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Work together
 Life that smile together
      Smile Together Partnership

                                      Marie Myung-Hee LEE
                                  International Affairs Team
                                  Work Together Foundation

                (121-819)誤豪 襷蟲 蟲 203-4 / Tel : 02-338-0019 / Fax : 02-338-3995
Smile Together Partnership
 Joined Seoul Broadcasting
System(SBS) Hope TV : Fundraising
opportunity to fight child poverty at
both the domestic and international

 Seeking new alternative supporting
way that reflects the experiences and
errors from development assistance.

 Seeking for foreign aid models that
could reflect the professionalism and
know-how of the Work Together
We are seeking projects with following Principle
 A project physically based in a local community
 and working with residents
 A project nurturing leadership in local people
 A project which created a sustainable business model
 without harming the local community
The details of the implementation

1. Supports the foundation and management of social enterprises

     What is social enterprise?
     Social enterprise is an enterprise or organization that pursues
     the realization of Social values and solving social problems by priority,
     and conducts business and profit making.

      How does social enterprise help with child poverty?
     When the parents of poverty children have stable jobs from
     social enterprises, they can stabilize their family, properly feed their
     children and send them school so that the children can be taken
     good care of.
The details of the implementation

1. Supports the foundation and management of social enterprises

     Who runs social enterprise?
     Work Together Foundation associates with local and oversea
     organizations in Developing country and cooperates in founding and
     running social enterprises.

     Does Smile Together supports only social enterprise?
     No. Although we support founding and management of social
     enterprise for fundamental and sustainable way of solving poverty
     problem, but we also have direct supports for child poverty to resolve
     urgent and serious situations.
The details of the implementation

       2. Financial Support
          On average $30,000 (USD) for a fiscal year
          (from $20,000 to $200,000 for each project)
          Maximum 3 years straight support

          3. Non financial support
          uGET Program / Business consultancy services /
          Connecting resources and networks

   Undergraduate Global Experience Team project (uGET Program)
   The Work Together Foundation has been cooperating with Yonsei University for the uGET
   Program since 2009.
   The Work Together Foundation has sent uGET project groups to the sites where the Smile
   Together Partnership projects are going on for consultation. The outcome of the uGET project is
   maximized through the collaboration with the WT's professional pro-bono business
   management and accounting consultants. The outcome of the research and consulting through
   the uGET Project Is implemented and adopted in practice.
An umbrella
shared with Smile Together
                 Business result
       Support period : 2011.01 ~ 2012.04
Number of jobs
/Job connection

              Number of children benefitted

 If we provide jobs to parents of poverty children through social enterprise
they can have sustainable care and education with stable income.
Number of the young got empowerment/skill training 
                                   螳/蠍一蟲′ 覦螻
Through the management and development of social enterprise
     young people can grow and work蠖蠑瑚  豌 area.
                                   with dreams in local
Direct supports for children(school meal/residence/education)

                   Through direct supports for children
we directly check and improve childrens health and nurture condition.

Phnom Penh   Siem Reap     Towerville    Phoudindaeng
 Cambodia    Cambodia    The Philippines     Laos
The first
   village and children

|Open a caf辿 in downtown Phnom Penh to sell the produc
           By stable sales of the products, provide fine jobs to disabled family so
  Need     that the children from disabled family can free from poverty.

         | Open CraftPEACE Caf辿
Support with Cambodian Society of Jesus Banteay Priet

                           Financial support | 25,000 USD
                           Fund for establishing caf辿 ,
                           direct support for disabled children
                                        (14 with wheelchair 3 with house building)
                          Non financial support |
                          Consulting by marketing and
                          producing experts

         | 3 Newly employed_ 62.7 family dependents
 Changes 9.3% increase in sales
            Total sales 110,523.53USD / Caf辿 sales5,153.5 USD
Smile together partnership eng
The second
village and children

                   Siem Reap
| Provide cosmetology training to poor children
      Need Stabilize household economic conditions and increase
                 the number of self supporting individuals.

            | Establishment of
            the Lotus Hope Beauty and Hair Center
            with Lotus World
                                 Financial Support | 83,251USD
                                 Fund for Training Center
Siem Reap
                                Non financial support |
                                Hairdressing skill training provided by Lee
                                Chul Hair Ker Ker
                                Provide consulting of the center and profit
                  | 15 Complete Training / 3 Get a job
     Changes Center support Tuition fee and living cost for students
Smile together partnership eng
The third
village and children

