2. X-PERT: Accurate Identification of
Cross-Browser Issues in Web Applications
Shauvik Roy Choudhary(ジョージア工科大学, アメリカ)
Mukul R. Prasad (アメリカ富士通研)
Alessandro Orso(ジョージア工科大学)
The 35th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE 2013) Acceptance rate: 18.5% (85/461)
3. X-PERT: Accurate Identification of
Cross-Browser Issues in Web Applications
ブラウザ間互換性問題 の自動検出
(Cross-Browser Incompatibilities, XBI)
? 100のWebサイトを調査しXBIを分類
? 構造, 内容(Text, Visual), 挙動
? レイアウト(構造) XBIに特化した新手法と既存手法を
融合させたX-PERTツール (http://gatech.github.io/xpert/)
? 実験的評価: 最先端の手法よりも高いXBI検出率
27. スライドで言及した関連研究
[2] A. Mesbah and M. R. Prasad, “Automated cross-browser compatibility
testing,” in Proceeding of the 33rd International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE). ACM, May 2011, pp. 561–570.
[5] S. Roy Choudhary, H. Versee, and A. Orso, “WebDiff: Automated
identification of cross-browser issues in web applications,” in Proceeding
of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
(ICSM). IEEE, September 2010, pp. 1–10.
[6] S. Roy Choudhary, M. R. Prasad, and A. Orso, “Crosscheck: Combining
crawling and differencing to better detect cross-browser
incompatibilities in web applications,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Fifth
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation
(ICST). IEEE, April 2012, pp. 171–180.