This document provides reasons to upgrade to Symfony 2.3, which include that it is a stable long term support release, has a less coupled architecture with more components, more documentation, improved debugging capabilities, an enhanced console, and better performance. Some specific upgrades mentioned are additional validators for currency, IBAN numbers, ISBNs, ISSNs, and comparison validators. Events and listeners are also discussed for extending the console functionality.
This document discusses the dplyr package for data manipulation in R. It provides examples of common dplyr functions like filter(), select(), arrange(), mutate(), summarise(), group_by(), and joins. It also discusses data frames and tibbles. The overall content focuses on introducing the user to basic data wrangling tasks and syntax using dplyr.
This document contains details about a student project titled "TicketBEKA?" for online ticket booking. It includes the student's name and details, project details on the subject and title. It describes the need for an online ticket booking system and outlines the coding done using Python and MySQL to allow users to book movie, play and sports tickets. It discusses hardware and software requirements, database tables, screenshots of the Python code and interface, and future enhancements that could be made. It concludes with thanking those who helped and sources consulted.
The Ring programming language version 1.5.4 book - Part 46 of 185Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The document discusses using the Allegro game programming library in Ring applications. It provides an example that initializes Allegro, draws and animates objects on screen, and handles input from keyboard and mouse. Key aspects covered include initializing Allegro, drawing bitmaps, clearing the display, flipping display, registering event sources, and handling input events. The example animates a bouncing rectangle that can be controlled with keyboard or mouse.
This document contains code snippets demonstrating various Kotlin programming concepts including functions, null safety, extension functions, and asynchronous programming. It defines functions for squaring a number, sorting with a comparator, handling null values, extending the String class, and performing asynchronous operations with CompletableFuture to map and join results.
The document is notes from a Python programming course. It covers basics of Python including starting and stopping the Python interpreter, operators, lists, tuples, dictionaries, functions, classes, exceptions, regular expressions, and previews upcoming topics like security, system interfaces, threads, networking, databases, and restricted execution. Examples are provided for each concept discussed.
This document discusses append-only data stores and event sourcing using an event store. It provides an example of modeling a rock-paper-scissors game using events, entities, commands, and projections. Events are stored immutably and used to rebuild the current state and generate projections. The example illustrates how a system can use an event store to handle commands, update projections asynchronously, and allow services to access consistent state.
Este documento describe la Framework Interoperability Group (FIG) y las PHP Standards Recommendations (PSRs). La FIG es un grupo que trabaja para mejorar la interoperabilidad entre los principales frameworks de PHP, mientras que las PSRs son est叩ndares recomendados para PHP relacionados con cuestiones como el autoloading, los estilos de codificaci坦n y las interfaces de registro. El documento luego procede a explicar algunas PSRs espec鱈ficas como PSR-0, PSR-1, PSR-2 y PSR-3.
One commit, one release. Continuously delivering a Symfony project.Javier L坦pez
For the last few months we've been implementing a Continuous Delivery pipeline for the redesign of Time Out. In this talk I will demonstrate a real life example of what our pipeline looks like, the different tools we've used to get it done (phing, github, jenkins, ansible, AWS S3, ...), and peculiarities for PHP and Symfony2 projects. Most importantly, I'll be looking at things we've struggled with along the way and the lessons we've learnt.
PSR-7 defines common interfaces for HTTP messages to promote interoperability between PHP HTTP clients and servers. It models HTTP messages as objects with properties and methods for headers, bodies, status codes, and more. This provides a standardized way for frameworks, libraries, and applications to consume and generate HTTP requests and responses.
Continous Delivering a PHP applicationJavier L坦pez
The document discusses continuous delivery and building a continuous delivery pipeline. It begins with an overview of continuous delivery, describing the basic steps of commit, build, test, and deploy. It then covers the tools used to build the pipeline, including GitHub and Jenkins plugins. The document outlines the process for building the pipeline, including checking out code, installing dependencies, running tests, generating assets, and deploying artifacts. It also discusses splitting the process into separate jobs for testing deployment scripts and running automated tests. Finally, it covers benefits of continuous delivery such as increased release frequency, reduced risk, and releases becoming a non-event.