                   The Philippines
| To relieve poverty for Towerville refugees
                    The participating women benefit from working at home,
        Need        which allows them to take care of their children.

              | Establishment of the CAMP Sewing Center
      Support with CAMP Asia

                                 Financial Support | 32,420 USD
                                 Fund for Sewing Center , Child Care
Towerville                                  102 Daily care and school meal for children
                                 Non Financial Support |
                                 Consulting from management

                    | 40 got skill trained_ 36 acquired sewing certificate
       Changes Attained 3,800,000 won of sales from selling trial products
Smile together partnership eng
The fourth
  village and children

| Bring up more young local leaders
              To grow more competent young leaders who can contribute
    Need      to their society and fostering economic development.

          | Open Caf辿 ZoomSun /
  Support Establish Vieng Samai elementary school
          with AVAN Korea Phoudindaeng Youth Center

                           Financial Support | 40,400 USD
Vang                       Fund for Cafe, Elementary School
Laos                      Non Financial Support |
                          Caf辿 management consulting
                          And midterm strategy plan

            | 200 Youth participation / 8 Additional jobs
    Changes Sales 426USD 2011.12.22 Open
Smile together partnership eng
743 smiles and hopes that we found together for one year

   Lack of understanding between the Foundation
   and the local partner organization

  Time to nurture a social enterprise

   Dilemma to attract external customers and resources
Evaluation Criteria
of social purpose and the social problem that needs to be solved
or actual establishment of social enterprises that aim to provide solutions
for impoverished children
of providing direct support to impoverished children
Networking with the local community
Enterprise sustainability
even after support from the Work Together Foundation
Institutions ability to conduct the enterprise responsibly
Effective budgeting and ensuring transparency
Work together society, opens the
future together
Work Together Foundation is aiming for a world in which people who
wants to work can find hope from work and talk about happiness.

Smile Together Partnesrship have been try to provide sustainable work
for a parent rather than giving breads to bigger number of children.
The images of their parents working, and their sisters and brothers
training to work are becoming dreams in childrens hearts.

Work Together Foundation will contribute in making happy global village
by creating sustainable work places and resolving polarization beyond
Asia through Smile Together Partnership.
We look forward for your future cooperation.

