardAcct(); // populate the accounts Acct [] sa = new Acct[2]; sa[0] = a; sa[1] = cc; return sa; }
34. Tri畛n khai Web service \Web References folder and files .xsd Web.config \bin directory and .dll(s) .xml Global.asax .asmx .vb, .cs Needed Remove Web Service Files .sln, .vbproj, .csproj, .vsdisco, .webinfo .resx T畛 ch辿p c叩c file c畉n thi畉t l棚n Web server 1 S畛 d畛ng Windows Installer Files T畉o 1 web setup project trong VS.NET 2
35. Web Service Consumer WSDL Documents 1 Proxy class 2 Consuming Web service in VS.NET 2003 3
36. WSDL Documents XML schema : M担 t畉 giao di畛n c畛a web service 2 Web Service Description Language 1 S畛 d畛ng 畛 ph叩t sinh proxy class 3 Xem WSDL Document c畛a 1 web service http://localhost/TestService/service.asmx?wsdl 4
37. Proxy class 動畛c ph叩t sinh t畛 WSDL Document 2 動畛c s畛 畛ng 畛 giao ti畉p v畛i Web service 3 Proxy : 畛y nhi畛m 1
38. S畛 d畛ng Web service trong .NET S畛 d畛ng wsdl.exe S畛 d畛ng VS.Net G畛i b狸nh th動畛ng nh動 c叩c ph動董ng th畛c kh叩c Add Web References wsdl [ options ] { URL | Path } wsdl http://www.woodgrovebank.com/services/bank.asmx?wsdl T畉o l畛p proxy 畛 giao ti畉p v畛i web service 1 S畛 d畛ng l畛p proxy 畛 g畛i c叩c ph動董ng th畛c c畛a web service 2
43. Web service and State Management S畛 d畛ng 畛i t動畛ng Application v Session 畛 qu畉n l箪 tr畉ng th叩i c畛a web service ASP.NET Web service Application Web Applicaton 1 Web service Application : Stateless 2
44. 畛ng d畛ng c畛a Web Services WS l m畛t t畉p h畛p c叩c ch畛c nng 動畛c th畛c thi qua m担i tr動畛ng m畉ng, 動畛c c叩c 畛ng d畛ng kh叩c s畛 d畛ng 1 M畛t WS c坦 th畛 k畉t h畛p v畛i c叩c WS kh叩c 畛 動a ra t鱈nh nng cao h董n 2 M担 h狸nh 畛ng d畛ng trong t動董ng lai s畉 l s畛 k畉t h畛p gi畛a c叩c service 3 4