WP4: overzicht van de voortgang van WP4 op de CLARIAH-dag 22 januari 2016CLARIAH
This document outlines Work Package 4, which aims to address issues with structured data from economic and social history. It proposes gathering important datasets and placing them on the Clariah Structured Data Hub to allow for augmentation, harmonization, and linking of datasets. This will help researchers find data across repositories, align codes and identifiers, and grow an interconnected network of datasets. Tools will also be provided to explore, visualize, query, and analyze the linked datasets.
El Departamento de Transporte de EE.UU. ha impuesto una multa de 80.000 d┏lares a Air India por no publicar informaci┏n sobre su servicio al cliente, planes de actuaci┏n en caso de retrasos en pista, y cargos adicionales en su sitio web, como requiere un nuevo reglamento de protecci┏n al consumidor de aerol┴neas. Esta es la primera sanci┏n impuesta bajo este reglamento, que busca garantizar que los pasajeros est└n plenamente informados sobre los servicios a└reos y tarifas.
A conceptual model for the annotation of audiovisual heritage in a media stud...Liliana M. Melgar Estrada
See summary here: https://avindhsig.wordpress.com/workshop-2016-krakow/accepted-abstracts/liliana-melgar-jaap-blom-eva-baaren-marijn-koolen-roeland-ordelman/
The document discusses an impending calamity that will affect major cities across America and the world. It describes events like riots, fires, and economic turmoil. The author urges believers to trust God during this time and not flee, as God will watch over and protect his people even through great trials and tests. Uncertainty about when these things will occur is expressed, but the main message is for Christians to have faith in God, who does not change, and his promises of protection and deliverance for the righteous.
El documento habla sobre el Internet. Explica que el Internet permite acceder a un espacio virtual donde las personas pueden comunicarse entre s┴ o realizar otras actividades. Tambi└n menciona que el Internet facilita el acceso a la ciencia, la cultura y el ocio, apoyando la educaci┏n fuera de la escuela y permitiendo que los padres sigan el progreso educativo de sus hijos. Adem│s, se?ala que las personas usan el Internet para descargar m┣sica, pel┴culas, libros y otros archivos de entretenimiento.
Hepcidin is the key regulator of body iron content and is produced by the liver. It determines how much iron is absorbed from the diet and released from storage sites. Two genes, HFe2 and Tmprss6, help regulate hepcidin levels to prevent excess or deficiency of iron. HFe2 stimulates expression of the HAMP gene which encodes hepcidin, while Tmprss6 leads to suppression of HAMP expression. These two genes work together to maintain normal iron levels in the body through their effects on hepcidin production and regulation of intestinal iron absorption.
Private sector plant breeding programs have structured research and development pipelines that involve multiple phases from discovery to product launch. They utilize marker-assisted selection, biotechnology, agronomy, and informatics across their breeding, quality assurance, trait analysis, and intellectual property protection efforts. Large investments are made in personnel and facilities, with resources allocated across disciplines and streamlined without duplication. Partnerships supplement internal work.
This document lists and describes the various pests that affect cocoa plants, including sap feeders like tea mosquito bugs, mealybugs, and aphids; leaf feeders such as loopers and hairy caterpillars; borers like the red borer and castor capsule borer; and vertebrate pests including rats, squirrels, monkeys, and cattle. It provides details on the damage each pest causes and recommended management methods like spraying recommended pesticides, pruning, trapping, or using poison bait to control the pests. Pests are estimated to damage 20% of cocoa crops for jungle cats and 35% total for all vertebrate pests. Timely harvest and clean cultivation are also
This document reports on a survey of dried cassava products in Nigeria, including high quality cassava flour (HQCF). Samples of different products were collected from several states and their quantities and properties analyzed. HQCF and other products were found to meet Nigerian quality standards for moisture content, pH, hydrogen cyanide levels. The study aims to encourage HQCF producers to diversify into other uses like ice cream cones or composites with wheat flour. Additional work is ongoing to test the products for mycotoxins and consumer acceptance of bread made with wheat-HQCF composites.
El cap┴tulo describe la gloriosa perfecci┏n de los que est│n en Cristo y caminan bajo la gu┴a del Esp┴ritu Santo. Explica que los creyentes ya no est│n bajo la condenaci┏n de la ley sino que son guiados por el Esp┴ritu. Adem│s, describe que a trav└s de Cristo los creyentes han sido liberados de la ley del pecado y de la muerte. Finalmente, se?ala que los que viven seg┣n el Esp┴ritu tendr│n vida eterna, mientras que los que viven seg┣n la carne morir│n espiritualmente.
