This document discusses key aspects of small family businesses. It begins by outlining factors that make family businesses unique, such as drawing on family relationships during challenges and prioritizing the community. It then explores competing interests between family and business concerns. The document also examines advantages like long-term planning, the founder's imprint on company culture, and defining family roles and relationships. It emphasizes the need for professional management practices and succession planning to help a family business function effectively across generations.
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Mustafa ZER 293422 - M.I.S.
2. Looking AHEAD
1. Discuss the factors that make a family business
2. Explain the forces that can keep a family business
moving forward.
3. Outline the complex roles and relationships involved
in a family business.
4. Identify management practices that enable a family
business to function effectively.
5. Describe the process of managerial succession in a
family business.
After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:
3. What Is a Family Business?
Family Business
A company that two or more members of the same
family own or operate together or in succession.
Smith Family HardwareSmith Family Hardware
Est. 1935Est. 1935
5. Family and Business Overlap
Family Concerns
Care and nurturing of family
Employment and
advancement in the firm
Loyalty to the family
Business Concerns
Production and distribution
of goods and/or services
Need for professional
Effective and efficient
operation of the firm
6. Advantages of a Family Business
Strength of family relationships during challenging
periods of business change
Financial sacrifices that family members make for the
good of the firm
Operation as a family business distinguishes the firm
from its competitors
Higher levels of concern for its community and non-
family employees
Capability to plan and prepare for the long haul
Emphasis on quality and value
8. Family Business Momentum
The Founders Imprint on the Culture
The founders core values become a transmitted part
of the culture (for better or worse).
Organizational Culture
Patterns of behaviors and beliefs that characterize a
particular firm.
Family Business Cultural Values
Mutual respect
Wise use of resources
Personal responsibility
10. Family Roles and Relationships
Parental Concerns in Passing the Business On:
Does my child possess the temperament and ability necessary
for business leadership?
How can I, the founder, motivate my child to take an interest in
the business?
What type of education and expertise will be most helpful in
preparing my child for leadership?
What timetable should I follow in employing and promoting my
How can I avoid favoritism in managing and developing my
How can I prevent the business relationship from damaging or
destroying the parentchild relationship?
11. Family Roles and Relationships
HusbandWife Teams
Opportunity to share more in each others lives
Business differences interfere with family life
Work doesnt leave time for family life
Sharing family responsibilities eases the load
Sons and Daughters
Personal preferences different from the business
Personal qualifications insufficient to assume role in
Desire for personal freedom to choose another career
12. Family Roles and Relationships
Sibling Cooperation, Sibling Rivalry
Best case: siblings work as a team, each contributing
services according to his or her abilities
Worst case: siblings compete as rivals and disagree
about their business roles.
13. Family Roles and Relationships
In-laws In and Out of the Business
Disagreements about how to treat and reward in-laws
and family members/children
Assign to different branches or
to different business roles
The Entrepreneurs Spouse
Communication between
entrepreneur and spouse is
critical for their performance as
an effective team for both the
business and the family.
14. Professional Management
of the Family Firm
The Need for Good Management
Best Practices:
Stimulate new thinking and fresh strategic insights.
Solicit outsiders input to keep perspective.
Attract and retain excellent managers.
Create a flexible, creative organization.
Create and conserve capital.
Prepare successors for leadership.
Exploit unique advantages of family ownership.
15. Professional Management
of the Family Firm
Nonfamily Employees in a Family Firm
Competition with family members for advancement
Getting caught in the crossfire and politics of family
competition within the firm
Identify family-only reserved positions in advance.
Treat both family and nonfamily employees fairly in
matters of reward and promotion.
16. Professional Management
of the Family Firm
Family Retreats
A gathering of family
members, usually at a
remote location, to
discuss family business
Use of an outside
facilitator may be
Set a time and place.
Distribute an agenda
prior to the meeting.
Plan a schedule in
Give everyone a
chance to participate.
Keep it professional.
17. Professional Management
of the Family Firm
Family Councils
An organized group of family members who gather
periodically to discuss family-related business issues.
Represent the family to board of directors
Useful in developing family harmony
Increases understanding of family
traditions and interest
Family Business Constitution
A statement of principles intended
to guide a family firm through times
of crisis and change.
18. The Process of Leadership Succession
Available Family Talent
Guiding and supporting the work
and development of a new or less-
experienced organization member.
Allowing only qualified competent
family members to assume leadership
roles in the firm increases the value of
the firm for all who have an ownership
interest in it.
20. Conditions Favoring Successful
Leadership Succession in a Family Firm
A sound, profitable business
Stable, healthy family relationships
Advance planning for leadership succession
Positive family leadership and a team-oriented
management structure
Presentation of career opportunities without
Open communication on family business issues
21. Reluctant Parents and Ambitious Children
Transfer of Ownership
Passing ownership of a family business to the next
Who will inherit the family firm? When?
Should each heir receive an equal share?
Should ownership be transferred gradually?
How are tax considerations to be handled?
What to do with other wealth and assets of the
founding entrepreneur?