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In modern retail business, increasing standards, automation, and technologies
have led to vast amounts of data Becoming available, however, business
decision-making process has become complicated. Traditional database system
has been unable to meet users' demand in mass data intelligent analysis &
forecast. How to change the existing situation of "mass data, poor knowledge",
support better business decision-making and help enterprises increase profits
and market share become the business and IT sector issues of mutual concern.
Self-checkout has quickly become an important retail front-end technology,
processing transactions worth $161 billion in 2005, according to a recent study
by IHL Consulting Group. Sales through self-checkout are forecasted to reach
as high as $850 billion by 2009. Given this potential level of shopper
acceptance, many retailers are focused on enticing more customers to use self-
checkout solutions in order to achieve a higher return on their investment (ROI).
Their objective is to demonstrate to shoppers that self-checkout is a
comparable or better option than traditional
 There are scenarios within the retail industry where it is desirable for
the POS to be handled by an external process. One example would be
a SCO solution where only the lane and transaction workflow is
controlled and the rest of behavior is left to the integrated point of sale
solution. It is here where the new Remote POS component will be
utilized to offer the complete offering. The following class diagram
depicts how the Remote POS component can be integrated with
TPiSCAN to offer a Complete SCO solutions
 To integrate Existing Retail-J with the TPiSCAN SCO solution provided
by Wincor Nixdorf. An adapter framework is available as the
mechanism to allow for integration with the SCO offering. The adapter
handles all workflow requests between the lane and the underlying
POS solution.
 To be enhanced to introduce access to the POS functionality via a
Remote POS service. The service will provide a standard mechanism
where control of the POS workflow is being directed from an external
The implement of BI System based on JAVA has been a great success
for retail application. The main applications of the system are such as
client service management, commodity sales & outside environment
analysis, profitable analysis and KPI management, etc. There will be a
bright future of BI System in retail industry.
Lotus Forms Designer
Portlet Factory
Wincor Nixdorf - Touch Screen Monitor
Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems a
company best known for its high end UNIX workstations. Java language was designed
to be small, simple, and portable across platforms, operating systems, both at the
source and at the binary level, which means that Java programs (applet and
application) can run on any machine that has the Java virtual machine (JVM) installed.
Web server  WASCE
Web Sphere Application Server Community Edition (from now on WASCE) is a free,
certified Java EE 5 server for building and managing Java applications. It is IBM's
supported distribution of Apache Geronimo that uses Tomcat for servlet container and
Axis 2 for web services. Over 15 WASCE developers are committers in the Apache
Geronimo project.
Development tool RAD
IBM Rational Application Developer for Web Sphere Software (RAD) is an integrated
development environment (IDE), made by IBM's Rational Software division, for
visually designing, constructing, testing, and deploying Web services, portals,
and Java (J2EE) applications..
Design tool  Rational Software Architect
IBM Rational Software Architect, (RSA) made by IBM's Rational Software division, is a
modeling and development environment that uses the Unified Modeling Language
(UML) for designing architecture for C++ and Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
applications and web services. Rational Software Architect is built on the Eclipse
open-source software framework and includes capabilities focused on architectural
code analysis, C++, and model-driven development (MDD) with the UML for creating
applications and web services.
Eclipse is a toolkit which is designed for the creation of complex projects, providing
fully dynamic web application utilizing EJBs. This consist of EJB tools , CMP, data
mapping tools & a universal test client that is designed to aid testing of EJB
Database platform  DB2
DB2 Database is the database management system that delivers a flexible and cost
effective database platform to build robust on demand business applications and
supports the J2EE and web services standards
 Simplicity application development
 Uses Java technology
 Reduce administration costs
 Provides application enablement
 Improved auditing and security
Build software architecture that supports change with a common platform
that facilitates easy roundtrip engineering and synchronization of models and
Use UML to ensure the numerous stakeholders within your software
development projects are continuously communicating, and use defined
specifications to jumpstart development.
Gain insight into distributed projects and tighter control of shared information
Code Completion, instead of digging through documentation you should be able to tab
your way through methods and save yourself a lot of writing
Refactoring, Global Find and Replace is no replacement for good refactoring support,
that starts with renaming functions, variables, classes, ... and ends with some of the
functionality that you can find in current Java IDE (IntelliJ for example)
Accelerates web and mobile application development with optimization for new and
emerging programming environments.
Delivers comprehensive enterprise Java tools supporting the latest Java EE and SOA
programming models.
Supports WebSphere profiles and products including the new, lightweight IBM
WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, the full WebSphere profile and IBM
WebSphere Portal Server.
Provides an advanced test and analysis environment to further accelerate application
development, deployment and management.
Wincor Nixdorf
Enterprises and public agencies pay out high sums of money each day in the
form of wages, income support and unemployment benefits. Not only is there
an increased risk of attack, the check procedure used to date also involves
considerable work and costs for everyone involved. The solution is to move
the process onto self-service systems, so that payees can withdraw their
cash automatically.

