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Re sume:                , M. Ed.
      en Jame s Ballard

  s te.balla@g
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Employer        Job Title    Job Spec.                           Achievements
Adult Learning Skills        Complete intakes and               Founded A Few Music
                             assessments and conduct initial     Lessons, a community music
Centres Grey-  Upgrading     interviews.                         outreach/literacy program
Bruce-Georgian Facilitator
                              Devise and develop education      Produced instructional videos
                             plans and schedules to meet         Developed the 4 Channels of
                             specific student needs, following   Math multi-platform reference
                             OALCF and EOIS-CAMS                 matrix
                                                                 Initialised TVOs profile of the
                             Monitor progress and revise        Adult Learning Centre in its
                             plans as necessary.                 Why Poverty? television
                             Provide technological advice
                             and support to students.            Completed training in OALCF,
                                                                 EOIS-CAMS, Bridges out of
                             Accommodate a wide range of        Poverty, CAMERA assessment,
                             clientele with accompanying         Smartboard and Aztec
                             social and employment issues,
                             working with a range of social      Charter member of SSHARPP
                             service agencies to promote         -the Saugeen Shores Help and
                             participation, retention and        Resource Planning Partnership
                             success                              a multi-agency working
                                                                 group tackling community
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Regime            Job Title     Job Spec.         Achievements

HMP Grendon,     Head of Key   Numeracy,        Increased math exam
                                                  pass rate by 250%
U.K.              Skills        literacy, Key
                                Skills            Mathematics
Category B                   teaching          outreach in computer
and C  Adult                 Oversight of     shop

Males                          teaching staff,   Instituted a prison-
Closed                         assistants and    wide musical
therapeutic                     volunteers        instrument loan
                                                  system, organized
regime                          Liaison with     jams and fundraising
                                prison            concerts and
                                governors,        encouraged the
                                                  participation of
                                                  outside music
                                exam boards       industry professionals
                                and external      and charities.
Regime           Job Title      Job Spec.         Achievements

HMP             Literacy and   Numeracy,        Set up first
Springhill,      Numeracy       literacy and      satellite
U.K.             Tutor          employment        classroom in
                                skills teaching   Farms and
Category D                   Outreach         Gardens
 Adult Males                  programs          program
Open regime,                                     Mathematics
resettlement                                      outreach in
                                                  ≒Black History
                                                  cultural and
                                                  music events
Regime            Job Title      Job Spec.     Achievements

HMYOI            Literacy and    Closed
                                 Secondary    Set up first
Aylesbury, U.K.   Numeracy       School        satellite
                  Tutor          mathematics   classroom in
Category A                   exam course   prison kitchens
young                            Outreach     Mathematics
offenders                        programs      outreach in
Closed Regime                                  automotive
Employer          Job Title          Job Spec.             Achievements

Oxfordshire       Secondary School   Classroom            Promoted to
County Council,   Special Needs      teaching at a rural   Head of
U.K.              Teacher.           residential, then     Mathematics
                  Head of            inner-city Special    Achieved UK
Woodeaton         Mathematics.       Needs School          Qualified Teacher
Manor School,                                              Status
Oxford                                                     Completed M.Ed
                                                           (Oxford Brookes
Iffley Mead                                                University)
School, Oxford
Employer         Job Title       Job Spec.    Achievements

Wasaho First     K/1, then 6/7   Classroom   Organised
Nations School   teacher         teaching     community
Board, Fort                      Community   sports
Severn, ON                       and School   tournaments,
                                 recreation   Christmas play
Linkedin  see                     Personal Profile
Stephen Ballard
Founder at "A Few Music Lessons"

Facebook                           "A Few Music Lessons"

Drummer for The Bluestones       Bluestones Video

ABC Life Literacy Profile          "A Few Music Lessons" launch

The Math Doctor                  Math Doctor Multiplication

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  • 1. Re sume: , M. Ed. en Jame s Ballard Steph mail.com s te.balla@g
  • 3. Employer Job Title Job Spec. Achievements Adult Learning Skills Complete intakes and Founded A Few Music assessments and conduct initial Lessons, a community music Centres Grey- Upgrading interviews. outreach/literacy program Bruce-Georgian Facilitator Devise and develop education Produced instructional videos plans and schedules to meet Developed the 4 Channels of specific student needs, following Math multi-platform reference OALCF and EOIS-CAMS matrix protocols. Initialised TVOs profile of the Monitor progress and revise Adult Learning Centre in its plans as necessary. Why Poverty? television programming Provide technological advice and support to students. Completed training in OALCF, EOIS-CAMS, Bridges out of Accommodate a wide range of Poverty, CAMERA assessment, clientele with accompanying Smartboard and Aztec social and employment issues, working with a range of social Charter member of SSHARPP service agencies to promote -the Saugeen Shores Help and participation, retention and Resource Planning Partnership success a multi-agency working group tackling community poverty
  • 5. Regime Job Title Job Spec. Achievements HMP Grendon, Head of Key Numeracy, Increased math exam pass rate by 250% U.K. Skills literacy, Key Skills Mathematics Category B teaching outreach in computer and C Adult Oversight of shop Males teaching staff, Instituted a prison- Closed assistants and wide musical therapeutic volunteers instrument loan system, organized regime Liaison with jams and fundraising prison concerts and governors, encouraged the participation of colleges, outside music exam boards industry professionals and external and charities. agencies
  • 6. Regime Job Title Job Spec. Achievements HMP Literacy and Numeracy, Set up first Springhill, Numeracy literacy and satellite U.K. Tutor employment classroom in skills teaching Farms and Category D Outreach Gardens Adult Males programs program Open regime, Mathematics resettlement outreach in bricklaying shop ≒Black History Month culinary, cultural and music events
  • 7. Regime Job Title Job Spec. Achievements HMYOI Literacy and Closed Secondary Set up first Aylesbury, U.K. Numeracy School satellite Tutor mathematics classroom in Category A exam course prison kitchens young Outreach Mathematics offenders programs outreach in Closed Regime automotive shop
  • 8. Employer Job Title Job Spec. Achievements Oxfordshire Secondary School Classroom Promoted to County Council, Special Needs teaching at a rural Head of U.K. Teacher. residential, then Mathematics Head of inner-city Special Achieved UK Woodeaton Mathematics. Needs School Qualified Teacher Manor School, Status Oxford Completed M.Ed (Oxford Brookes Iffley Mead University) School, Oxford
  • 9. Employer Job Title Job Spec. Achievements Wasaho First K/1, then 6/7 Classroom Organised Nations School teacher teaching community Board, Fort Community sports Severn, ON and School tournaments, recreation Christmas play programs
  • 10. Linkedin see Personal Profile Stephen Ballard Founder at "A Few Music Lessons" Facebook "A Few Music Lessons" Drummer for The Bluestones Bluestones Video ABC Life Literacy Profile "A Few Music Lessons" launch The Math Doctor Math Doctor Multiplication Video