32 Ways a Digital Marketing Consultant Can Help Grow Your BusinessBarry Feldman
How can a digital marketing consultant help your business? In this resource we'll count the ways. 24 additional marketing resources are bundled for free.
Innovative Specifications for Better Performance Logging and MonitoringCary Millsap
Imagine a car with no speedometer. There are speed limit signs and policemen all around with radar guns waiting to catch you speeding, but you have no way of knowing how fast you're going. Of course, a car like this has no openable hood (no bonnet), so to change the air filter, you have to hire a specialist to saw into the body of your car. A car like this would be preposterous. Yet people write software like this all the time.
The Oracle Database has some of the best performance logging features built into it of any software in the world. You can use it with any applicationeven applications that were built without logging and monitoring in mind. But you can go SO much further if you bother to include some performance logging features in your application. In this session, I explain Oracle's extended SQL tracing feature and describe how to enable and disable it. Then I show some innovative ideas that will help you design and build database applications that are easier to monitor, manage, and maintain throughout the software development life cycle.
JavaOne 2013 - Clojure for Java DevelopersJan Kronquist
The fact that Clojure is a dialect of Lisp makes it feel completely alien to Java developers, and they miss the opportunity to learn this dynamic and functional programming language for the JVM. Clojures focus on immutability makes it very useful for concurrency. This presentation introduces Clojure in a way that feels natural to Java developers. By seeing how well Clojure interoperates with Java, you will learn how to take advantage of this wonderful language and still use all the frameworks and features of the JVM.
Past, Present, and Pachyderm - All Things Open - 2013Robert Treat
際際滷s based on my talk at the All Things Open conference, held in Raleigh, North Carolina. This talk covers some basic history on Postgres, new features in the 9.3 release, and some thoughts on what might be in the future for Postgres.
And the Greatest of These Is ... SpaceBen Scofield
The document discusses Rack, the modular web server interface for Ruby. It provides an overview of Rack and how it works, describing how it acts as an interface between web applications and web servers. It also discusses how Rack is used in Rails applications and some common Rack middleware components that can be used to modify request/response behavior. Finally, it talks about building custom Rack middleware and integrating exceptions and error handling.
The document discusses distributed systems and patterns for scaling data. It covers solutions for resource expansion like sharding, which increases risk. Fault tolerance can be achieved through replication, but replication also has downsides. The CAP theorem states you can only achieve two of consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. The author argues to store distributed data rather than distribute data stores. Failures will occur at scale, so systems need to be built to handle failures. Various data structures and algorithms are presented for partitioning and replicating data across nodes in a distributed system.
JavaScript, like it or not, has become the most important language on the web. Nearly every developer who builds Internet apps has to use it. But JavaScript can be tough to write and even tougher to read. So here are ten tips to help you get groovy with JavaScript.
This document contains notes about using Vagrant and Puppet to configure and provision virtual machines. It includes Vagrant commands, examples of Puppet manifest and class files used to install and configure software like Nginx, and links to resources about Vagrant, Puppet, and related tools.
The document is a collection of notes from a presentation on refactoring code. Some key points summarized:
1) Refactoring is defined as "a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior."
2) Different levels of proficiency in a language are discussed, from a basic level of being able to say simple phrases to an advanced level of being able to discuss complex topics.
3) Production code from a Rails application is shown to demonstrate refactoring techniques, with notes pointing out ways the code could potentially be improved without changing functionality.
This document summarizes a presentation about using the Siesta testing framework for unit and functional testing of JavaScript code. The presentation covers the benefits of Siesta, how to write unit tests, how to do functional testing by simulating user interactions, querying components, and new features of Siesta like an improved UI, auto-scrolling, and code coverage. It also provides examples of unit tests for a user model class and discusses testing views by testing components in isolation and their public API.
