This document introduces a new sport called "Smaaaash" which involves using an iron's steam against a towel-covered face. Players take turns as the "former" who smashes the steam released by the "latter" who controls the iron, with the goal of leaving different levels of wetness on the towel. Players each get three turns, after which they must do 100 pumps if they are deemed the loser based on the towel's wetness.
6. Have you refreshed?
There is a rule of this newly sport.
Decide a rival whoever you want to match with.
Decide a former and latter by coin toss.
Latter prepares to push the steam button of iron.
Push it whenever latter want.
Former, Smash the steam!
When he/she smash it, check the level of wet. (deep/light as your feeling)
Change their turn and try to do it again one by one.
they try it each three times, check each other that's wetness.
If you lose, you pump yourself up 100 times!!