Ron Immink is the founder of Smallbusinesscan, which aims to help small businesses grow beyond their competence through decision grids, articles, tools, and insights in an open source Wikipedia-style platform. Smallbusinesscan also allows entrepreneurs to ask questions, get feedback, and connect with over 6,000 other business people. Immink is seeking feedback on how to improve Smallbusinesscan and its initiatives to grow the movement through events, media partnerships, and storytelling. He has learned that problems, solutions, ideas generation, trend watching, sales, passion and storytelling are important for strategy.
2. Ron Immink Founder smallbusinesscan Represent Skysong ASU in Europe CEO Bookbuzz Managed Invent-DCU BA Small Business Entrepreneur since 1988 Specialist in small business development (OECD/EBRD/ILO) Author Clueless about technology
7. Smallbusinesscan what does it do Layer 2: Decision grid Identify your growth stage Issues to address to move up the growth curve Articles, toolset, insights Open source Wikipedia for and by entrepreneurs
11. Smallbusinesscan initiatives Grow the movement Science gallery Invention corner Ideas corner Behind closes doors sessions Media partners (stories)
12. What I learned? Problem, solution, magic Ideas generation Trend watching Team Sales, sales, sales (the new fundraising) Passion Story telling Strategy
14. Guy Gawasaki Problem Solution Market Technology Business model Routes to market Marketing and sales Competition Management team Financial projections and metrics Milestones
15. What would google do? Break from the pack, Harari 33 strategies of war, Robert Green Funky business Mavericks at work Faith Popcorn: Popcorn report Clicking