The quarterly financial statement of Summit Microfinance Development Bank for the quarter ended Ashwin 2071 shows total capital and liabilities of Rs. 1,717 million. Loans and advances totaled Rs. 1,516 million, with the largest portions being residential real estate loans below Rs. 5 million and personal home loans and loans below Rs. 5 million. The bank reported a net interest income of Rs. 33.1 million and total operating profit before provisions of Rs. 38.5 million. After accounting for provisions for possible losses of Rs. 5.4 million and other items, the bank reported a net profit of Rs. 27.1 million.
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Smfdb 7172q1a
1. /4;'RN ffix summit Microfinance Development Bank
QuarterlyF inanciaSl tatement
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Netl nteresltn come1 3,1-3,21
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G NetP rofit/LoslsF -3-r2- 3.131
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Preoaredb v ,")1-2' t-r i -r
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Position : ChiefF xecutivoef ficer
D.te : 20Jy0613