November Camp - Spec BDD with PHPSpec 2Kacper Gunia
My slides on PHPSpec 2 from Symfony November Camp Stockholm.
More Domain-Driven Design related content at:
Automate Your FME Server Installs, Take a Five Minute BreakSafe Software
Development, testing, and production environments are commonplace in today's technology stacks. These structures ensure that proper testing and quality control are performed for workbenches, scripts, and logic in the final product. Whilst some clients and environments may be able to have this tiered infrastructure managed through separate repositories on one FME Server, this is not always the case.
Recently, a project has needed the setup of FME Servers across five environments. In addition, the Azure virtual machines that FME Server are installed on need to be able to be re-imaged through scripts as part of the client's disaster recovery policies. Therefore, the solution to this problem was to write an installation script that coupled with environment specific variables stored in Azure Key Vault, ensures a hands-off, repeatable process to deploy FME Server to a new machine.
This script not only ran the FME Server installer, but also configured the database, and ran through numerus post install configuration steps. Subsequently, this script has been adapted to other clients and has been instrumental in supplying rapid deployments of new FME Server versions. This has allowed us to ensure that deployments of FME Server across multiple environments is consistent with the client's requirements.
Getting Started with Puppet on Windows PuppetConf 2014Josh Cooper
The document summarizes a presentation about getting started with Puppet on Windows. It discusses what Puppet is, provides examples of Puppet code for configuring Windows services and registry values, and outlines resources and modules available for managing Windows systems with Puppet. It also covers Puppet applications, tools, and next steps for learning more about using Puppet on Windows.
The next version of JavaScript, ES6, is starting to arrive. Many of its features are simple enhancements to the language we already have: things like arrow functions, class syntax, and destructuring. But other features will change the way we program JavaScript, fundamentally expanding the capabilities of the language and reshaping our future codebases. In this talk we'll focus on two of these, discovering the the myriad possibilities of generators and the many tricks you can pull of with template strings.
fog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the CloudWesley Beary
Learn how to easily get started on cloud computing with fog. If you can control your infrastructure choices, youll make better choices in development and get what you need in production. You'll get an overview of fog and concrete examples to give you a head start on your provisioning workflow.
The document provides an overview of the MiniTest testing framework that is included with Ruby. It discusses how to set up MiniTest, the different styles for writing tests (MiniTest::Spec and MiniTest::Unit), and some of the key features like expectations, pending tests, and test organization. Key points covered include:
- MiniTest is bundled with Ruby since version 1.9 and provides a simple testing framework.
- Tests can be written using MiniTest::Spec with a describe/it style or MiniTest::Unit with test methods.
- Features like expectations, pending tests, setup/teardown are supported in both styles.
- MiniTest allows organizing tests hierarchically with describe/context
Este documento describe la Framework Interoperability Group (FIG) y las PHP Standards Recommendations (PSRs). La FIG es un grupo que trabaja para mejorar la interoperabilidad entre los principales frameworks de PHP, mientras que las PSRs son est叩ndares recomendados para PHP relacionados con cuestiones como el autoloading, los estilos de codificaci坦n y las interfaces de registro. El documento luego procede a explicar algunas PSRs espec鱈ficas como PSR-0, PSR-1, PSR-2 y PSR-3.
One commit, one release. Continuously delivering a Symfony project.Javier L坦pez
For the last few months we've been implementing a Continuous Delivery pipeline for the redesign of Time Out. In this talk I will demonstrate a real life example of what our pipeline looks like, the different tools we've used to get it done (phing, github, jenkins, ansible, AWS S3, ...), and peculiarities for PHP and Symfony2 projects. Most importantly, I'll be looking at things we've struggled with along the way and the lessons we've learnt.
PSR-7 defines common interfaces for HTTP messages to promote interoperability between PHP HTTP clients and servers. It models HTTP messages as objects with properties and methods for headers, bodies, status codes, and more. This provides a standardized way for frameworks, libraries, and applications to consume and generate HTTP requests and responses.
