Jack Kramer and Nick Martell, co-hosts of Robinhood's Snacks Daily podcast, whip up their 3 key takeaways from this unique moment in business: The Corona-conomy.
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Robinhood's Snacks Break: Whipping up the Corona-conomy Takeaways
3. News
Daily Ritual
Our mission during this crisis
Pants at a time like this?
4. Essential services only
Movie theaters, malls, offices closed Streaming, delivery, food open
Jobs disruption
Work from home essential work (on the front lines) mass layoffs
Stock market uncertainty
Bear market profit downgrades corporate bailouts/bankruptcies
What is the Corona-conomy?
The biggest economic transformation
weve ever seen
5. Economics
Coronavirus blew a giant hole in the economy
The Corona-conomy powerfully accelerates trends
The economy car likely isnt broken its just in the garage
Our 3 Corona-conomy Takeaways
6. Coronavirus blew a giant hole in the economy
Lost spending = lost income
$2T is a survival bill... not stimulus bill
Governments #1 goal = Keep people out of poverty
Takeaway #1 - Econ
Credit: New York Times
7. Coronavirus blew a giant hole in the economy
The questions were still asking:
Is it irresponsible to bailout industries unprepared for downturn?
How long will the economic shutdown last?
Will the economy quickly rebound?
What other economic smack is most similar to this?
Takeaway #1 - Econ
8. The Corona-conomy powerfully accelerates trends
Work from home
Cord cutting
Digital and touchless payments
Live-streamed fitness
Direct-to-streaming movies
Delivery everything
Casual workwear
Takeaway #2 - Business
9. The Corona-conomy accelerates trends
The questions were still asking:
Is the behavior shift permanent or temporary?
What strategies can a business use to retain users?
Does a first-mover advantage thrive in this moment?
How long does it take to truly build a habit?
Takeaway #2 - Business
10. Unlike in 08, the economic car likely isnt
broken its just in the garage not running
Likely winners
Stay-at-home stocks
War effort stocks
Likely losers
Just about everyone else
Travel & Leisure
IPO hopefuls
Takeaway #3 - Markets
Credit: Wall Street Journal
11. Unlike in 08, the economy car likely isnt broken its just in the garage
The questions were still asking:
Will this be a V-shaped recovery, or a long U-shaped one?
Will the government take ownership in bailout companies?
Who will enter bankruptcy?
When will the IPO market open again?
Takeaway #3 - Markets
Time Time
12. What we cant discuss
Investment advice
Recommendations to buy or sell a security
An offer or sale for any securities
What we can
The news
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How far we can run listening to 1 Snacks Daily episode
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