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My job at a Unilever spin out company

               Karin Maaijen - September13, 2012

    What do we do?

       We sell oxidation catalysts based solutions for saving:
           Energy
           Water
           Waste
        and offer
           Substitution of “under-threat” technologies
           Improved application performance

       We protect our markets using intellectual assets:
           Broad IP portfolio on catalysts acquired from Unilever in 2006/7
           Significant patent additions in last 7 years (17 patents published)

       We make money by making and selling products.

       We outsource manufacturing through exclusive deals

2                                                                             September 2012
Unilever spin out
    History                                          Current company

    1994 Unilever developed an active                   Two technical platforms in commercial
         manganese bleach catalyst for                   use
         domestic detergent cleaning
    2004 Seed funding by Unilever Ventures to           Small company; 10-11 people;
         test catalyst for industrial applications       NL, UK, PRC

    2006 Unilever Ventures set-up Rahu
         Catalytics to commercialise this and           Commercial headquarters in UK
         related catalysts
                                                        Strong R&D capabilities and IP
    2010 Second generation manganese
         catalyst developed
                                                        Development for different application

    2008 Iron catalyst found to be active for           Aim from Unilever Ventures (main
                                                         shareholder): selling Catexel at certain
    2009 paint drying , exclusive licence to
         OMG                                             point to a chemical industry company
         Rahu/Fe-catalyst for paints coatings
         sold to OMG, set-up of Catexel

3                                                                              September 2012
                                        Oxidation Catalysis
                                 Transition metal – ligand complexes

         Peroxide activators/catalysts                   Alkylhydroperoxide activation
          DRAGON & PEGASUS                                         FeONIX
          Mn-Me3TACN chemistry                              Fe-bispidon chemistry

      Cellulosic bleaching (cotton, viscose & pulp)    Alkylhydroperoxide activation for
      Starch modification                              polymerisation and radical-based synthesis
      Chemical synthesis (epoxidation, etc)            Detergents and cleaning (stain removal)
      Laundry and dishwash detergents and              Note: FeONIX/inks, coatings and composites
      cleaning (stain removal)                         sold to OMG

4                                                                              September 2012
Chemistry from A to B
                             Dragon & Pegasus                                                               FeONIX
                                              2+                                       2+
                Me           Me                              N                 N
                        O                                                                                            N
                N        N                                                                                      O         O
    Me    N       Mn O Mn          N Me
                                                        N         Mn   O Mn
                                                                                   N                                 O
                N        N                                   N                 N                            O                 O
                     O                                            O        O
                Me     Me

                                                                                                                N         N

    From detergent applications to industrial cotton and wood                               From tomato stain bleaching to paint drying.
    pulp bleaching.
                                                            OH   O
           OH                                      HO                                                                                H H
                            OX    OH
                                                    Morin               OH                                                        Unsaturated oil

                                                    Raw cotton chromophores
    HO              O

    HO              O                  O                               R
                                   OH                            OH
                            OX                                                                                      linseed oil                 O
           OH                                                                  OMe                                                      O
         Tea stains : theaflavins                                                                                                           O

                                                                       OMe                                                                          O

                                           Lignin residue        OH                                                       phthalic
                                       Wood pulp chromophores                                                              acid                     O

5                                                                                                                         September 2012
FeONIX as paint drier
       Alkyd paint:                                                           H       H
            Binder (unsaturated resins)                            Catalyst
            Organic solvent or water
                                                                                   C 16
            Pigments                                                          H
            Additives (e.g. paint drying catalysts)                                   R


       Cobalt soap driers:
            Possible classification of Co-2-ethylhexanoate
             as carcinogen (REACh)
            Therefore, creation of uncertainty in paint industry              +
            Issues on stability in waterborne paints                                          O

                                                                    Branching: R – R

6                   Catexel Introduction - Strictly Confidential                       September
       High activity in SB and WB paints                           10

                                                  drying time [h]
       Can be added in low dosage                                   8
       Less decolouration than Co- or Mn-soaps                      4
       High stability in WB paints
                                                                         0.079% Co            0.00065% Fe
                                                                         Co, Zr drier         new catalyst

           RahuCat successfully exited on plan in Dec 2011
           Simultaneous exit to two acquiring businesses:

           Catexel operating from 01 January 2012

7                                                                                       September 2012
My job

          Working in a spin out company
                            - pro’s and con’s –

                Flexibility
                Versatility
                Creativity
                Short lines
                Uncertainty
                Different mind set

8                                                 September 2012
SmB cafe 13 sep ’ 12 - Catexel

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SmB cafe 13 sep ’ 12 - Catexel

  • 1. My job at a Unilever spin out company Karin Maaijen - September13, 2012 1
  • 2. Catexel What do we do?  We sell oxidation catalysts based solutions for saving:  Energy  Water  Waste and offer  Substitution of “under-threat” technologies  Improved application performance  We protect our markets using intellectual assets:  Broad IP portfolio on catalysts acquired from Unilever in 2006/7  Significant patent additions in last 7 years (17 patents published)  We make money by making and selling products.  We outsource manufacturing through exclusive deals 2 September 2012
  • 3. Unilever spin out History Current company 1994 Unilever developed an active  Two technical platforms in commercial manganese bleach catalyst for use domestic detergent cleaning 2004 Seed funding by Unilever Ventures to  Small company; 10-11 people; test catalyst for industrial applications NL, UK, PRC 2006 Unilever Ventures set-up Rahu Catalytics to commercialise this and  Commercial headquarters in UK related catalysts  Strong R&D capabilities and IP 2010 Second generation manganese catalyst developed  Development for different application areas 2008 Iron catalyst found to be active for  Aim from Unilever Ventures (main shareholder): selling Catexel at certain 2009 paint drying , exclusive licence to OMG point to a chemical industry company 2011 Rahu/Fe-catalyst for paints coatings sold to OMG, set-up of Catexel 3 September 2012
  • 4. Catexel Oxidation Catalysis Transition metal – ligand complexes Peroxide activators/catalysts Alkylhydroperoxide activation DRAGON & PEGASUS FeONIX Mn-Me3TACN chemistry Fe-bispidon chemistry Cellulosic bleaching (cotton, viscose & pulp) Alkylhydroperoxide activation for Starch modification polymerisation and radical-based synthesis Chemical synthesis (epoxidation, etc) Detergents and cleaning (stain removal) Laundry and dishwash detergents and Note: FeONIX/inks, coatings and composites cleaning (stain removal) sold to OMG 4 September 2012
  • 5. Chemistry from A to B Dragon & Pegasus FeONIX 2+ 2+ Me Me N N N O O N N N O O Me N Mn O Mn N Me N Mn O Mn N O N N N N O O O O O Me Me N N N From detergent applications to industrial cotton and wood From tomato stain bleaching to paint drying. pulp bleaching. OH O OH OH C OH HO H H OX OH Morin OH Unsaturated oil OH Raw cotton chromophores HO O HO O O R glycerol OH OH OX linseed oil O OH OMe O R OH Tea stains : theaflavins O O OMe O Lignin residue OH phthalic Wood pulp chromophores acid O O anhydride 5 September 2012
  • 6. FeONIX as paint drier C  Alkyd paint: H H O2  Binder (unsaturated resins) Catalyst H O2  Organic solvent or water C 16  Pigments H RH  Additives (e.g. paint drying catalysts) R HO O  Cobalt soap driers: Catalyst  Possible classification of Co-2-ethylhexanoate O as carcinogen (REACh)  Therefore, creation of uncertainty in paint industry + O  Issues on stability in waterborne paints O Branching: R – R R–O–R R–O–O–R 6 Catexel Introduction - Strictly Confidential September 2012
  • 7. FeONIX 12  High activity in SB and WB paints 10 drying time [h]  Can be added in low dosage 8 6  Less decolouration than Co- or Mn-soaps 4 2  High stability in WB paints 0 0.079% Co 0.00065% Fe Co, Zr drier new catalyst  RahuCat successfully exited on plan in Dec 2011  Simultaneous exit to two acquiring businesses:  Catexel operating from 01 January 2012 7 September 2012
  • 8. My job  Working in a spin out company - pro’s and con’s –  Flexibility  Versatility  Creativity  Short lines  Uncertainty  Different mind set 8 September 2012