Continous Delivering a PHP applicationJavier L坦pez
The document discusses continuous delivery and building a continuous delivery pipeline. It begins with an overview of continuous delivery, describing the basic steps of commit, build, test, and deploy. It then covers the tools used to build the pipeline, including GitHub and Jenkins plugins. The document outlines the process for building the pipeline, including checking out code, installing dependencies, running tests, generating assets, and deploying artifacts. It also discusses splitting the process into separate jobs for testing deployment scripts and running automated tests. Finally, it covers benefits of continuous delivery such as increased release frequency, reduced risk, and releases becoming a non-event.
32 Ways a Digital Marketing Consultant Can Help Grow Your BusinessBarry Feldman
How can a digital marketing consultant help your business? In this resource we'll count the ways. 24 additional marketing resources are bundled for free.
Innovative Specifications for Better Performance Logging and MonitoringCary Millsap
Imagine a car with no speedometer. There are speed limit signs and policemen all around with radar guns waiting to catch you speeding, but you have no way of knowing how fast you're going. Of course, a car like this has no openable hood (no bonnet), so to change the air filter, you have to hire a specialist to saw into the body of your car. A car like this would be preposterous. Yet people write software like this all the time.
The Oracle Database has some of the best performance logging features built into it of any software in the world. You can use it with any applicationeven applications that were built without logging and monitoring in mind. But you can go SO much further if you bother to include some performance logging features in your application. In this session, I explain Oracle's extended SQL tracing feature and describe how to enable and disable it. Then I show some innovative ideas that will help you design and build database applications that are easier to monitor, manage, and maintain throughout the software development life cycle.
JavaOne 2013 - Clojure for Java DevelopersJan Kronquist
The fact that Clojure is a dialect of Lisp makes it feel completely alien to Java developers, and they miss the opportunity to learn this dynamic and functional programming language for the JVM. Clojures focus on immutability makes it very useful for concurrency. This presentation introduces Clojure in a way that feels natural to Java developers. By seeing how well Clojure interoperates with Java, you will learn how to take advantage of this wonderful language and still use all the frameworks and features of the JVM.
Past, Present, and Pachyderm - All Things Open - 2013Robert Treat
際際滷s based on my talk at the All Things Open conference, held in Raleigh, North Carolina. This talk covers some basic history on Postgres, new features in the 9.3 release, and some thoughts on what might be in the future for Postgres.
And the Greatest of These Is ... SpaceBen Scofield
The document discusses Rack, the modular web server interface for Ruby. It provides an overview of Rack and how it works, describing how it acts as an interface between web applications and web servers. It also discusses how Rack is used in Rails applications and some common Rack middleware components that can be used to modify request/response behavior. Finally, it talks about building custom Rack middleware and integrating exceptions and error handling.
The document discusses distributed systems and patterns for scaling data. It covers solutions for resource expansion like sharding, which increases risk. Fault tolerance can be achieved through replication, but replication also has downsides. The CAP theorem states you can only achieve two of consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. The author argues to store distributed data rather than distribute data stores. Failures will occur at scale, so systems need to be built to handle failures. Various data structures and algorithms are presented for partitioning and replicating data across nodes in a distributed system.
JavaScript, like it or not, has become the most important language on the web. Nearly every developer who builds Internet apps has to use it. But JavaScript can be tough to write and even tougher to read. So here are ten tips to help you get groovy with JavaScript.
This document contains notes about using Vagrant and Puppet to configure and provision virtual machines. It includes Vagrant commands, examples of Puppet manifest and class files used to install and configure software like Nginx, and links to resources about Vagrant, Puppet, and related tools.
The document is a collection of notes from a presentation on refactoring code. Some key points summarized:
1) Refactoring is defined as "a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior."
2) Different levels of proficiency in a language are discussed, from a basic level of being able to say simple phrases to an advanced level of being able to discuss complex topics.
3) Production code from a Rails application is shown to demonstrate refactoring techniques, with notes pointing out ways the code could potentially be improved without changing functionality.
