Rimavská Sobota is a town located in western Slovakia along the Rimava River. It was first recorded in 1270 and was granted municipal rights in 1334. The name comes from the regular Saturday markets held there. The historic center contains the main square with streets radiating out. There are several churches of different denominations as well as historical monuments and the district authority building. The primary school is named after the Slovak writer Peter Kellner Hostinský and consists of four buildings for classrooms, a cafeteria, and gym, though it is currently under construction.
3. Welcome to the townRIMAVSKÁ SOBOTARIMAVSKA SOBOTA is located in the mountains Slovenskérudohoriein the romantic valley of the river Rimava.It was first recorded in 1270 and the municipal rights were granted to the town on 5 May 1334 which is now celebrated as the TOWNDAY by their inhabitants.The name of the town originated from the regular markets taking placeon Saturdays ( sobota in Slovak ) and the adjective Rimavská is derivedfrom the river Rimava beside which the town was founded.The historical centre forms Hlavnénámestie – Main Square with a numberof linear streets running from there.
7. Menofthedayof GEMERGemer – Malohont used to bethehomeofimportantofsocial and culturallife. DaxnerSquareisdecoratedwithbustsofsomeofthem:
8. Štefan Marko Daxnerpolitician, lawyer, and poet.Ján Francisci Rimavský, editor, Slovak culturalactivistMichal Miloslav Bakulíny,Slovak kulturalactivist
12. Ourprimaryschoolissituated in DruzstevnaStreet.Itisneartherailway and thebusstation. Itis a big advantageforthosepupilswhotravel to schoolfromvillageseveryday.Since 2000 ourschoolisnamedafterthe Slovak writer and patriotPeter Kellner Hostinský.Theschoolconsistsoffourbuildings. Twomainbuildingsstandingoppositeeachotheranditattends to education.There are classrooms. Otherones are theschoolcanteen and thegym.Theschoolissurroundedwith a yard and a largegarden.
13. Sincelastschool term – sinceApril 2010 ourschool has beenunderconstraction.Educationtakesplace in spare schools in Rimavska Sobota.