Slovenia is a Central European country with a population of 2 million people. It has Alps mountains and access to the Mediterranean Sea. The capital is Ljubljana and Slovenia has been an EU member since 2004. The country has four seasons and three main climate types. The Slovene language is part of the Southern Slavic language group and is an official EU language. Typical Slovenian foods show influences from neighboring Austria, Italy, Hungary, and the Balkans.
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Slovenia in brief
? Central
? Alps and the
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Slovenia in brief
? Population of 2 million
? The capital is Ljubljana
? EU member since 2004
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Slovene language
? the Southern Slavic language group
? Slovene is one of official language of EU
? Good morning! Dobro jutro!
? Good afternoon! Dober dan!
? Good night! Dober ve?er!
? Thank you! Hvala!
? Good bye! Adijo! Nasvidenje!
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Climate and weather
? 4 seasons
? 3 district climate types
Continental and Alpine
? average summer
temperature is 77F/ 25C
? average winter
temperature is 28F/-2C
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? Austro-German influence: grilled sausage and
apple strudel
? Italian influence: ?linkrofi (like ravioli)
? Hungarian influence: gola? (goulash) and
paprika? (beef or chicken stew)
? Balkan influence: ?evap?i?i and burek
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? breads made for special occasions
? ?truklji
? potica
? gibanica
? beef broth with thin egg noodles
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? the economic front-runner of the countries
that joined the EU in 2004
? first new member which adopted the euro
in 2007
? held the presidency of the EU in the first
half of 2008