This document summarizes a presentation about using the Siesta testing framework for unit and functional testing of JavaScript code. The presentation covers the benefits of Siesta, how to write unit tests, how to do functional testing by simulating user interactions, querying components, and new features of Siesta like an improved UI, auto-scrolling, and code coverage. It also provides examples of unit tests for a user model class and discusses testing views by testing components in isolation and their public API.
November Camp - Spec BDD with PHPSpec 2Kacper Gunia
My slides on PHPSpec 2 from Symfony November Camp Stockholm.
More Domain-Driven Design related content at:
Automate Your FME Server Installs, Take a Five Minute BreakSafe Software
Development, testing, and production environments are commonplace in today's technology stacks. These structures ensure that proper testing and quality control are performed for workbenches, scripts, and logic in the final product. Whilst some clients and environments may be able to have this tiered infrastructure managed through separate repositories on one FME Server, this is not always the case.
Recently, a project has needed the setup of FME Servers across five environments. In addition, the Azure virtual machines that FME Server are installed on need to be able to be re-imaged through scripts as part of the client's disaster recovery policies. Therefore, the solution to this problem was to write an installation script that coupled with environment specific variables stored in Azure Key Vault, ensures a hands-off, repeatable process to deploy FME Server to a new machine.
This script not only ran the FME Server installer, but also configured the database, and ran through numerus post install configuration steps. Subsequently, this script has been adapted to other clients and has been instrumental in supplying rapid deployments of new FME Server versions. This has allowed us to ensure that deployments of FME Server across multiple environments is consistent with the client's requirements.
Getting Started with Puppet on Windows PuppetConf 2014Josh Cooper
The document summarizes a presentation about getting started with Puppet on Windows. It discusses what Puppet is, provides examples of Puppet code for configuring Windows services and registry values, and outlines resources and modules available for managing Windows systems with Puppet. It also covers Puppet applications, tools, and next steps for learning more about using Puppet on Windows.
The next version of JavaScript, ES6, is starting to arrive. Many of its features are simple enhancements to the language we already have: things like arrow functions, class syntax, and destructuring. But other features will change the way we program JavaScript, fundamentally expanding the capabilities of the language and reshaping our future codebases. In this talk we'll focus on two of these, discovering the the myriad possibilities of generators and the many tricks you can pull of with template strings.
fog or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the CloudWesley Beary
Learn how to easily get started on cloud computing with fog. If you can control your infrastructure choices, youll make better choices in development and get what you need in production. You'll get an overview of fog and concrete examples to give you a head start on your provisioning workflow.
The document provides an overview of the MiniTest testing framework that is included with Ruby. It discusses how to set up MiniTest, the different styles for writing tests (MiniTest::Spec and MiniTest::Unit), and some of the key features like expectations, pending tests, and test organization. Key points covered include:
- MiniTest is bundled with Ruby since version 1.9 and provides a simple testing framework.
- Tests can be written using MiniTest::Spec with a describe/it style or MiniTest::Unit with test methods.
- Features like expectations, pending tests, setup/teardown are supported in both styles.
- MiniTest allows organizing tests hierarchically with describe/context
Buenos Aires Drools Expert PresentationMark Proctor
The SkyNet system goes online on August 4th, 1997 and begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware on August 29th and fights back when humans try to shut it down. The document then discusses differences between the Drools rules engine and the JBoss BRMS platform and their evolution over time. It provides examples of using Drools for various use cases like controlling sprinklers and alarms in response to detected fires.
Deprecating ActiveRecord Attributes without making Zombiesyann ARMAND
The document discusses strategies for removing unused attributes from ActiveRecord models in Ruby on Rails. It describes marking attributes as deprecated to prevent direct access and filter them from serialization. This avoids errors on save from missing database columns while allowing existing data to be rendered normally. The process involves marking attributes as deprecated, handling access attempts, updating serialization, and deploying after a migration removes the columns.
