IPN Connect is a unique, collaborative business membership organization that helps facilitate business growth through four work streams: tenders, member-to-member work, a business matching service, and peer group support teams. The organization currently has 500 members seeing an average 5x return on their membership fee and provides opportunities for work through tenders, networking, and a free online matching platform.
7. Tenders
xternal tenders filtered and members
id ready coaching
inning tenders training courses
acilitated project support services
8. M2M Work
egular questionnaires to members
nternet profile key word searches
onnecting (networking) introductions
harePoint document sharing
9. Business Matching Service
REE on-line matching platform
– Stimulated by ipnconnect
– Providing work opportunities for
members from outside the
10. Peer Group Support Teams
Northeast Project Teams
onthly meetings
ackaged offerings for other
ipnconnect tender or non-tender
11. Other Benefits
free exhibitions per annum
vening events
nter-city work opportunities/events
orthcoming development academy
12. Summary
nique & innovative business
membership model
imited places
uality not quantity
ork opportunities