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Sales Mastery CoreTM
(2-day boot camp)
WHY                                                 LEARN TO
 TOO mANY cOmpANiEs are asking                       l   Determine what you really have to sell: your Differentiating Value.
 their reps to compete successfully in               l   Identify the pivotal point where sales are made or lost.
 todays competitive selling environment
                                                     l   Define emotional vs. logical prospects and their decision-making process.
 using yesterdays outdated traditional
 selling skills! That can be a problem               l   Help your prospect create the budget for your product or service.
 when todays selling process has entirely           l   sell to committees effectively.
 changed and necessitates a change in                l   identify/eliminate competitive threats.
 selling strategies.                                 l   Move from prospecting to business development.
 send your sales reps to two days                    l   Reach prospects with email, direct mail and voice mail.
 of intensive sales training and                     l   Develop your 20-second introduction.
 provide them with the skills they                   l   prevent commoditization of your product or service.
 need to succeed in todays highly
 competitive markets.
 Sales Reps, Sales Managers, Sales
                                                     l   more than 15 hours of lively, informative, interactive training
                                                         tailored to the specifics of relationship selling
 Engineers, Tele-Sales Reps, Marketing               l   A comprehensive RevenueKeys sales mastery core workbook
 Managers and all others who sell in the             l   sales person skills Assessment
 relationship selling arena, where the               l   pre-course and post-course e-learning courses on:
 environment is highly competitive and                   Differentiating Value and Essential Questions
 consultative selling skills are a must              l   4 advanced reinforcement clinics listed on our training schedule
 for success.                                            (www.slatterysales.com)
 satisfaction management                                 slattery sales process Works for Bellcomb
 systems Lauds slattery                                  By using the Slattery Sales process, one of our consultants landed the biggest single
 sales process                                           order weve ever received, besting the previous record by more than 30%. She
 After hearing about Slattery Sales group               successfully navigated a well-established process designed to break down potential
 from several different colleagues, the program          vendors. Our clients process features pre-planned, last-minute (with a looming
 sounded like it could help me open more                 deadline) calls that apply cost pressures to the sales executive. The Slattery
 doors --- specifically how to get to the right        Difference made all the difference. She knew what was happening, what cards to play
 person. Terry levels the client/vendor playing          and when to play them; including the willingness NOT to negotiate at certain times.
 field by using a psychological approach to              We won their respect and their business while solving a particularly sensitive
 balance out the strategic and tactical elements         problem. And at the moment, another Slattery graduate is closing in on a deal that
 of execution, addressing how to effectively             may break this fresh record.
 communicate with and qualify customers to
 drastically increase efficiency and accuracy,           Mark Philion, Director of Sales, Bellcomb
 which provides a much higher level of sales             BEllcOMB, THE fASTEST gROWINg AND WORlDS lARgEST SupplIER Of lIgHTWEIgHT
 force execution.                                       cOMpOSITE STRucTuRAl pANElS fOR cOMMERcIAl puRpOSES, SOlVES THE pROBlEMS
                                                         Of pRODucT MANufAcTuRERS By HElpINg THEM MAkE THEIR ASSEMBlIES lIgHTER AND
 Dr. Matthew J. Coumbe, Ph.D.,
                                                         STRONgER, gAININg A DIffERENTIAl ADVANTAgE IN THEIR RESpEcTIVE MARkETS.
 SMS Senior Consultant,
 Satisfaction Management Systems

 cLicK ON:                          2-DAY BOOT cAmp iNVEsTmENT:                           GUARANTEE: We are so confident about the
 FOR cUsTOmERs >                    $1995 per person                                      strength of this program that at the end of the
                                                                                          first day of training, if you are not completely
 cALENDAR / TRAiNiNG                TimE: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
                                                                                          satisfied, we will refund your entire investment
 REGisTRATiON                       LOcATiON: 4940 Viking Drive, Suite 101, Edina,        with no questions asked.
                                    MN 55435. See map at www.slatterysales.com

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  • 1. Sales Mastery CoreTM (2-day boot camp) WHY LEARN TO TOO mANY cOmpANiEs are asking l Determine what you really have to sell: your Differentiating Value. their reps to compete successfully in l Identify the pivotal point where sales are made or lost. todays competitive selling environment l Define emotional vs. logical prospects and their decision-making process. using yesterdays outdated traditional selling skills! That can be a problem l Help your prospect create the budget for your product or service. when todays selling process has entirely l sell to committees effectively. changed and necessitates a change in l identify/eliminate competitive threats. selling strategies. l Move from prospecting to business development. send your sales reps to two days l Reach prospects with email, direct mail and voice mail. of intensive sales training and l Develop your 20-second introduction. provide them with the skills they l prevent commoditization of your product or service. need to succeed in todays highly competitive markets. REcEiVE WHO Sales Reps, Sales Managers, Sales l more than 15 hours of lively, informative, interactive training tailored to the specifics of relationship selling Engineers, Tele-Sales Reps, Marketing l A comprehensive RevenueKeys sales mastery core workbook Managers and all others who sell in the l sales person skills Assessment relationship selling arena, where the l pre-course and post-course e-learning courses on: environment is highly competitive and Differentiating Value and Essential Questions consultative selling skills are a must l 4 advanced reinforcement clinics listed on our training schedule for success. (www.slatterysales.com) satisfaction management slattery sales process Works for Bellcomb systems Lauds slattery By using the Slattery Sales process, one of our consultants landed the biggest single sales process order weve ever received, besting the previous record by more than 30%. She After hearing about Slattery Sales group successfully navigated a well-established process designed to break down potential from several different colleagues, the program vendors. Our clients process features pre-planned, last-minute (with a looming sounded like it could help me open more deadline) calls that apply cost pressures to the sales executive. The Slattery doors --- specifically how to get to the right Difference made all the difference. She knew what was happening, what cards to play person. Terry levels the client/vendor playing and when to play them; including the willingness NOT to negotiate at certain times. field by using a psychological approach to We won their respect and their business while solving a particularly sensitive balance out the strategic and tactical elements problem. And at the moment, another Slattery graduate is closing in on a deal that of execution, addressing how to effectively may break this fresh record. communicate with and qualify customers to drastically increase efficiency and accuracy, Mark Philion, Director of Sales, Bellcomb which provides a much higher level of sales BEllcOMB, THE fASTEST gROWINg AND WORlDS lARgEST SupplIER Of lIgHTWEIgHT force execution. cOMpOSITE STRucTuRAl pANElS fOR cOMMERcIAl puRpOSES, SOlVES THE pROBlEMS Of pRODucT MANufAcTuRERS By HElpINg THEM MAkE THEIR ASSEMBlIES lIgHTER AND Dr. Matthew J. Coumbe, Ph.D., STRONgER, gAININg A DIffERENTIAl ADVANTAgE IN THEIR RESpEcTIVE MARkETS. SMS Senior Consultant, Satisfaction Management Systems VisiT WWW.sLATTERYsALEs.cOm FOR DATEs & REGisTRATiON cLicK ON: 2-DAY BOOT cAmp iNVEsTmENT: GUARANTEE: We are so confident about the FOR cUsTOmERs > $1995 per person strength of this program that at the end of the first day of training, if you are not completely cALENDAR / TRAiNiNG TimE: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm satisfied, we will refund your entire investment REGisTRATiON LOcATiON: 4940 Viking Drive, Suite 101, Edina, with no questions asked. MN 55435. See map at www.slatterysales.com