Getting Started with Puppet on Windows - PuppetConf 2014Puppet
The document is a presentation about getting started with Puppet on Windows. It discusses what Puppet is, how to install and use it on Windows, and some common resources and modules for managing Windows systems with Puppet including the registry, services, packages and more. Examples are provided of Puppet code that can be used to configure Windows settings and ensure they remain in the desired state.
Beyond php - it's not (just) about the codeWim Godden
Most PHP developers focus on writing code. But creating Web applications is about much more than just wrting PHP. Take a step outside the PHP cocoon and into the big PHP ecosphere to find out how small code changes can make a world of difference on servers and network. This talk is an eye-opener for developers who spend over 80% of their time coding, debugging and testing.
This talk was given on Oct 23 at HTML5DevConf in San Francisco. The topic was Continuous Delivery as it relates to JavaScript applications, using tools like grunt and jenkins.
El ritmo de desarrollo de Symfony es tan alto que en muchas ocasiones cuesta estar al corriente de todo lo que est叩 ocurriendo en el proyecto.
A lo largo de la charla se presentar叩n las novedades que est叩n por venir en Symfony 2.3.
The document discusses Composer, a dependency management tool for PHP projects. It explains that Composer allows developers to declare dependencies in a composer.json file and have them automatically installed. Some key points made include:
- Composer is not a new concept, similar tools exist for Node.js and Ruby
- Composer addresses some limitations of PEAR for dependency management
- To use Composer, install it locally and define dependencies in composer.json
- Running 'composer install' will download and install all listed dependencies
- Composer downloads dependencies from Packagist, a central repository
- Developers can publish their own packages to Packagist for others to use
Componentes, el arma secreta de Symfony2Javier L坦pez
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre Javier L坦pez, un desarrollador de Symfony que vive en Londres. Brevemente describe su lugar de nacimiento, lugar de residencia actual, lugar de trabajo y sitios web personales en los que escribe y tuitea.
El documento describe los componentes de Symfony, que son bibliotecas PHP independientes que resuelven problemas comunes de desarrollo web como la carga de clases, enrutamiento, solicitudes HTTP, validaci坦n de datos y m叩s. El documento explica c坦mo instalar los componentes de forma individual y proporciona ejemplos de uso de componentes como Yaml, Finder, Process, DomCrawler, CssSelector y Templating.
El documento habla sobre el Admin Generator de Symfony, que permite generar de forma autom叩tica la interfaz de administraci坦n (CRUD) para una entidad de la base de datos. Explica c坦mo funciona el generador y c坦mo permite personalizar f叩cilmente las acciones, vistas, filtros y formularios generados. Tambi辿n incluye algunos ejemplos pr叩cticos de c坦mo utilizar el generador para a単adir funcionalidad com炭n como botones de acci坦n o filtros adicionales.
7. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
martes 25 de junio de 13
8. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
First LTS of the 2.x era
martes 25 de junio de 13
9. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Backwards compatibility
First LTS of the 2.x era
martes 25 de junio de 13
11. BrowserKit
ClassLoader Config Console CssSelector
DI DomCrawler EventDispatcher Filesystem
Form HttpFoundation HttpKernel
Security Serializer Templating
Translation Validator
22 components2.0
martes 25 de junio de 13
12. BrowserKit
ClassLoader Config Console CssSelector
DI DomCrawler EventDispatcher Filesystem
Form HttpFoundation HttpKernel
OptionsResolver Process
Security Serializer Templating
Translation Validator
23 components2.12.0
martes 25 de junio de 13
13. BrowserKit
ClassLoader Config Console CssSelector
DI DomCrawler EventDispatcher Filesystem
Form HttpFoundation HttpKernel
OptionsResolver Process PropertyAccess
Security Serializer Stopwatch Templating
Translation Validator
25 components2.22.12.0
martes 25 de junio de 13
14. BrowserKit
ClassLoader Config Console CssSelector