Analyze and synthesize the structure and performance of the Nigerian cassava sector to identify appropriate interventions to improve sector performance and vertically integrate the sector agents to internal and international market opportunities
Raise productivity through scaling-up and scaling-out of the most successful market-oriented cassava production innovations to a new generation of business-oriented cassava farmers, engaged in commercial cassava production, with sustainable link to reliable demand
Advance the application and adaptation of proofed commercially successful market-oriented cassava processing and quality management innovations to make Nigerian cassava products competitive in local and international markets
Este documento resume los principales autores de la l┴rica latina y sus obras m│s destacadas. Catulo, Tibulo y Propercio fueron los principales autores de eleg┴as er┏ticas, mientras que Horacio y Ovidio escribieron diferentes tipos de poemas l┴ricos. La s│tira y el epigrama fueron cultivados por autores como Lucilio, Juvenal y Marcial, conocido por sus agudos epigramas que retrataban la sociedad romana.
Colombian Coffee production and Coffe Cultural Landscapes of Colombia-CCLCLuis Vergara
The importance of coffee in the world's economy ,the reason of the high quality of Colombian Coffee and the lovely landscapes in the Colombian coffee region.
This document lists and describes the various pests that affect cocoa plants, including sap feeders like tea mosquito bugs, mealybugs, and plant hoppers; leaf feeders such as loopers, hairy caterpillars, and weevils; borers like the red borer and castor capsule borer; and vertebrate pests including rats, squirrels, civets, and monkeys. It provides details on the damage caused by each pest as well as recommended management methods like spraying recommended pesticides, pruning, trapping, and poison baiting. In total, it outlines 25 insect and invertebrate pests and 7 vertebrate pests that farmers must manage to successfully grow cocoa
A contract requires four elements: agreement between two or more parties, consideration, capacity, and legality. There are different types of contracts including bilateral contracts where parties exchange promises, unilateral contracts where a party performs to receive a promise, and quasi-contracts created by courts to prevent unjust enrichment. For a valid contract to exist there must be an offer containing reasonably definite terms, acceptance of the offer, and consideration in the form of value bargained for between the parties.
This document summarizes a student research project that studied the evolution and biogeography of stickleback fish armor traits across four watersheds on Vancouver Island, Canada. The students analyzed stickleback populations to explore how gene flow, natural selection, and population loss shape the geographic distribution of body armor morphs. They found variation in armor traits across watersheds that seems to be influenced by factors like gene flow patterns, introduced predators, and lake chemistry. Their results provide insights into how local ecological conditions and evolutionary processes interact to drive phenotypic diversity in these freshwater fish populations.
Modular design involves subdividing a system into smaller, discrete modules that can be independently created and used in different systems. This approach offers benefits like reduced costs, flexibility in design, and the ability to augment systems by adding new modules. Modular design is seen in many areas like vehicles, where parts like engines can be added or removed without altering the rest of the car. It is also used in computer hardware, where components like processors, graphics cards, and storage drives can be easily upgraded or replaced using standardized interfaces. The modular approach allows for customization while maintaining the advantages of standardization in manufacturing.
El documento habla sobre el manual de imagen de un candidato o partido pol┴tico. Explica que el manual de imagen proporciona los fundamentos gr│ficos de la identidad de la organizaci┏n y campa?a para uniformar la imagen de forma atractiva. Identifica las principales herramientas gr│ficas como folletos, vallas, anuncios, redes sociales y productos promocionales. Adem│s, especifica los elementos que debe contener el manual como im│genes, textos, colores, logotipos y la forma de usarlos. Finalmente, menciona los principales
Los requisites del lider Cristiano, para curso principios de liderazgo Cristiano o ministerio de lider siervo. en Agape instituto biblico. professor Frank Catano.
The document discusses business environment and its factors. It defines business, environment, and business environment. It explains that business environment refers to external forces influencing business decisions, including social, political, economic, and technological factors outside a business's control. The document outlines various internal and external environmental factors that affect a business, categorizing external factors as micro (e.g. customers, suppliers) and macro (e.g. political, economic, social). It concludes that environmental factors significantly impact businesses and must be considered when analyzing changes to implement.
Private sector plant breeding programs have structured research and development pipelines that involve multiple phases from discovery to product launch. They utilize marker-assisted selection, biotechnology, agronomy, and informatics across their breeding, quality assurance, trait analysis, and intellectual property protection efforts. Large investments are made in personnel and facilities, with resources allocated across disciplines and streamlined without duplication. Partnerships supplement internal work.
This document lists and describes the various pests that affect cocoa plants, including sap feeders like tea mosquito bugs, mealybugs, and aphids; leaf feeders such as loopers and hairy caterpillars; borers like the red borer and castor capsule borer; and vertebrate pests including rats, squirrels, monkeys, and cattle. It provides details on the damage each pest causes and recommended management methods like spraying recommended pesticides, pruning, trapping, or using poison bait to control the pests. Pests are estimated to damage 20% of cocoa crops for jungle cats and 35% total for all vertebrate pests. Timely harvest and clean cultivation are also
This document reports on a survey of dried cassava products in Nigeria, including high quality cassava flour (HQCF). Samples of different products were collected from several states and their quantities and properties analyzed. HQCF and other products were found to meet Nigerian quality standards for moisture content, pH, hydrogen cyanide levels. The study aims to encourage HQCF producers to diversify into other uses like ice cream cones or composites with wheat flour. Additional work is ongoing to test the products for mycotoxins and consumer acceptance of bread made with wheat-HQCF composites.