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Smarter Retail

  • 2. AREA OF APPLICATION SMARTER RETAIL In modern retail business, increasing standards, automation, and technologies have led to vast amounts of data Becoming available, however, business decision-making process has become complicated. Traditional database system has been unable to meet users' demand in mass data intelligent analysis & forecast. How to change the existing situation of "mass data, poor knowledge", support better business decision-making and help enterprises increase profits and market share become the business and IT sector issues of mutual concern. Self-checkout has quickly become an important retail front-end technology, processing transactions worth $161 billion in 2005, according to a recent study by IHL Consulting Group. Sales through self-checkout are forecasted to reach as high as $850 billion by 2009. Given this potential level of shopper acceptance, many retailers are focused on enticing more customers to use self- checkout solutions in order to achieve a higher return on their investment (ROI). Their objective is to demonstrate to shoppers that self-checkout is a comparable or better option than traditional
  • 3. APPLICATION DESCRIPTION There are scenarios within the retail industry where it is desirable for the POS to be handled by an external process. One example would be a SCO solution where only the lane and transaction workflow is controlled and the rest of behavior is left to the integrated point of sale solution. It is here where the new Remote POS component will be utilized to offer the complete offering. The following class diagram depicts how the Remote POS component can be integrated with TPiSCAN to offer a Complete SCO solutions
  • 4. To integrate Existing Retail-J with the TPiSCAN SCO solution provided by Wincor Nixdorf. An adapter framework is available as the mechanism to allow for integration with the SCO offering. The adapter handles all workflow requests between the lane and the underlying POS solution. To be enhanced to introduce access to the POS functionality via a Remote POS service. The service will provide a standard mechanism where control of the POS workflow is being directed from an external source.
  • 5. APPLICATION IMPACT APPLICATION IMPACT: The implement of BI System based on JAVA has been a great success for retail application. The main applications of the system are such as client service management, commodity sales & outside environment analysis, profitable analysis and KPI management, etc. There will be a bright future of BI System in retail industry.
  • 7. DETAILS OF CAPABILITIES USED OF RATIONAL TOOLS: JAVA Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems a company best known for its high end UNIX workstations. Java language was designed to be small, simple, and portable across platforms, operating systems, both at the source and at the binary level, which means that Java programs (applet and application) can run on any machine that has the Java virtual machine (JVM) installed. Web server WASCE Web Sphere Application Server Community Edition (from now on WASCE) is a free, certified Java EE 5 server for building and managing Java applications. It is IBM's supported distribution of Apache Geronimo that uses Tomcat for servlet container and Axis 2 for web services. Over 15 WASCE developers are committers in the Apache Geronimo project. Development tool RAD IBM Rational Application Developer for Web Sphere Software (RAD) is an integrated development environment (IDE), made by IBM's Rational Software division, for visually designing, constructing, testing, and deploying Web services, portals, and Java (J2EE) applications..
  • 8. Design tool Rational Software Architect IBM Rational Software Architect, (RSA) made by IBM's Rational Software division, is a modeling and development environment that uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) for designing architecture for C++ and Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications and web services. Rational Software Architect is built on the Eclipse open-source software framework and includes capabilities focused on architectural code analysis, C++, and model-driven development (MDD) with the UML for creating applications and web services. ECLIPSE Eclipse is a toolkit which is designed for the creation of complex projects, providing fully dynamic web application utilizing EJBs. This consist of EJB tools , CMP, data mapping tools & a universal test client that is designed to aid testing of EJB Database platform DB2 DB2 Database is the database management system that delivers a flexible and cost effective database platform to build robust on demand business applications and supports the J2EE and web services standards
  • 9. DB2 Simplicity application development Uses Java technology Reduce administration costs Provides application enablement Improved auditing and security RSA Build software architecture that supports change with a common platform that facilitates easy roundtrip engineering and synchronization of models and code. Use UML to ensure the numerous stakeholders within your software development projects are continuously communicating, and use defined specifications to jumpstart development. Gain insight into distributed projects and tighter control of shared information
  • 10. ECLIPSE Code Completion, instead of digging through documentation you should be able to tab your way through methods and save yourself a lot of writing Refactoring, Global Find and Replace is no replacement for good refactoring support, that starts with renaming functions, variables, classes, ... and ends with some of the functionality that you can find in current Java IDE (IntelliJ for example) RAD Accelerates web and mobile application development with optimization for new and emerging programming environments. Delivers comprehensive enterprise Java tools supporting the latest Java EE and SOA programming models. Supports WebSphere profiles and products including the new, lightweight IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, the full WebSphere profile and IBM WebSphere Portal Server. Provides an advanced test and analysis environment to further accelerate application development, deployment and management.
  • 11. Wincor Nixdorf Enterprises and public agencies pay out high sums of money each day in the form of wages, income support and unemployment benefits. Not only is there an increased risk of attack, the check procedure used to date also involves considerable work and costs for everyone involved. The solution is to move the process onto self-service systems, so that payees can withdraw their cash automatically.