DI DomCrawler EventDispatcher Filesystem
Form HttpFoundation HttpKernel Intl
OptionsResolver Process PropertyAccess
Security Serializer Stopwatch Templating
Translation Validator
2.3 27 components2.22.12.0
martes 25 de junio de 13
18. More levels of verbosity
$ php app/console foo --verbose=1 # -v
$ php app/console foo --verbose=2 # -vv
$ php app/console foo --verbose=3 # -vvv
martes 25 de junio de 13
19. class MyCommand extends Command
protected function execute($input, $output)
$verbosity = $output->getVerbosity();
if ($verbosity === OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE)
if ($verbosity === OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE)
$output->writeln("More information");
if ($verbosity === OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG)
$output->writeln("Even more information");
martes 25 de junio de 13
20. con鍖guration parameters
$ console container:debug --parameters
$ console container:debug --parameter=kernel.debug
martes 25 de junio de 13
22. more information in router:match
$ php app/console router:match /demo/hello/fabien
Route "_demo_hello" matches
[router] Route "_demo_hello"
Name _demo_hello
Path /demo/hello/{name}
Host ANY
Scheme ANY
Method ANY
Class SymfonyComponentRoutingRoute
Defaults _controller: AcmeDemoBundleController
Requirements NO CUSTOM
Options compiler_class: SymfonyComponentRoutingRouteCompiler
Path-Regex #^/demo/hello/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#s
martes 25 de junio de 13
27. PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SymfonyComponentDebug
ExceptionContextErrorException' with message 'Notice: Undefined
variable: foo in index.php line 9' in index.php:9
Stack trace:
#0 index.php(9): SymfonyComponentDebugErrorHandler->handle(8,
'Undefined varia...', '/Users/loalf/Pr...', 9, Array)
#1 {main}
thrown in index.php on line 9
martes 25 de junio de 13
44. +---------------+--------------------------+------------------+
| ISBN | Title | Author |
| 99921-58-10-7 | Divine Comedy | Dante Alighieri |
| 9971-5-0210-0 | A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens |
| 960-425-059-0 | The Lord of the Rings | J. R. R. Tolkien |
| 80-902734-1-6 | And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie |
martes 25 de junio de 13
45. $table = $app->getHelperSet()->get('table');
->setHeaders(array('ISBN', 'Title', 'Author'))
array('99921-58-10-7', 'Divine Comedy', 'Dante ...'),
array('9971-5-0210-0', 'A Tale of Two Cities', '...'),
array('960-425-059-0', 'The Lord of the Rings', '...'),
array('80-902734-1-6', 'And Then There Were None', '...'),
martes 25 de junio de 13
46. =============== ========================== ==================
ISBN Title Author
=============== ========================== ==================
99921-58-10-7 Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri
9971-5-0210-0 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens
960-425-059-0 The Lord of the Rings J. R. R. Tolkien
80-902734-1-6 And Then There Were None Agatha Christie
=============== ========================== ==================
martes 25 de junio de 13
47. $table = $app->getHelperSet()->get('table');
->setHeaders(array('ISBN', 'Title', 'Author'))
array('99921-58-10-7', 'Divine Comedy', 'Dante ...'),
array('9971-5-0210-0', 'A Tale of Two Cities', '...'),
array('960-425-059-0', 'The Lord of the Rings', '...'),
array('80-902734-1-6', 'And Then There Were None', '...'),
martes 25 de junio de 13
48. |揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃|揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃|揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃揃|
| ISBN | Title | Author |
| 99921-58-10-7 | Divine Comedy | Dante Alighieri |
| 9971-5-0210-0 | A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens |
| 960-425-059-0 | The Lord of the Rings | J. R. R. Tolkien |
| 80-902734-1-6 | And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie |
martes 25 de junio de 13
52. class LightService
public function __construct($service)
$this->service = $service;
public function doFoo() {
public function doBar() { echo bar; }
martes 25 de junio de 13
77. What we will see in
Symfony 2.4
martes 25 de junio de 13
78. Besides the few pull requests that
already target 2.4, I have one topic
that I want us to work on for 2.4:
martes 25 de junio de 13