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Smart Reading Online Workshop
Part 1: Active and Passive Reading
      Created by: Jane Mangano
Active reading
What is Active Reading?
 Reading with a purpose
 Having goals
What is Active Reading?
 Knowing what is important
What is Active Reading?
 Creating an overview
What is Active Reading?
 Being flexible
What is Active Reading?
 Knowing the various structures of each text
What is Passive Reading?
 Reading without questioning
What is Passive Reading?
 No purpose or goals
What is Passive Reading?
 Focus on number of pages read

 Complete Task 1 reflection in the AESC unit
  on BB.
 This should take about five minutes.
 Think about how satisfied you are with the
  reading experience you wrote about.
 Would you like to be more productive?
  Remember more? Produce better notes?
 By the end of this workshop, you should have
  the strategies that will enhance your next
  reading experience.

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