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  • 1. Work together Life that smile together Smile Together Partnership Marie Myung-Hee LEE Head International Affairs Team Work Together Foundation (121-819)誤豪 襷蟲 蟲 203-4 / Tel : 02-338-0019 / Fax : 02-338-3995 www.hamkke.org
  • 3. Background Joined Seoul Broadcasting System(SBS) Hope TV : Fundraising opportunity to fight child poverty at both the domestic and international level Seeking new alternative supporting way that reflects the experiences and errors from development assistance. Seeking for foreign aid models that could reflect the professionalism and know-how of the Work Together Foundation
  • 4. We are seeking projects with following Principle A project physically based in a local community and working with residents A project nurturing leadership in local people A project which created a sustainable business model without harming the local community
  • 5. The details of the implementation 1. Supports the foundation and management of social enterprises What is social enterprise? Social enterprise is an enterprise or organization that pursues the realization of Social values and solving social problems by priority, and conducts business and profit making. How does social enterprise help with child poverty? When the parents of poverty children have stable jobs from social enterprises, they can stabilize their family, properly feed their children and send them school so that the children can be taken good care of.
  • 6. The details of the implementation 1. Supports the foundation and management of social enterprises Who runs social enterprise? Work Together Foundation associates with local and oversea organizations in Developing country and cooperates in founding and running social enterprises. Does Smile Together supports only social enterprise? No. Although we support founding and management of social enterprise for fundamental and sustainable way of solving poverty problem, but we also have direct supports for child poverty to resolve urgent and serious situations.
  • 7. The details of the implementation 2. Financial Support On average $30,000 (USD) for a fiscal year (from $20,000 to $200,000 for each project) Maximum 3 years straight support 3. Non financial support uGET Program / Business consultancy services / Connecting resources and networks Undergraduate Global Experience Team project (uGET Program) The Work Together Foundation has been cooperating with Yonsei University for the uGET Program since 2009. The Work Together Foundation has sent uGET project groups to the sites where the Smile Together Partnership projects are going on for consultation. The outcome of the uGET project is maximized through the collaboration with the WT's professional pro-bono business management and accounting consultants. The outcome of the research and consulting through the uGET Project Is implemented and adopted in practice.
  • 8. An umbrella shared with Smile Together Business result Support period : 2011.01 ~ 2012.04
  • 9. 25155 Number of jobs /Job connection Number of children benefitted If we provide jobs to parents of poverty children through social enterprise they can have sustainable care and education with stable income.
  • 10. 320 Number of the young got empowerment/skill training 螳/蠍一蟲′ 覦螻 Through the management and development of social enterprise young people can grow and work蠖蠑瑚 豌 area. with dreams in local
  • 11. 268 Direct supports for children(school meal/residence/education) Through direct supports for children we directly check and improve childrens health and nurture condition.
  • 12. 4villages Phnom Penh Siem Reap Towerville Phoudindaeng Cambodia Cambodia The Philippines Laos
  • 13. The first village and children Phnom Penh
  • 14. |Open a caf辿 in downtown Phnom Penh to sell the produc By stable sales of the products, provide fine jobs to disabled family so Need that the children from disabled family can free from poverty. | Open CraftPEACE Caf辿 Support with Cambodian Society of Jesus Banteay Priet Financial support | 25,000 USD Fund for establishing caf辿 , direct support for disabled children (14 with wheelchair 3 with house building) Non financial support | Consulting by marketing and producing experts | 3 Newly employed_ 62.7 family dependents Changes 9.3% increase in sales Total sales 110,523.53USD / Caf辿 sales5,153.5 USD
  • 16. The second village and children Siem Reap Cambodia
  • 17. | Provide cosmetology training to poor children Need Stabilize household economic conditions and increase the number of self supporting individuals. | Establishment of the Lotus Hope Beauty and Hair Center Support with Lotus World Financial Support | 83,251USD Fund for Training Center Siem Reap Cambodia Non financial support | Hairdressing skill training provided by Lee Chul Hair Ker Ker Provide consulting of the center and profit analysis | 15 Complete Training / 3 Get a job Changes Center support Tuition fee and living cost for students
  • 19. The third village and children Towerville The Philippines
  • 20. | To relieve poverty for Towerville refugees The participating women benefit from working at home, Need which allows them to take care of their children. | Establishment of the CAMP Sewing Center Support with CAMP Asia Financial Support | 32,420 USD Fund for Sewing Center , Child Care Towerville 102 Daily care and school meal for children Philippines Non Financial Support | Consulting from management specialties | 40 got skill trained_ 36 acquired sewing certificate Changes Attained 3,800,000 won of sales from selling trial products
  • 22. The fourth village and children Vang Vieng
  • 23. | Bring up more young local leaders To grow more competent young leaders who can contribute Need to their society and fostering economic development. | Open Caf辿 ZoomSun / Support Establish Vieng Samai elementary school with AVAN Korea Phoudindaeng Youth Center Financial Support | 40,400 USD Vang Fund for Cafe, Elementary School Vieng Laos Non Financial Support | Caf辿 management consulting And midterm strategy plan | 200 Youth participation / 8 Additional jobs Changes Sales 426USD 2011.12.22 Open
  • 25. 743smile 743 smiles and hopes that we found together for one year
  • 26. Challenges Lack of understanding between the Foundation and the local partner organization Time to nurture a social enterprise Dilemma to attract external customers and resources
  • 27. Evaluation Criteria Clarity of social purpose and the social problem that needs to be solved Feasibility or actual establishment of social enterprises that aim to provide solutions for impoverished children Possibility of providing direct support to impoverished children Networking with the local community Enterprise sustainability even after support from the Work Together Foundation Institutions ability to conduct the enterprise responsibly Effective budgeting and ensuring transparency
  • 28. Work together society, opens the future together Work Together Foundation is aiming for a world in which people who wants to work can find hope from work and talk about happiness. Smile Together Partnesrship have been try to provide sustainable work for a parent rather than giving breads to bigger number of children. The images of their parents working, and their sisters and brothers training to work are becoming dreams in childrens hearts. Work Together Foundation will contribute in making happy global village by creating sustainable work places and resolving polarization beyond Asia through Smile Together Partnership. We look forward for your future cooperation.