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7Types of People Successful
Want to be more successful?
Avoid these 7 types of people.
You know the type; the people who would complain even on the most perfect of days?
The people who always complain and share everything that is going wrong or falling apart in
their lives? I can't be around those kinds of people for very long, and I'm sure you can't either.
That type of negativity will slowly start to bring you down too.
Successful people avoid downers at all costs.
"I can do it all" people
You can't do it all. No, you really can't.
If you believe that you have a purpose in life, and I believe that you do, you can't believe that
your purpose is to do it all.
People who think they can do everything usually accomplish nothing.
Focus on what you were put on this earth to do and become the best you can be at it. Don't
dilute the potency of your gifts by trying to do it all.
Some people lie. If you lie, you are a liar. I hate lies and the damage they cause.
If you surround yourself with people who lie to you, success will never become your truth.
This also includes people who only tell you what they think you want to hear. If you can't get
an honest opinion or feedback from those closest to you, you will never become successful.
Successful people don't surround themselves with liars.
People with an unrealistic outlook
Life isn't always pretty.You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.
Successful people don't stick their heads in the sand and hope things will work out alright.
Hope is not a plan and life is not a Disney movie!
We have to work hard for every win we accumulate in life and nothing is given for free.There is
a price for everything and there is certainly a price for success. If the people around you don't
possess a realistic outlook, find people who do.
You don't have to become a pessimist, but you do have to be realistic.
Skepticism is like salt, you need enough to make things taste good, but too much ruins
the recipe.
If you're overly optimistic, you'll never face facts. If you're overly pessimistic, you might not
even get out of bed in the morning. Life is tough enough; you don't need to hang around with
You really don't need doubters in your life and with you on your journey of success.
If you're like me, you already have enough self-doubt; you don't need anyone adding to it.
Unsuccessful People
Success begets success.You have to build and maintain your momentum if you're ever going
to achieve your goals and live the life you were meant to live.
But don't mistake people who have failed for people who are unsuccessful. Did Michael
Jordan make every shot he took? I don't think so.
There is a difference between failing and being a failure. Surround yourself with people who
are always trying, always improving and always moving forward. Don't surround yourself with
people who have an unsuccessful mindset.
Not everyone is meant for your inner circle. Guard your
mind like it is one of you most valuable possessions
- because it is.
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7 types of people successful people avoid

  • 1. E 7Types of People Successful PeopleAvoid Want to be more successful? Avoid these 7 types of people.
  • 2. Downers You know the type; the people who would complain even on the most perfect of days? The people who always complain and share everything that is going wrong or falling apart in their lives? I can't be around those kinds of people for very long, and I'm sure you can't either. That type of negativity will slowly start to bring you down too. Successful people avoid downers at all costs. E
  • 3. "I can do it all" people You can't do it all. No, you really can't. If you believe that you have a purpose in life, and I believe that you do, you can't believe that your purpose is to do it all. People who think they can do everything usually accomplish nothing. Focus on what you were put on this earth to do and become the best you can be at it. Don't dilute the potency of your gifts by trying to do it all. E
  • 4. Liars Some people lie. If you lie, you are a liar. I hate lies and the damage they cause. If you surround yourself with people who lie to you, success will never become your truth. This also includes people who only tell you what they think you want to hear. If you can't get an honest opinion or feedback from those closest to you, you will never become successful. Successful people don't surround themselves with liars. E
  • 5. People with an unrealistic outlook Life isn't always pretty.You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Successful people don't stick their heads in the sand and hope things will work out alright. Hope is not a plan and life is not a Disney movie! We have to work hard for every win we accumulate in life and nothing is given for free.There is a price for everything and there is certainly a price for success. If the people around you don't possess a realistic outlook, find people who do. You don't have to become a pessimist, but you do have to be realistic. E
  • 6. Skeptics Skepticism is like salt, you need enough to make things taste good, but too much ruins the recipe. If you're overly optimistic, you'll never face facts. If you're overly pessimistic, you might not even get out of bed in the morning. Life is tough enough; you don't need to hang around with skeptics. E
  • 7. Doubters You really don't need doubters in your life and with you on your journey of success. If you're like me, you already have enough self-doubt; you don't need anyone adding to it. E
  • 8. Unsuccessful People Success begets success.You have to build and maintain your momentum if you're ever going to achieve your goals and live the life you were meant to live. But don't mistake people who have failed for people who are unsuccessful. Did Michael Jordan make every shot he took? I don't think so. There is a difference between failing and being a failure. Surround yourself with people who are always trying, always improving and always moving forward. Don't surround yourself with people who have an unsuccessful mindset. E
  • 9. Not everyone is meant for your inner circle. Guard your mind like it is one of you most valuable possessions - because it is. E