El cap┴tulo describe la gloriosa perfecci┏n de los que est│n en Cristo y caminan bajo la gu┴a del Esp┴ritu Santo. Explica que los creyentes ya no est│n bajo la condenaci┏n de la ley sino que son guiados por el Esp┴ritu. Adem│s, describe que a trav└s de Cristo los creyentes han sido liberados de la ley del pecado y de la muerte. Finalmente, se?ala que los que viven seg┣n el Esp┴ritu tendr│n vida eterna, mientras que los que viven seg┣n la carne morir│n espiritualmente.
Analyze and synthesize the structure and performance of the Nigerian cassava sector to identify appropriate interventions to improve sector performance and vertically integrate the sector agents to internal and international market opportunities
Raise productivity through scaling-up and scaling-out of the most successful market-oriented cassava production innovations to a new generation of business-oriented cassava farmers, engaged in commercial cassava production, with sustainable link to reliable demand
Advance the application and adaptation of proofed commercially successful market-oriented cassava processing and quality management innovations to make Nigerian cassava products competitive in local and international markets
Este documento resume los principales autores de la l┴rica latina y sus obras m│s destacadas. Catulo, Tibulo y Propercio fueron los principales autores de eleg┴as er┏ticas, mientras que Horacio y Ovidio escribieron diferentes tipos de poemas l┴ricos. La s│tira y el epigrama fueron cultivados por autores como Lucilio, Juvenal y Marcial, conocido por sus agudos epigramas que retrataban la sociedad romana.
Colombian Coffee production and Coffe Cultural Landscapes of Colombia-CCLCLuis Vergara
The importance of coffee in the world's economy ,the reason of the high quality of Colombian Coffee and the lovely landscapes in the Colombian coffee region.
This document lists and describes the various pests that affect cocoa plants, including sap feeders like tea mosquito bugs, mealybugs, and plant hoppers; leaf feeders such as loopers, hairy caterpillars, and weevils; borers like the red borer and castor capsule borer; and vertebrate pests including rats, squirrels, civets, and monkeys. It provides details on the damage caused by each pest as well as recommended management methods like spraying recommended pesticides, pruning, trapping, and poison baiting. In total, it outlines 25 insect and invertebrate pests and 7 vertebrate pests that farmers must manage to successfully grow cocoa
A contract requires four elements: agreement between two or more parties, consideration, capacity, and legality. There are different types of contracts including bilateral contracts where parties exchange promises, unilateral contracts where a party performs to receive a promise, and quasi-contracts created by courts to prevent unjust enrichment. For a valid contract to exist there must be an offer containing reasonably definite terms, acceptance of the offer, and consideration in the form of value bargained for between the parties.
This document summarizes a student research project that studied the evolution and biogeography of stickleback fish armor traits across four watersheds on Vancouver Island, Canada. The students analyzed stickleback populations to explore how gene flow, natural selection, and population loss shape the geographic distribution of body armor morphs. They found variation in armor traits across watersheds that seems to be influenced by factors like gene flow patterns, introduced predators, and lake chemistry. Their results provide insights into how local ecological conditions and evolutionary processes interact to drive phenotypic diversity in these freshwater fish populations.
Modular design involves subdividing a system into smaller, discrete modules that can be independently created and used in different systems. This approach offers benefits like reduced costs, flexibility in design, and the ability to augment systems by adding new modules. Modular design is seen in many areas like vehicles, where parts like engines can be added or removed without altering the rest of the car. It is also used in computer hardware, where components like processors, graphics cards, and storage drives can be easily upgraded or replaced using standardized interfaces. The modular approach allows for customization while maintaining the advantages of standardization in manufacturing.
El documento habla sobre el manual de imagen de un candidato o partido pol┴tico. Explica que el manual de imagen proporciona los fundamentos gr│ficos de la identidad de la organizaci┏n y campa?a para uniformar la imagen de forma atractiva. Identifica las principales herramientas gr│ficas como folletos, vallas, anuncios, redes sociales y productos promocionales. Adem│s, especifica los elementos que debe contener el manual como im│genes, textos, colores, logotipos y la forma de usarlos. Finalmente, menciona los principales
Los requisites del lider Cristiano, para curso principios de liderazgo Cristiano o ministerio de lider siervo. en Agape instituto biblico. professor Frank Catano.
The document discusses business environment and its factors. It defines business, environment, and business environment. It explains that business environment refers to external forces influencing business decisions, including social, political, economic, and technological factors outside a business's control. The document outlines various internal and external environmental factors that affect a business, categorizing external factors as micro (e.g. customers, suppliers) and macro (e.g. political, economic, social). It concludes that environmental factors significantly impact businesses and must be considered when analyzing changes to implement.